(From the order dated 20.4.05 in CD No.6/05 of the State Commission, Orissa) M/s. Star India Pvt. Ltd. … Appellant VersusMilan Kumar Doshi & Ors. … Respondents FIRST APPEAL NO. 152 OF 2005 (From the order dated 20.4.05 in C.No.6/05 of the State Commission, Orissa) Set Discovery Pvt. Ltd. … Appellant VersusMilan Kumar Doshi & Ors. … Respondents
Counsel for the appellants states that the direction given by the State Commission in the impugned order is to the following effect : “For the reasons mentioned above, we call upon opposite parties 1 and 2 to make available the signals of their television networks to petitioners 6 to 10 within ten days hence subject to compliance of other formalities by them despite the appointment of opposite party No.3 as the sole distributor in respect of the area in question.” Counsel for the appellants states that the respondents are getting signals and, therefore, these First Appeals be disposed of as infructuous. In view of the statements made by the counsel for the appellants, dismissed as infructuous.
......................JASHOK BHANPRESIDENT ......................B.K. TAIMNIMEMBER | |