BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM–II, U.T. CHANDIGARH Criminal Complaint No.45 of 2012 in Complaint Case No.682 of 2010 Dr.Paramjit Singh Vs. Mr.Anil Singhal (Regional Manager Services) IFB Industries Ltd. PRESENT: Dr.(Mrs.)Raminder Kaur, Authorized Agent of Complainant. Sh.Devinder Kumar, Counsel for OP. Dated the 26th day of July, 2012 ORDER 1. Sh.Devinder Kumar-counsel for OP has made the following statement, recorded separately:- “I am authorized counsel for OP No.1. I have been duly authorized to make the statement. OP No.1 offers to pay a sum of Rs.4081/- in cash to the authorized agent of complainant today. A sum of Rs.8000/- was deposited by OP No.1 before the Hon’ble State Commission, U.T. Chandigarh, at the time of filing the appeal. The OP No.1 has no objection if the said amount is withdrawn by the complainant. After payment of Rs.4081/- and withdrawal of sum of Rs.8000/-, the order passed by this Forum dated 30.9.2011 stands fully complied with” 2. Dr.(Mrs.)Raminder Kaur-authorized agent of complainant has made the following statement, recorded separately:- “I have received a sum of Rs.4081/- from counsel for OP in cash today. The complainant shall move an application for withdrawal of the amount deposited with the Hon’ble State Commission. U.T. Chandigarh. After withdrawal of the amount from the Hon’ble State Commission, U.T. Chandigarh, the order dated 30.9.2011 shall be completely complied with. In these circumstances, the criminal complaint has been fully satisfied. It be disposed of accordingly” 3. In view of the statement made by the parties, the criminal complaint stands disposed of as fully satisfied. The complainant shall be at liberty to withdraw the amount deposited by OP No.1 with the Hon’ble State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, U.T. Chandigarh, in accordance with law. 4. The parties shall be bound by the statement made before this Forum. 5. Certified copy of this order be communicated to the parties free of cost. After compliance file be consigned. Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- (JASWINDER SINGH SIDHU) (LAKSHMAN SHARMA) (MADHU MUTNEJA) MEMBER PRESIDENT MEMBER