Order No. 1 Date 22/07/2023
The case record being C.C. case No.128/2023 has been placed before the Ld. Judges of Upobhokta Lok-Adalat which is held today at the Court Room of D.C.D.R.C., Howrah. Both side and their Ld. Lawyers are found present and ready.
Heard both side. Considered submission.
In course of hearing it is revealed that O.p. has already been paid the amount of Rs.2,37,900/- to the complainant and complainant filed Demand Draft No.060496 of H.D.F.C. Bank dated 18/07/2023 and the complainant received the said Demand Draft.
As the dispute involved in this case have been amicably settled in between the parties, the Ld. Judges of the Upobhokta Lok-Adalat has no reason to stand on their way.
In the result,
it is accordingly,
o r d e r e d
That this complaint case No.128/2023 be and the same is disposed of as it is settled in between the parties.
Let the petition and the Demand Draft filed by the parties be made a part of this order.
The parties of this case are entitled to get free certified copy of this order.
Let this order be uploaded in the Official Website of D.C.D.R.C., Howrah immediately.
Dictated & corrected by me.