Mr. Girish Kumar PV filed a consumer case on 01 Mar 2019 against Mr. Sasibhusan Prop Star Indusrtial in the Rayagada Consumer Court. The case no is CC/381/2016 and the judgment uploaded on 27 Jun 2019.
C.C. Case No. 381/ 2016. Date. 1. 03. 2019.
P R E S E N T .
Dr. Aswini Kumar Mohapatra, President.
Sri Gadadhara Sahu, Member.
Smt. Padmalaya Mishra, Member.
Mr.Girish Kumar, S/P: P.V.Ramana Rao, Managing Partner, M/S. Dry & Fry cashew Industry LIP, Tumbiguda, J.K.Road, Po/Dist.Rayagada,State: Odisha. …….Complainant
1.Mr. Sashibhusan Das, Prop. Star Industries, AT: 89 RBC Road, Po:Kolkata(WB)
2.The Branch Manager, Vijaya Bank, Gorabazar Branch, At: Kolkata, Po:Kolkata(WB).
3.The General Manager, DIC., Rayagada(Odisha).
4.The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank, Kasturinagar Branch, Rayagada(Odisha).
5.The Chief General Manager, Andhra Bank, Hyderabad(AP). .…..Opp.Parties.
For the Complainant:-Self.
For the O.P. No.1:-Sri RajaLalit Mohan, &Smt. Jayasri Padhi, Advocates.
For the O.P. No. 2 &3,5:- Set exparte.
For the O,P. No.4 :-Sri K. Ravindra Kumar, Advocate,Rayagada.
The factual matrix of the case is that the complainant beingan educated unemployed had opted to set up a cashew industry under partnership, with finance from the O.P.No. 4 sponsored by the O.P.No.3.The O.P.3 and O.P.4 had sponsored the O.P.1 being the supplier of the machineries for the project and on their recommendations, the Complainant agreed to purchase the machineries from the O.P.1. The O.P.1 produced one quotation on dt. 21.02.2014 for 10 nos of machineries as per the quotation amounting to Rs.17,86,020/-(inclusive of 2% C.S.T. and cost of Transportation to destination).But for the dillydallying tactics of the O.P.4 completing the documentation for the loan sanction, which was approved only in November,2015 and the bank required a fresh quotation for disbursement of the loan. Hence, on the advice the O.P. 1 produced again a fresh quotation on dt. 18.09.2015 for the same items as in previous quotation but with an escalated price of Rs.18,75,321/- i.e. excess by Rs.89,301/-. The complainant protested against the new price and on intervention of the O.P.4 and O.P.3, the quotation was made stand thus with abeyance to the escalated price. The condition of the quotation was that, 40% of the price quoted should be paid in advance to confirm the order and the machineries should be ready within maximum of 8 weeks,hence receipt of the advance, and within the 8 weeks time of the advance, upon the machineries made ready for despatch, the O.P.1 shall submit tax invoice,so that, the rest of 60% of the cost of machineries should be released by the O.P.4. Agreeing on the terms the O.P.4 released an amount of Rs. 7,14,408/- i.e. 40% of the quoted price on dt.20.11.2015 ,but as the machineries could not be readied by 8 weeks time, ie. On or before 15.01.2016.Without delivering the machineries or producing tax invoice, the O.P.1 demanded more money on the plea that, unless he is paid more Rs.2,46,024/- he would not be able to make the machineries ready for despatch.The Complainant has already been credited to his loan account the advance of Rs. 7,14,408/- since couple of months and is charged with interest thereof, where as the O.P.1 is not supplying the machineries and to the addendum, the O.,P.4 and O.P.3 were acting hand in gloves with the O.P.1, hence finding no way he adviced the O.P.4 to disburse an amount of Rs. 2,46,024/- on dt. 06.04.2016.Only then the O.P.1 produced tax invoice No. 11/16-17 on dt. 25.05.2016. The complainant submits that, the O.P.4 ban should have disburse the rest 60% as per the quotation less the amount of Rs.2,46,024/- only on receipt of the Tax Invoice from O.P.1 but, suspiciously the bank, for the best reason known to him, had already disbursed Rs.12,00,000/- to the O.P.1 on dt. 16.05.2016, prejudicial to the interest of the Complainant and banking guidelines.However, the Complainant produced way bill for the whole machineries, but the disputing to the payments, the O.P.1 stressed to send way bill only for item No. 1 to No. 5 of the machineries in the quotation and again the O.P.1 under his tax invoice No. 27/16-17 sent only 17.07.2016 the items but But the O.P. has not supplied the Hand operated cashew cutting machine of 30 nos priced at 1,44,000/- (Item No. 06 in the quotation) , 15 nos of cutting tables (Item No. 7) RCN Grader ( item No. 09) and gas filling machine (item No.10) all costing Rs.4,64,000/- and cst of 2% on the amount rs.9,280/-, amounting to Rs.4,73,280/-, Here in for 10 nos of items in the quotation, he sent an automatic peeling machine which was quoted at Rs.6,15,000/- with no approval of the Complainant capriciously sent the machine marking with invoiced price of 7,07,319/- in excess of Rs.92,259/-. Till then the O.P.1 in connivance with the O.P.3 and O.P.4 had already succeeded to get disbursed with an amount of Rs.21,60,832/- which is in excess of Rs.3,74,812/-, where as the Complainant has not yet received items No. 6 to 11 in the quotation amounting to Rs.10,10,000/- exclusive of CST and Transportation cost . Hence alleging of deficiency in service on the part of the O.P.s the Complainant has filed this complaint praying for direction to be O.P.1 to supply the items not supplied as per quotation without claiming any further amount, till finalization of the dispute, interalia others.
02. The Complainant has filed the copies of quotations and other documents .Considered.
03. The Forum considering the Complaint, the documents in support of it and having heard from the Complainant at length, found there is prima facie deficiency in service and admitted the Complaint and notice u/s 13(1)(a) of the Act 68 of 1986 adjourning the case to Dt.10.1.2016 for filing of counter by O.P.s.
Upon Notice, the O.Ps 1 turned up to represent his case only on dt.01.06.2017 .i.e. after nearly 7 months, hence the notice and filed written version in which they refuting allegation made against them. The O.Ps 1 taking one and another pleas in the written version sought to dismiss the complaint as it is not maintainable under the C.P. Act, 1986. The facts which are not specifically admitted may be treated as denial of the O.P. Hence the O.Ps 1 prays the forum to dismiss the case against them to meet the ends of justice.
The O.P.No. 4 entered its appearance on dt. 10.1.2017 to contend the allegations in the complaint not to be true interalia others which are discussed in the succeeding paras.
However,the O.P.2, 3 and 5 abstained themselves from countering the Complaint nor appeared before the forum to participate in the hearing, hence they were set exparte, and the case was heard in the absence, as per provisions of the Act.
Perused the record, documents, written version filed by the parties.
This forum examined the entire material on record and given a thoughtful consideration to the arguments advanced before us by the parties touching the points both on the facts as well as on law.
Undisputedly the complainant had availed the loan from the O.P. No.4(Bank) for establishment of Cashew Industry at Rengalpadu village of Kolnara a sum of Rs.21,60,832/-. Further there is no dispute the O.P. No.4(Bank) had sanctioned loan to the complainant towards establishment of Cashew Industry after all the formalities securitized and after obtaining approval to establish the small industry by the O.P. No.3 (DIC,Rayagada). It is also not disputed that, the O.P.had quoted 10 nos of machineries for the project to the tune of Rs.17,86,020/- against which the O.P. No.4(Bank) has credited Rs.7,14,408/- on Dt.20.11.2015, Rs.2,46,024/-, on Dt.6.4.2016 and Rs.12,00,000/- on Dt.16.5.2016 , all in total being Rs.21,60,832/- to the account of the O.P. No.1 which is operated by him with the O.P. No.2(Bank). After receipt of the above amount the O.P. No.1 made ready for transportation of the machineries as per quotation.
The main grievances of the complainant is that the O.P. No.1 deviated the terms of agreement and failed to supply the quoted machineries within 8 weeks of receipt of advance of 40% of the price of machineries as per quotation. The first advance was made on 20.11.2015 and the machineries as per conditions in the condition the O.P.1 should have submitted it’s Tax Invoice within 8 weeks, i.e. on or before date 15.01.2015. When he has frustrated the contract , the breach being material, and serious given rise to a cause of action in the forum under the provisions of the act.
The further grievance of the Complainant is that, the bank O.P.No.4 deliberately and acting hand in gloves with the O.P.1 , without the sanction of the Complainant, released an amount of Rs. 21,60,832/- on different dates, and even verifying the tax invoice, but in excess of the quoted price of Rs. 17,86,020/- .The amount of Rs.12,00,000/- released in favor of the O.P.1 dt. 16.05.2016 , without acquiescence of the Complainant, and O.P.1 has submitted the Tax Invoice only on dt. 17.07.2016, which clearly depicts the irregularities, malfeasance and arbitrary ness on the part of the O.P.4 bank, detrimental to the interest of the Complainant.
The C omplainant further submits that, after receipt of the above amount the materials supplied by the O.Ps being sub-standard and not as per the quality and standard as quoted in the quotation so far the materials requires to be returned the price paid by the complainant should be refunded to the complainant, But the O.P. No.1 till now taking no action to refund the amount paid nor supplied defect free machineries by taking away the substandard materials and demanded exonerated charges. Hence the complainant had issued legal notice through its counsel on Dt. 1.11.2016 and it was duly served on the O.p. No.1 for supply of balance machineries for smooth running of Cashew Industry(copies of the legal notice is in the file which is marked as Annexure-I). In turn the O.P. No.1 had sent reply through its counsel on DT. 18.11.2016 to the complainant(copies of the legal notice of the O.P. No.1 is in the file which is marked as Annexure-2). Aggrieved with the above reply Dt. 18.11.2016 of the O.P. No.1 the complainant has filed this C.C. case before the forum against the O.Ps.
The O.P ;No.1 in their written version contended that the O.P. No.1 has given an quotation Dtd. 21.2.2014 to the complainant regarding machineries including C.S.T against ‘C’ forms and excluding freight charges etc. amount Rs.17,86,020/-. Another quotation has given on Dt.27.2.2014 to the complainant in respect of another machine for an amount of Rs.6,15,000/- including C.S.T. against ‘C’ form and excluding freight charges the O.P. No.1. These two quotations are valid for 30 days. No payment was made against the quotation till 19.11.2015. The O.P. No.1 has given two quotations regarding above machineries for rise of prices to the complainant on Dt.23.09.205 for an amount of Rs.21,01,353/- including C.S.T. against ‘c’form and excluding freight charges etc. and Rs.7,07,319/- including C.S.T against ‘C’ form and excluding freight charges et. The O.P. No.4 has released the amount as per quotation Dt. 23.9.2015 submitted by the complainant to his financer bank (O.P. No.4). The O.P. No.4 has credited Rs. 7,14,408/- on Dt.20.11.2015, Rs. 2,46,024/- on Dt.6.4.2016, and Rs.12,00,000/- on Dt.1.6.2016 to the account of the O.P. No.1 which is operated by him with the O.P. No.2. After receipt of the above amounts the O.P. No.1 has made ready the machineries as per quotation. The O.P. No.1 has given tax invoice No. 11/16-17 Dtd.25.5.2016 for an amount of Rs. 21,01,353/- to the complainant but the complainant has not supplied way bill for delivery of machineries against the bill. Again the O.P. No.1 has given tax invoice No. 12/16-17 Dtd. January, 2016 for an amount of Rs.7,07,319/- to the complainant but the complainant has not supplied way bill for delivery of peeling machinery along with accessories. As per request of complainant, the O.P. No.1 has supplied tax invoice No. 15/16-17 for an amount of Rs.21,01,353/- on Dt. 13.7.2016 to the complainant for issuing way bill, after receipt of way bill the machineries delivered by the O.Ps to the complainant at his factory site but the complainant has not given entire freight charges to the vehicle but paid Rs.10,000/- to the driver of the vehicle. After receipt of machineries, the complainant has not given any complaint letter or intimation to the O.P. No.1 regarding non receipt of machineries as per tax invoice. The machineries are passed through interstate gates with verification. As per request of complainant, the O.P. No.1 has again supplied tax invoice No. 27/16-17 for an amount of Rs.7,07,319/- on Dt.9.9.2016 to the complainant for issuing way bill, after receipt of way bill, the peeling machine along with accessories delivered to the complainant by the O.P. No.1. The O.P. No.1 has demanded balance amount as per tax invoice to the complainant several times. The O.P. No.1 has delivered all machineries in good faith without getting entire amounts as per tax invoice dues to the complainants request and agreed to pay balance amount immediately after delivery of peeling machine and accessories but the complainant has not paid the balance amount, balance freight charges Rs. 63,000/- to the O.P. No.1 till October,2016. The staff of the O.P. No.1 has gone to the complainants factory in the month of October, 2016 for trial of the machines, But they found that there is no three phase electric connection to the factory, so no trial of machines done. The O.P. No.1 further contended that the complainant has not paid cash Rs.2,40,248/- to him after receipt of machineries as per the invoices Res-IPSA-Loquiture the same is provided by the complainant. The complainant has not supplied way bill after receipt of the invoice No. 11/16-17 Dt. 25.5.2016. So the machineries as per quotation Dt. 23.9.2015 are not delivered by the O.P. No.1. The O.P. No.1 has delivered the machineries against tax in voice No. 15/16-17 Dtd. 13.7.2016 after receipt of way bill from the complainant. After that the O.P. No.1 has delivered other machineries against tax invoice No. 27/16-17 dd.9.9.2016 after receipt of the way bill from the complainant. The complainant has not given any complaint letter or any intimation to the O.P. No.1 regarding non delivery of machineries. The machineries are checked by interstate check gates and delivered to the complainant. The complainant has received Tax invoices from the O.P. No.1 regarding machineries but he has not complained regarding price etc. to the O.P. No.1 till delivery. After receipt of all machineries as per tax invoice the complainant is liable to pay balance amount of Rs.28,08,672/- - Rs. 21,60,432/- = Rs. 6,48,240/- towards machineries with includes 2% CST against ‘C’ form and balance freight charges Rs.63,000/- and 3% CST on Rs.24,53,600/- cost of machineries (for non supply of C form during financial year 2016-2017 by the complainant to the O.P. No.1 amount Rs. 73,608/- in total Rs. 7,84,848/- with 2% interest per month from October, 2016 till the actual date payment to the O.P. NO.1. The complainant has issued the legal notice to the O.P. No.1 only to avoid the balance payment on Dt. 18.11.2016 through the advocate in that notice he has not mentioned any thing regarding payment of cash of Rs.2,40,248/- but in the complaint the amount is mentioned with malafide intention to avoid the balance payment to the O.P. No.1. After receiving of machineries, as per quotations, the complainant wants automatic cutting machine and machine and manual cutting machines instead of hand operated cutting machines and table, so the O.P. No.1 has give details calculation regarding outstanding amount receivable by him in his notice reply Dtd. 18.11.2016 . Further the O.P. No.1 agreed to replace automatic cutting machine and manual cutting machine to the complainant after return back of the supplied hand cutting machine and table with payment of differential price amount plus CST 5% plus freight charges from the complainant. But the complainant did not paid the differential amount and not returned the machinery . So the O.P. No.1 have nothing to do.
Further The learned counsel for the O.P. No.1 vehemently argued in his preliminary objection & in their written version that the complainant had himself demanded a total sum of more than Rs.20 lakhs in his complaint, But District Forum have no pecuniary jurisdiction to adjudicate & entertain the complaint having the value of goods & services more than 20 lakhs. As per Section 11(1) of the C.P. Act, the complaint should have been filed before the appropriate forum having jurisdiction but not at District Consumer forum as this forum has no pecuniary jurisdiction to try this case.
Considering the point of preliminary objection, this forum is of view that, the O.P.1 has failed to file the preliminary objection at the threshold of the initiation of the proceeding i.e. on the first opportunity he got, but is filed on a very belated stage, after nearly 6 months of the first date of hearing.
Ordinarily preliminary objections to the maintainability of a consumer complaint on the ground of absence of jurisdiction, whether territorial or pecuniary should be raised by the respondent as early as possible, at the very first opportunity available, i.e. on the first date of hearing, but if any raised at the time of passing judgment can not be considered to the prejudicial to the interest of a genuine Complaint. Hence the objections to the pecuniary jurisdiction of the forum as raised by the O.P.1 dismissed in the limine.
However, the forum is not restricted to adjudicate the point of jurisdiction, at any stage, the fact brought to its notice. Undisputedly the value of machineries was quoted at price RS.17,86,020/- but actually payment for the machineries is paid amounting to Rs. 21,60,432/- . The Complainant further claims a compensation of Rs.5,00,000/- more, hence the cost of litigation exceeds the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Forum.
But the Complainant, submits, that, his claim is not for the whole amount, he only prays for direction to the O.P.1 to supply items No. 6 to 11 in the quotation, which in whole costs only Rs.10,10,000/- and when it is added to Rs.5,00,000/- compensation, comes to Rs.15,10,000/- which is well within the jurisdiction of the forum.
The Complainant further, sought the leave of the forum to rectify the prayer part of the Complaint, “ or to refund the entire loan amount” to the words ‘the cost of the unsupplied machineries”, by invoking the provisions of sec 151 and order 6 rule 7 of CPC.
He further submits that, after the change, the meaning and the nature of the complaint will not be changed and that,If the above amendment is not made, in that case the complainant can bear irreparable loss and by making amendment in the complaint, interest of the O.P. will not be affected.
In J. Samuel and Ors. V. Gattu Mahesh and Ors. 2012 AIR SCW 1035, Hon'ble Supreme Court has observed thus :-
"The primary aim of the court is to try the case on its merits and ensure that the rule of justice prevails. For this the need is for the true facts of the case to be placed before the court so that the court has access to all the relevant information in coming to its decision. Therefore, at times it is required to permit parties to amend their plaints. The Court's discretion to grant permission for a party to amend his pleading lies on two conditions, firstly, no injustice must be done to the other side and secondly, the amendment must be necessary for the purpose of determining the real question in controversy between the parties.”
“Only forum can ID quod hostrum, est, Sine facto mostro ad alium Transferi non potest, possumus quod de Jure possumus”.
For better appreciation this forum has relied catena of decisions of the Hon’ble National Commission which are mentioned here:-
It is held and reported in C.PR. 2014(4) page No. 701 the Hon’ble National Commission, New Delhi where in observed “ It is the duty of District Consumer Forum to examine the issue on their won whether they had requisite jurisdiction to deal with the matter”.
Again it is held and reported in CPR- 2010 (2) page No. 127 the Hon’ble National Commission where in observed “Case once again raises the important question in regard to pecuniary jurisdiction of various consumer Forum constituted under the Act to entertain the consumer complaints of different valuation. Before we consider the facts of the present case, it would be useful to take stock of the settled legal position. The position is that a plaintiff/petitioner/complainant has the right to value his suit/complaint depending upon the claims/reliefs he seek s in suit or consumer complaint, as also to value the suit for the purpose of jurisdiction and payment of court fee etc. This right, however, is not an unfettered right and a complainant is expected to make claims which he thinks to be just and reasonable on various counts but at the same time, he is not permitted in law in make exorbitant and excessive claims with the ulterior object of giving pecuniary jurisdiction to a particular court or forum. It is equally settled that if a complainant grossly over values or under values his suit/complaint with the object of bringing it within the jurisdiction of a particular court, the plaint can be directed to be returned to the plaintiff for presentation before the appropriate court. However, in case, the valuation made by the complainant on the basis of relief claimed nor imaginary but requires judicial consideration, the court can not reject the relief at the outset without going into its merits of reducing the valuation a directing the return of the complaint for presentation before the appropriate court. “
Further in the case of Dushyant Kumar Gupta Vrs. Topday Homes & Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. In Consumer complaint No. 198 of 2015 on Dt. 30.01.2017 passed order where in the Hon’ble National Commission observed in para-12
“Now I am coming to the complaints which do not come within the pecuniary jurisdiction of this commission. The question which arises for consideration as to what course of action should be adopted in respect of these complaints which have been pending with this commission for the last 1 ½ years. One course can be to dismiss these complaints with liberty to such complainants to institute fresh complaints before the concerned State Commission. The aforesaid course of action, in my view, would not be fair and reasonable, considerin that the complaints are pending for about 1 ½ years and at one point of time, this commission held the view that the market value of the flat as on the date of filing of the complaint could be treated as the value of the service in such matters. In my view, the appropriate course of action in such matters would be to follow the procedure prescribed Order-7 Rule- 10 A of the Code of Civil procedure. Though the aforesaid provisions has not been expressly to this commission by section 13(4) of the C.P. Act, 1986 the principle underlying the said provision can in appropriate cases, be adopted by this commission, in order to protect the interest of the consumers, while simultaneously ensuring that no prejudice is caused to the service provider by adopting such a course of action. The O.P. in these cases has filed its written version on the merits of the complaints. It has also led evidence on merits. No prejudice would be caused to the O.P. if the complaints are returned for being presented before the concerned State commission, with a direction to the State Commission to decide them a fresh, taking into consideration, the pleadings, affidavits and the evidence including documentary evidence filed by the parties before the commission provided an opportunity is given to the parties to lead evidence and if filed, such additional evidence is also considered along with the evidence, which was filed before this commission. The aforesaid course of action besides ensuring a prompt and expeditious disposal of the complaints by a competent consumer forum will also ensure that no prejudice is caused to either party in any manner.”
Judicils Posterioribus Fidesest adhibenda. In view of the aforesaid section of the Act, inter alia citations of the Hon’ble National Commission this forum has got no jurisdiction to adjudicate this complaint and the complainant is directed to approach the appropriate competent forum having jurisdiction for his grievance as the forum can not entertain the claim which exceeds rupees twenty lakhs.
The learned counsel for the O.P. No.4(Bank) argued that the debtor and creditor relationship shall not create the status of a consumer relied the citation 1992 (A) CPR- 86-88 State Commission, Rajstan. Hence the case is not maintainable & proceed to dismiss.
During the course of hearing the complainant also agreed to with draw the Complaint with prayer of liberty to file a better complaint in this forum or any other forums of law having jurisdiction, and on such an event, the period spent agitating in this forum shall be excluded for the counting of limitation.
At this stage this forum observed the interest of justice would met if the complainant should have filed a fresh complaint before the appropriate Commission/forums having jurisdiction on same cause of action in response to the present order, rather than filing a Revision/Appeal against the said order.
To meet the ends of justice the following order is passed.
In resultant the complaint is allowed to withdraw the complaint with permission to file a fresh Complaint/plaint/petition before the appropriate forum or courts of law having jurisdiction, and on such event, the period spent in this forum agitating the dispute i.e. the period from filing of this complaint to the date of disposal shall be excluded from counting of limitation.
The Interim order passed on Dt. 13.12.2016, 28.7.2017, 31.10.2017, 13.5.2018 by this forum stands vacated.
No order as to costs.
Copies of the order be served on the parties concerned as per rule.
Dictated and corrected by me.
Pronounced on this 1st day of March, 2019.
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