


Mrs. Sunandha W/o Randhir Thakur, age 35 yrs., Occ:Software - Complainant(s)


M/s Cyberabad Hitech Intergrated, Township development Corportation (P) Ltd., through GPA Holder of - Opp.Party(s)


26 Mar 2013


Complaint Case No. cc/42/2012
1. Mrs. Sunandha W/o Randhir Thakur, age 35 yrs., Occ:Software
R/o H.No.2-2-25/P/3, DD Colony, Baghamberpet, Hyderabad
1. M/s Cyberabad Hitech Intergrated, Township development Corportation (P) Ltd., through GPA Holder of AP STAte Housing BOard REp. by its MD I.Shyam prasad Reddy
Regd. Office at 1009, Phase-13, Kukatpally, Hyderabad




CC  41  of  2012



1)  Mrs. Sunanda,

W/o. Randhir Thakur


2)  Randhir Thakur,

S/o. Late Radhuraj Singh

R/o. 2-2-25/P/3

DD Colony, Baghamberpet

Hyderabad.                                                          ***                         Complainants      




1)  M/s. Cyberabad Hitech Integrated Township

Development Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

Rep. by its Managing Director

Regd. Office at : 1009, Phase-XIII

Kukatpally, Hyderabad.


2)  I. Syam Prasad Reddy

S/o. Late Venku Reddy

Whisper Valley, H.S. Durga


                                                                   ***                         Opposite Parties


CC  42  of  2012



1.  Mrs. Sunanda,

W/o. Randhir Thakur


2.  Randhir Thakur,

S/o. Late Radhuraj Singh

R/o. 2-2-25/P/3

DD Colony, Baghamberpet

Hyderabad.                                                          ***                         Complainants      



1)  M/s. Cyberabad Hitech Integrated Township

Development Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

Rep. by its Managing Director

Regd. Office at : 1009, Phase-XIII

Kukatpally, Hyderabad.






2)  I. Syam Prasad Reddy

S/o. Late Venku Reddy

Whisper Valley, H.S. Durga


                                                                   ***                         Opposite Parties


Counsel for the  Complainants:                            M/s.  G. Nanda Gopal

Counsel for the   Opposite Parties :                        M/s.  V. Gourishankara Rao




                              SMT. M. SHREESHA, PRESIDING MEMBER


                             SRI  S. BHUJANGA RAO, MEMBER



ORAL ORDER:  (Per Smt. M. Shreesha, Member)



1)               The above complaints are filed u/s 17 (a)(1) of the Consumer Protection Act seeking direction to Opposite  Parties to  deliver possession of flat Nos. 61207 & 61208  in MAPLE block  and pay interest  of Rs. 6,57,273/-  for the delay together with compensation and costs. 

2)                Since the facts  and law involved   in both the above complaints  are similar filed  against the very same opposite parties, we dispose of them by this Common order.

3)                 The brief facts as stated in the complaint are  that the complainants have entered into an agreement of sale on 12.10.2007 with  the Op for purchase of flat No. 61207  in  12th floor MAPLE  Block admeasuring 1931.90 sft together with undivided share of land at “Indu Fortune Fields (Gardenia) in S.No. 1009, KPHB Colony, Kukatpally, Ranga Reddy district  for a total consideration of Rs. 51,07,485/-.   The  Op issued an allotment letter on 12.10.2007 and the complainants  submitted that they had paid an advance of Rs. 11 lakhs at the time of agreement of sale and balance consideration of Rs. 44,07,485/-   has been arranged through HDFC bank.  The complainant submit  that they had repaid the bank loan along with interest on 22.11.2011.  

4)                As per the agreement of sale the Op has to complete the said construction within 24 months from the date of approval with a grace period of additional three months.  24 months from the date of agreement of sale + three months grace period ends by  12.1.2010.    The Op did not deliver  the possession.   The complainants rely on clause 6(d)  of the agreement  of sale which states as follows :

“The purchaser shall take possession of the schedule-C  i.e., said flat  after paying in full all the dues including deposits and charges mentioned in this agreement and overdue interest if any,  within 15 days from the date of receipt of notice in writing from  the developer intimating that the schedule-C property is ready for use and occupation.”     


5)                The complainants submit that in spite of several requests  the Op did not  did not deliver the possession of the flat and hence this complaint seeking   direction to the Op to register and deliver possession of flat No. 61207 in 12th floor of MAPLE  Block and also pay an amount of Rs. 6,57,273/- towards interest for the delayed period from 2010 to 22.11.2011 together with compensation of Rs. 2 lakhs and costs. 


6)                 The Ops filed their written version stating that Op1 is a private limited company and Op2 is the managing director of Op1 and that the directors are not liable for the debts of the company, and therefore the complaint is not maintainable against Op2 in his individual capacity.    The Ops admit that the complainants entered into an agreement of sale on 12.10.2007 with Op1 for purchase of flat No. 61207 in the 12th floor and admit that the sale consideration is Rs. 51,07,485/- and the cost of amenities is Rs. 6,37,711/-.  The complainants have to make the payments as per the schedule-G  of the allotment letter i.e.,




20% at the time of booking, 

15% at the time of execution of agreement of sale.

15% in August, 2007

15%  in December, 2007

15% in March, 2008

10% in August, 2008 and

balance 10%   in December, 2008.


Thus the complainants are still due an amount of Rs. 5,10,748/- for flat unit cost plus amenities  cost of Rs. 6,37,711/- totalling  Rs. 11,48,459/- to the Op.  As per clause 1(a)  of the agreement of sale ’the sale consideration  is exclusive of  car parking, corpus fund, maintenance charges and taxes such as  VAT, service tax, stamp duty, and such other taxes that may be  introduced by the Govt./APHB or any other statutory  authorities.  The complainants are due  for payment of part amount towards flat unit cost and total amount due towards amenities cost.   The complainants are defaulters as per books of account of the OP.  The allottees  have to pay stamp duty, registration charges, transfer, legal charges, deposits for water and electricity connections, maintenance for  common facilities, car park, corpus fund and other charges as may be levied.

It is further submitted that as per payment schedule the complainants have to pay :

Rs. 10,21,497/-                       on               04.04.2007

Rs.  7,66,123/-                        on               06.05.2007                             

Rs.  7,66,123/-                        on               23.08.2007

Rs.  7,66,123/-                        on               05.12.2007

Rs.  7,66,123/-                        on               15.03.2008

Rs.  5,10,748/-                        on               13.08.2007

Rs. 5,10,748/-                         on               30.12.2008


The complainants paid an amount of Rs. 11 lakhs  but did not pay any amounts towards car parking (double), corpus fund, maintenance, piped gas, water and electricity as agreed.  On 18.5.2011  the  Ops wrote a letter to the complainants to pay the due amounts which were pending since December, 2008.  The  Op also issued final reminder on 6.4.2011  through e-mail  to hand over possession of the flat to the complainants subject to payment of balance towards unit cost and amenities cost.  On 8.7.2011  the  Op intimated to the complainants that the flat was ready and requested  to make due payments.  The complainants  visited the flat only in the month of January, 2012 and suggested some changes which the Op rectified by 1st week of April, 2012 and kept the flat under observation for two weeks for testing the leakages.  On 17.4.2012 the Op informed the complainants that the flat is ready for occupation and requested to pay the due amount of Rs. 11,48,459/-.    The Ops are entitled to claim interest @ 18% p.a. as per clause-2 of the agreement of sale for any default in payments.   It is the complainants who are defaulters  and there is no deficiency in service on their behalf and seek  dismissal of the complaint with costs. 

7)                The complainants filed their affidavits by way of evidence and filed Ex. A1 to A6 are marked on their behalf.  The Ops also filed their affidavits by way of evidence and  Ex. B1 to B9 are marked on their behalf.

8)                The brief point that arises for consideration is whether there was any deficiency in service on behalf of Ops and whether  the complainants  are entitled to the reliefs  sought for in the complaint?


9)                The facts not in dispute are that the complainants entered into agreement of sale with Ops  on 12.10.2007 evidenced under Ex. A1 for purchase of flat No. 61207  in  12th floor MAPLE  block admeasuring 1931.90 sft together with undivided share of land at ‘Indu Fortune Fields (Gardenia)’ in S.No. 1009, KPHB Colony, Kukatpally for a total consideration of Rs. 51,07,485/- and paid an advance of Rs. 11 lakhs  on the date of agreement and agreed to pay balance of sale consideration of Rs. 40,07,485/- as per Schedule-G.    It is also not in dispute that as per the agreement of sale the said flat is  supposed to be handed over to the complainants  within 24 months from the date of approvals + 3 months grace period and equally the complainants have to pay the amounts as per Schedule-G which is payment schedule.     Ex. A1 agreement of sale gives the schedule of payment:





20% at the time of booking, 

15% at the time of execution of agreement of sale.

15% in August, 2007

15%  in December, 2007

15% in March, 2008

10% in August, 2008 and

balance 10%   in December, 2008.



10)              It is the complainants case that in spite of payment of  a major portion of sale consideration, the Ops did not deliver the possession of flat.   Ex. A3 evidences that the complainant had taken a housing loan from HDFC bank which has also been repaid.   Ex. A2 includes  tripartite agreement between the Ops, HDFC bank and the complainants herein.   The complainants sent an e-mail on 24.8.2011 to  the Ops  stating that  as the flat  Nos.   61207 and 61208   of  ‘Indu Project’ have not been delivered to them on time they have been paying  substantial amount of interest on home loans.   Thereafter  there is correspondence between the complainants and Ops evidenced under e-mails Ex. A4 and  on 25.8.2011 the complainants vide e-mail had sought for compensation for the expenses incurred by the complainants because of the delay in handing over the possession.  The Ops vide their e-mail dt.   14.7.2011 stated that the apartment is ready for possession and that they  are not ready to pay interest on behalf of the complainants.    Ex. A5 is the certificate of incorporation of the company.   Ex. A6 is the legal notice got issued by the complainants to Op1 on 24.3.2012 seeking for handing  over possession of  flat No. 67207.   Ex. B1 to B4  are the exchange of e-mails between the parties dt. 17.4.2012, 14.2.2012, 8.7.2011 in which the complainants have sought for some rectification of defects i.e, water seepage from the ceiling for which Ops vide Ex. B2 replied that  the said seepage would be rectified.  Ex. B4 e-mail evidences that the flat was ready for occupation as on 8.7.2011 but there after the complainants have sought for rectification of some leakages which was done by the Ops subsequently.  Ex. B5 is an e-mail dt. 6.4.2011 addressed to complainants  in which Ops have  stated that “this is to inform you that your unit is ready for final handover.  Request you to please make the  balance payment if any at the earliest and take hand over of the unit.  You are also requested to visit the office for an inspection latest by 15.4.2011 failing which the unit will be deemed as final hand over.”   Ex. B6  is the  letter  addressed by Op1 to  the complainants demanding them  to pay outstanding  amount of Rs. 9,48,959/-  together with interest at  Rs. 2,18,376/-  as  per clause 2(b) of the agreement of sale which states that the payments not received on time will attract  an interest @ 18% p.a.   Ex. B7 is the demand note which gives the breakup of the amount of Rs. 11,48,459/- as follows :

          1.       Unit cost due                           Rs.  5,10,748/-

          2.       Car Parking                             Rs.  3,50,000/-

          3.      Corpus Fund                            Rs.  1,00,000/-

          4.       Maintenance                            Rs.     35,711/-

          5.      Piped Gas                                 Rs.     27,000/-

          6.      Water & Electricity                   Rs.  1,25,000/-


                   Total                                        Rs. 11,48,459/-



11)              Ex. B8 gives the payment schedule which has to be made as per the agreed terms.   The counsel for the complainants submitted that there is no evidence to show that there are dues from them whereas Ops counsel submits that Ex. B7 and B8 show the outstanding amounts from the complainants.  



12)              The Ops counsel submitted that they are ready and willing to  deliver the flat  if  the complainants are ready to pay the dues.  Since there is contributory negligence on behalf of both sides i.e,  the complainant have not paid the outstanding amounts,  equally the Ops have not delivered the said flat to the complainants  in defect free condition i.e.,  rectification of leakages of seepage.  The learned counsel for the complainant  filed a statement of account stating  the  payments made by the complainants for flat Nos. 61207 & 61208 which reads as follows : 

Statement of Account for the flat Nos. 61207  & 62108

Total Cost of the two flats

Flat No. 61207                                  Rs. 51,07,485

Flat No. 61208                                  Rs. 35,69,070

                                                          ------------------                 86,76,555

Less: Advance paid for

both the flats                                     Rs. 17,21,210

Less: Amount paid by the

Bank                                                 Rs. 60,87,688

                                                          ------------------                 78,08,898


Balance outstanding                                                                  8,67,657

Add:  Amenities for flat No. 61207

(Car parking double, corpus fund etc.)       6,37,711

Add: Amenities for flat No. 61208                  20,122

                                                                   -----------                6,57,833


Total due amount including                                                    15,25,490/-

Amenities to Ops                                                                     ---------------


i.e.,    CC No. 41/2012                      Rs. 11,48,459/-

CC No. 42/2012                      Rs.   3,77,031/-


13)              Keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the case, we are of the considered  opinion  that the complainants have to pay Rs. 11,48,459/- in CC No. 41/2012 and Rs. 3,77,071/- in CC 42/2012  and the opposite parties within four weeks from the date of receipt of this order and on receipt of such amounts from the complainants,  shall hand over possession  of flat No. 61207 and flat No. 61208 to the complainants herein in a defect free condition. 



14)              The learned counsel for the complainants submitted that the complainants are entitled to  interest  on the amounts  paid to the bank as there was delay in  handing over possession of flats by the opposite parties.    Equally the counsel for the opposite parties contended that  they were ready and willing to hand over possession  of flats but  complainants have not paid the entire amounts. 

15)              We rely on Clause-6 of the agreement  with respect to  delivery of possession.  It states that the opposite parties  should deliver the flats  within 24 months from the date of  approvals + three months grace period.   The date of agreement is dt.  12.10.2007. Clause-6(d) of the agreement reads as follows:

 “The purchaser shall take possession of the schedule-C  i.e., said flat  after paying in full all the dues including deposits and charges mentioned in this agreement and overdue interest if any,  within 15 days from the date of receipt of notice in writing from  the developer intimating that the schedule-C property is ready for use and occupation”



16)              It is an admitted fact that the complainants did not  pay the full sale consideration, equally there is contributory negligence  on both sides.   We observe from the record that  the opposite parties have sent e-mails  asking the complainants to take possession of flats only in the year 2011 and then after that leakages were rectified for which act a reasonable compensation of Rs. 1 lakh  is to be paid by the  opposite parties to the complainants. 

17)              For the aforementioned reasons, as the complainants did not pay the entire sale consideration as agreed upon,  we are of the considered view that  they are not entitled to interest  on the amounts paid  by them to the bank. 






18)              In the result both  the complaints are allowed in part  and the opposite parties are directed to hand over possession of flat No. 61207  and flat No. 61208   to the complainants after receipt of balance sale consideration of Rs. 11,48,459/-  in CC No. 41/2012 and Rs. 3,77,031/- in CC No. 42/2012 within four weeks from the date of receipt of this order.    Further the opposite parties are directed to pay a compensation of Rs. 1 lakh and costs of Rs. 10,000/-  in each complaint. 



1)      _______________________________



2)           ________________________________



CC No. 41/2012





COMPLAINANTS                                                                            OPPOSITE PARTIES


None                                                                                                                           None





Ex  A1             12.10.2007                  Agreement of sale.

Ex. A2             24.10.2007                  Tripartite agreement

Ex. A3             12.11.2011                  Certificate issued by HDFC bank as to sanction of loan

of Rs. 74 lakhs to complainants

Ex. A4                ----                            Bunch of e-mails exchanged between the parties.  

Ex. A5             07.12.2001                  Certificate of incorporation of Op company.

Ex A6              24.03.2012                  Legal notice got issued by complainant to Ops.










DOCUMENTS MARKED FOR OPs:                     


Ex. B1                 ---                            e-mails exchanged between the parties. 


Ex. B5

Ex. B6             18.05.2011                  Pre-cancellation letter sent by Ops to complainant.

Ex. B7                 ---                            Demand notice  of Ops for unit No. 61207

Ex. B8                 ---                            Payment schedule relating to unit No. 61207

Ex. B9             20.10.2010                  Letter of Ops to complainants about installation of

                                                            Electricity meter and payment of bills every month.



CC No. 42/2012





COMPLAINANTS                                                                            OPPOSITE PARTIES


None                                                                                                                           None




Ex  A1             12.10.2007                  Agreement of sale.

Ex. A2             12.10.2007                  Allotment letter.

Ex. A3             12.11.2011                  Certificate issued by HDFC bank as to sanction of loan

of Rs. 74 lakhs to complainants

Ex. A4                ----                            Bunch of e-mails exchanged between the parties. 

Ex. A5             07.12.2001                  Certificate of incorporation of Op company.

Ex A6              24.03.2012                  Legal notice got issued by complainant to Ops.



DOCUMENTS MARKED FOR OPs:                     


Ex. B1                 ---                            e-mails exchanged between the parties. 


Ex. B5

Ex. B6             18.05.2011                  Pre-cancellation letter sent by Ops to complainant.

Ex. B7                 ---                            Demand notice  of Ops for unit No. 61208

Ex. B8                 ---                            Payment schedule relating to unit No. 61208






1)      _______________________________



3)           ________________________________
























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