This is to consider an application being No. IA/1007/2022 filed by the OP No. 2/Doctor.
The instant Interlocutory Application has been filed praying for appointment of an expert in the matter and an opinion be sought as to whether there was actually any deficiency in service by the OPs.
The Ld. Advocate for the OP No. 2 has submitted that the patient was suffering from and complaining of Single Vessel CAD, Ischaemic DCM, Trifascicular Block, Type-II Diabetes Mellitus & Hypertension, Frequent LRTI (MSSA), IHD, T-II DM, Renal insufficiency, anemia, deficiency anemia, renal Parenchymal disease, Dyseletrolytemia UTI, IHD, DCM, CCF with swelling of hole body, occasional fever nausea & anorexia etc.
The standard treatment protocol of this complication is prolonged and difficult procedures stretched over a protracted period of time. The condition of the patient was very poor and the treatment is complicated over a long period of time. Therefore, to determine whether there is actual medical negligence regarding the treatment of the patient by the OPs it is necessary to appoint an expert of Govt. Hospital in the field of concerned department who has vast knowledge in this field and experience in treating such kind of complication. Therefore, the Ld. Advocate prays for sending the case record with all treatment papers to any Government Hospital which would form an expert committee to give their opinion. Hence he has prayed for allowing the Interlocutory Application.
Ld. Advocate for the complainant has submitted the written objection against the Interlocutory Application. The complainants have gone through the content of the Interlocutory Application and have stated that the Interlocutory Application has been filed with ulterior motive and mala fide intention.
The original Complaint being No. 174 of 2017 has been filed on the ground of implantation of a defective pacemaker resulting to death of the patient being the father and the natural guardian of the complainants. The instant Interlocutory Application is in complete derogation of the original complaint application since the contents of the instant Interlocutory Application is an attempt on the part of the petitioner to mislead this Commission inter alia stating false and fabricated statements which are contrary to the facts and circumstances of the original complaint application. The Ld. Advocate for the complainants has also submitted that the expert opinion regarding the implantation of the defective pacemaker is already on the record which is evident from running page 28 of the complaint petition. Therefore, there is no need for appointment of an expert and the instant IA is liable to be dismissed with exemplary cost.
Upon hearing the parties and on perusal of the materials on record it appears that the petition of complaint has been filed with allegation of medical negligence. The complainants have alleged that their father expired due to negligence on the part of the OP No. 1 and the OP No. 2. It appears from running page 28 that the opinion has been given by the Doctor Arijit Ghosh of AMRI Hospital. If we can consider the negligence on the part of the OPs No. 1 & 2 only relying upon these document, there would be no need to proceed with the case by following all the stages such as evidences, questionnaire, reply by the parties and so on.
On perusal of entire materials on record, we find that this is an allegation of medical negligence by the Complainant. The Complainants have alleged that their father expire due to implantation of defective pacemaker for wrong and negligent act on behalf of the OP No. 1 and OP No. 2 . Therefore, it would be closed to collect a report from the Expert Committee formed by a Government Hospital for proper adjudication of the case. Considering the allegation as brought by the complainants ,we are of the view that an Expert Committee report would be helpful in coming to the proper conclusion whether there was any sort of medical negligence in the treatment of the patient or not. Whether the sufferings of the patient was due to the implantation of wrong pacemaker as alleged by the complainants or not that would be more clear after receiving Expert’s opinion.
Hence the application being No. IA/1007/2022 is allowed on contest and the office is directed to send the documents along with the application, written version etc. to the concerned authority of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata for examination of report about the alleged negligence against the OP NO. 1-Hospital and the doctor OP No. 2 The OP No. 2 is directed to produce all the relevant documents for serving to those IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata within 20 days before this Office. The concerned authority of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata is requested to examine those documents by forming an expert committee in the treatment of the patient and to submit its report by 25.09.2023.
The office is directed to do the needful to collect the relevant documents from the OP No. 2 for sending those documents to the Superintendent of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata at once.
The Interlocutory Application being No. 1007/2022 is allowed on contest and disposed of accordingly.
Fix 25.09.2023 for report from the Expert Committee.
IA being No. IA/1007/2022 is, thus, disposed of accordingly.