Fixed for exparte hearing
amendment petition of complainant viz Bhuvan Mohan Chakraborty is present and file a petition to add Samsung India Electronic Pvt. Ltd. as parties.
Let it be registered as Misc Case 18/2017.
Heard perused the petition it appears that manufacturer case mobile set has not been made parties to this case earlier; so complainant files this petition to manufacturer of Samsung India Electronic Pvt. parties.
We fiend present of manufacture is newly for proper adjudication of this case
So we are inclined to allow this petition.
Hence it is order
That the petition filed by complainant is allowed.
Samsung India Electronic Pvt. Ltd. be ordered by OP 2 in this case
Amend the petition of complaint and register accordingly .
Complainant is directed to file Vokalatnama against OP 2 by 7 days
Fix 28/08/2017 for S.R of OP 2 and exparte against OP 1
Thus this Misc Case is Disposed off