Dr Sunil Kumar Rath filed a consumer case on 21 Feb 2024 against Md Khurshi Amhad Anmsari in the Cuttak Consumer Court. The case no is CC/311/2023 and the judgment uploaded on 11 Mar 2024.
C.C. No.311/2023
Dr. Sunil Kumar Rath,
S/o: Simanchal Rath,Plot No.3C/876,
Sector-10,CDA,Cuttack-753014. ... Complainant.
Md. Khursid Amhad Anmsari,
S/o: Rashid Amhed Ansari,
Q No.342,Sector-15,Rourkela,
Dist-Sundergarh. … Opp.Party
Present: Sri Debasish Nayak,President.
Sri Sibananda Mohanty,Member.
Date of filing: 18.09.2023
Date of Order: 21.02.2024
For the complainant: Self.
For the O.P. : None.
Sri Debasish Nayak,President.
Case of the complainant as made out from his complaint in short is that on 15.12.2023 he had undertaken journey from Sundargarh to Vedbyash(Rourkela) for a distance of 85 Kms in a bus bearing Regd.No.OD-14E-4694. But according to the complainant, he was charged excess bus fare as he was asked to pay R.100/- instead of the actual price of Rs.75/- towards the bus fare. He had protested for such excessive bus fare but neither the bus authorities nor the Govt. authorities had paid any heed to his protest. It is for the said reason, he had issued legal notice to the O.P on 28.2.2023. Some of the bus owners had broken front glass of his car also. It is for the said reason, he has filed his complaint petition seeking refund of his bus fare of Rs.100/- as paid by him to the O.P alongwith a sum of Rs.95,500/- towards compensation from the O.P for his mental agony and harassment. He has also demanded the cost of his litigation and has prayed for any other order as deemed fit and proper.
The complainant has filed copies of some documents alongwith his complaint petition in order to prove his case.
2. Having not preferred to contest this case, the O.P has been set exparte vide order dated 9.11.2023.
3. The points for determination in this case are as follows:
i. Whether the case of the complainant is maintainable?
ii. Whether there was any deficiency in service on the part of the O.P?
iii. Whether the complainant is entitled to the reliefs as claimed by him?
Points no.I & II.
Out of the three points, for the sake of convenience points no.i & ii are taken up together first for consideration here in this case.
In this case, the complainant urges about the collection of excess bus fare to the tune of Rs.100/- from him instead of the actual price of Rs.75/- on 15.12.2023 while he was travelling in the bus of the O.P. from Sundargarh to Vedbyash(Rourkela). He had raised his protest before the O.P but there was no action taken by him. Annexure-1 as filed by the complainant is the copy of a ticket showing bus fare of Rs.100/- in respect of bus No.OD-14E-4694 on 15.12.2023 from Sundargarh to Vedbyash(Rourkela). The complainant has not adduced any evidence in order to prove that it was he who was travelling on 15.12.2023 in the bus bearing Regd. No. OD-14E-4694 belonging to the O.P from Sundargarh to Vedbyash(Rourkela) and that the copy of the bus ticket as filed by him, belongs to the bus of the O.P. There is also no documentary evidence to that aspect filed by the complainant to show that the distance between Sundargarh to Vedbyash(Rourkela) is actually how many kilometres and what should have been the actual fare for the same distance. Thus, the claim of the complainant that he was travelling in the bus of O.P on 15.12.23 and had paid excess bus fare that day to the tune of Rs.100/- to the bus of O.P cannot be amply proved here in this case. As such, the complainant has miserably failed here to prove his case. As the complainant could not properly put forth his grievance by filing cogent evidence here in this case, the question of deficiency of service on the part of O.P as alleged cannot be concluded. Accordingly, the case of the complainant also cannot be said to be maintainable here in this case. Thus, these pertinent points are answered against the complainant.
Point no. iii.
From the discussions as made above, it is held that the complainant is not entitled to the reliefs as claimed by him. Hence it is so ordered;
Case is dismissed exparte against the O.P and as regards to the facts and circumstances of the case without any cost.
Order pronounced in the open court on the 21st day of February under the seal and signature of this Commission.
Sri Debasish Nayak
Sri Sibananda Mohanty
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