Rikki S/o Hardwari Lal filed a consumer case on 12 Nov 2022 against MI Exclusive Store in the Yamunanagar Consumer Court. The case no is CC/309/2022 and the judgment uploaded on 16 Nov 2022.
CC No.309 of 2022.
Rikki Vs. M1 Exclusive Star.
Present: Complainant in person.
Defence of respondent No.1 struck off on 31.08.2022.
Respondent No.2 ex-parte.
Sh. Jasbir Singh Rana, Adv. for the respondent N.3.
This case is taken up on today before National Lok Adalat. Efforts were made for compromise which have been succeeded and as a result of compromise, the respondent No.3 agreed to refund cost an amount of Rs.25,000/- to the complainant subject matter of the invoice Ex.C1 within 45 days, subject to returned of the old LED subject matter of the invoice Ex.C1 to Sh. Jasbir Singh Rana, Adv. for the respondent No.3 within the same period i.e. 45 days. Statement of Sh. Jasbir Singh Rana, Adv. for the respondent No.3 as well as complainant recorded. Complainant in order to prove his identity shown his Aadhar Card and photocopy of the same already on the record as Ex.C6.
In view of the statement of counsel for the respondent No.3 and the complainant, without making any adverse comment on the act and conduct of any of the opponent, as matter amicably settled between the parties, the present complaint is accepted against the respondent No.3, holding it liable to refund an amount of Rs.25,000/- to the complainant within the period of 45 days from the date of order and during this period of 45 days, the complainant will also return the LED subject matter of invoice Ex.C1 to Sh. Jasbir Singh Rana, Adv. at the place mentioned in his even dated statement. In case on return of the LED by the complainant, payment of Rs.25,000/- is not made to the complainant within a stipulated period of 45 days, then the opponent No.3 shall be liable to pay simple interest @8% per annum on the amount of Rs.25,000/- after the expiry of 45 days from today till actual realization with no order as to costs. Complaint qua respondents No.1 and 2 is dismissed in view of the statement of the complainant. File be consigned to the records.
L.Member Member 12.11.2022.
Typed by: Jitender Sharma, Steno.
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