


Santosh Kumar Nanda - Complainant(s)


M/S- Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. & others - Opp.Party(s)

Priyabrata Sahu

12 Sep 2017


Complaint Case No. CC/94/2014
( Date of Filing : 07 Nov 2014 )
1. Santosh Kumar Nanda
At-Arya Bihar, PO/PS-Talcher
1. M/S- Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. & others
At-Raja Jagadev Singh Road, Near Bus Stand, Angul
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
Dated : 12 Sep 2017
Final Order / Judgement


: J U D G E M E N T   :


Sri D. C. Mishra, President.


            The  complainant has filed this case with prayer to direct the opp.parties to pay him  the  insurance  amount  of Rs. 11,50,000.00 with interest and  compensation towards harassment and mental agony and cost of litigation.

2.        Briefly  stated the  complainant’s case  runs thus :-


            That  on 22.6.2013 the  complainant  had insured his  truck bearing Regd. No. OR-19K- 4325 with the opp.parties for   coverage of Rs. 11,50,000.00  by paying  premium of Rs. 30,727.00  only vide  commercial vehicle package   policy No. 345902/31/2014/799  for the period  from 22.6.2013 till mid night  of  21.6.2014. On 31.8.2013  when  there  was valid  insurance the truck loaded with coal  proceeded to Bhusan Steels  situated at Kantabania  for  unloading  but  did not  reach at  the  unloading  spot. On the  next day , the complainant  learnt   about  this fact and  searched  for the  truck as well as  the  driver  and the helper  in the possible places  but  could not apprehend  them or the  truck .So on 2.9.2013  the  complainant  lodged  FIR at Talcher PS  about  disappearance of the  truck and  absconding of the  driver  and the  helper. After  lodging the FIR at  Talcher PS  the  complainant  informed  the  insurer company  (opp.party No.2 )  on 3.9.2013 and submitted  document like copy of FIR, copy of insurance certificate, RC Book of the  stolen  truck, fitness  certificate,  road permit and Tax paid receipts etc.  Thereafter, the  complainant also filed other relevant documents on various dates .On 31.12.2013  opp.party No.1 intimated the  complainant  to submit documents as per his list  and on 27.1.2014  the  complainant  complied it. Then on 26.3.2014  the  complainant  gave  reminders which   was  answered by the opp.parties  . Again on 3.6.2014 the  complainant  gave  another reminder  but it  went  unanswered.  However, on 24.10.2014  the  opp.parties  send  their letter  repudiating the  claim  of the  complainant  stating that “ the case is one  under   breach of  trust  by  own  employee (408 IPC) and not  theft and hence  no payment  can be made under  the  policy  as settlement of  claim “.It is  specifically averred that due to the  above action of the opp.parties, the  complainant  suffered  harassment , loss and  mental agony  for  which  he has  filed this  case , seeking  the reliefs  as  already  stated  above in  Para- 1  of this order.


3.        The  opp.parties have contested the case by  filing a  joint  written version  stating that the  complainant  is not a consumer  for which  the  case is not maintainable  and  that  the  complainant  has violated the  Clause No.  5  of the  policy condition  by  engaging  the driver   Subrat Naik and  helper  Mohan Naik who   are  habitual offenders  of  such  type of  criminal cases. According to the opp.parties, it  was the  bounden duty of the  complainant  to  enquire  about  the  antecedents of the  driver and helper   before  giving the truck in their  custody. It is  specifically  argued  that the   driver  belongs to village –Tentulei, though  under  Banarpal P.S but it is  very nearer to the  village of  the  complainant  and the  criminal cases against the  driver   were  pending at Talcher  Court   (arising  out of  Talcher and Vikrampur P.S cases)  for  which the  criminal  antecedent    of the  driver  was supposed to be  know  to  everybody  but the  complainant  handed  over the truck  in his  custody. Since  the   complaint  has not taken  reasonable  steps  to safeguard  the insured vehicle  from  loss or  damage, he is  not  entitled to  get the  insurance  claim. The  opp.parties  also  averred that only  in case of  theft of the insured  vehicle  claim can be  allowed  but  in this case  police has submitted charge  sheet  U/s.408/34  IPC against  the  accused   persons ,for  which  the  claim  is not legal and   cannot be  allowed. In the above  premises the  opp.parties have  prayed for dismissal of the case  as not maintainable.

4.        In view of the  rival pleadings of the parties the following issues  arise for  consideration :-



          (i)   Whether the  case is   maintainable  or not and whether the  complaint  has  cause  of action to  file the  case ?

          (ii)   Whether there is  consumer and  service  provider relationship  between the parties ?

         (iii)   Whether  the  complainant  has  violated  the   Clause No- 5 of the  policy condition and  due  to submission of   charge  sheet against the  accused  persons U/s. 408/34 IPC  in respect of the insured  truck  , the  insurance  claim of the  complainant  can be  sanctioned or  not ?

         (iv)   To what  other reliefs the  complainant  is entitled to ?


Issue No. (i):-

            Since  the  insured  truck of the  complainant was  stolen and  the opp.parties  repudiated  his insurance  claim, the  complaint  has cause of action to  file  the  case.

            During   valid insurance   period   i.e on  31.8.2013 the truck  was   lost.    This  forum has authority  to enquiry into the matter. So the  case is  maintainable .


Issue No.(ii):-

            Admittedly  the  complainant had insured  his  truck bearing Regd. No. OR-19K- 4325 with the  opp.parties  vide  commercial  vehicle  package  policy No. 345902/31/2014/799  by paying   premium of Rs. 30,727.00  only. So the  complainant  is  a consumer and the opp.parties  are the  service  provider.


 Issue No.(iii):-

            The learned  counsel for the opp.parties has filed  number a of  decisions  and  submitted that  insurance  claim  cannot  be given  for  the  offence  punishable  U/s. 408 IPC and in the other hand the  learned  counsel or the petitioner submitted  that as per illustration - B  of  Section -378 IPC ,Sec-379  can be  attracted  against the accused persons against  whom charge sheet  408 IPC  has been submitted. In support of  his claim, he has also  relied on  number of  decisions  of Hon’ble National Commission. The learned  counsel for the  petitioner has filed the  certified  copy of order dt. 2.8.2016 passed in  GR Case No. 1041/13  arising out of this  case (Talcher P.S Case No. 274/2013 dt. 2.9.2013) where in the learned SDJM, Talcher  has  altered the charge  very clearly, stating  that accused  Subrat Naik (driver)  of the   truck and  accused Mohan Naik ( helper) of the  truck are  to be  tried U/s. 379/381/408/34 IPC . The  learned  counsel for the opp.parties has received the  copy of this order. The  learned  court  has  altered  charge   during  trial  after perusing the evidence. Thus, accused persons  Subrat Naik  and Mohan Naik  the  driver and helper of the  insured  truck respectively are liable for  committing the  offences punishable U/s.   381/379/408/34 IPC.


              The learned counsel for the petitioner submitted  that since the insured  truck was stolen, the complainant  is entitled to get the   claim which  is clearly mentioned  in the  Clause-1(ii) of the   Commercial  Vehicle  Package Policy, for which the  complainant is entitled to  get the claim. In the  other hand  the  opp.parties’ learned  counsel  has filed  a copy of  burglary and   house  breaking  policy conditions and  submitted  that  as  per  its clause –ii the  complainant is not entitled to get the  benefit  but this  is  a separate  policy condition  and insurance  policy of the  complainant is not  covered by  this  policy .Rather  his policy  is  covered  under commercial vehicle  package policy. So the  submission of the learned counsel for  the opp.parties has no  force  at all and its  false to ground.


            The learned counsel for the opp.parties  submitted that  as per  Clause-5   of  commercial  vehicle  package  police ( the policy of the complainant)  the  complainant  should  keep the  vehicle in safe custody  to check its  loss and damage. Clause No. 5  of the commercial  vehicle package policy  reads as  follows:-



      “The insured shall take all reasonable steps to safe guard the vehicle insured from loss or damage and to maintain it in efficient condition and the Company shall have at all times free and full access to examine or any party there of or any driver or employee of the insured”.


The learned counselfor the opp.partiesvehementlyarguedthat Subrat Naik the driver of the truck was ahabitualoffenderandmany casesof thisnaturewere pendingagainsthim butwithoutenquiring about the criminalantecedentsofSubrat Naik ( driver)thecomplainant entrustedthevehicleto him, for whichitwas naturalthat thedriver would takeawaythe vehicle and theresultfollowed. In supportof hisclaim he has furnishedthecertified copy ofcharge sheetof thiscases. The forwardingreport of this accusedreveals that hewasinvolved in :-


  1. Vikrampur PS case No. 110/2013 dt. 2.11.2013 U/s. 392/IPC/25/27 Arms Act.
  2. Colliery PS Case No. 299/13  dt.17.8.2013 U/s. 408 IPC.
  3. Talcher PS Caase No. 206/12 dt. 29.6.2012 U/s. 395 IPC.


The confessional statementofaccused Subrat Naik recorded by the I.O,in thepresentcase( GR 1041/2013arising out of Talcher PS Case No. 274 dt. 2.9.2013 U/s.408 IPC), the accused hasconfessed about the crimes committed by him.Thus , the accused Subrat Naik wasdefinitely a habitualoffender.The learnedcounsel for thepetitioner submitted thataccused Subrat Naikbelongs toVillage Tenlulei whichcomesunderBanarpalPS for whichthe complainant has no knowledgeabout hiscriminalantecedentbutvillage Tentulei issituatedonly 4 to 5 K.Ms away from Talcher PSand thecomplainant wasdoingtruckbusiness. So itwas hisboundendutytoknowabout the criminal antecedentof thedriver. Hispleathat hedid notknowabout theantecedentof thedriver andin goodfaithgavethetruck in hiszimacannot be accepted and itis heldthat thecomplaintdid not takesufficientprecaution to safeguard thevehicle. Therefore, as per Clause- 5of thepolicyconditions heis not entitled toget the claim.


Issue No.(iv):-


In view of the discussion madeabovein issue No. (iii)the complainant is not entitled to get any reliefs in this case.


  1.  Hence ordered.

: O R D E R :


         The case is disposed of on contestbyboth the parties. The complainant isnotentitled to get any reliefsin this case.

                                                                    Order delivered in the open forum

                                                                    today the  12th   September, 2017 with hand

                                                                    and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                                         Sd/-

                                                                                                          (Sri D. C. Mishra)    

  Sd/-                                                                                    President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                               



   Sd/-                                                                          Sd/-

 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),                                                (Smt.S.Mallick),










[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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