Circuit Bench Nagpur







12 Jul 2019


First Appeal No. A/15/54
( Date of Filing : 20 Jan 2015 )
(Arisen out of Order Dated 10/09/2014 in Case No. CC/238/12 of District Akola)
For the Appellant:
For the Respondent:
Dated : 12 Jul 2019
Final Order / Judgement

 (Delivered on 12/07/2019)


1.         Being aggrieved by the order passed by the District consumer Forum, Akola in consumer complaint No. 238/2012 on 10/09/2014 the original opponent- Oriental Insurance Company has preferred the present appeal.  By the impugned order the learned District Consumer Forum, Akola was pleased to allow the consumer complaint filed by the respondent.  The learned District Consumer Forum directed the opponent to pay amount of Rs. 59,700/- to the complainant/ respondent with interest at the rate of 8% p.a.  since 05/06/2012 till realisation of  amount towards loss.  The learned District Consumer Forum also directed the opponent to pay amount of Rs. 10,000/- to the complainant towards compensation and amount of Rs. 2000/- towards litigation cost.  As per direction order was to be complied within a period of 45 days.


2.         Facts giving rise to present appeal in short  are as under:-

            Complainant – Mr. Manohar Pandurang  Mahankar is a auto rickshaw   driver. He is registered owner of auto rickshaw  bearing No. MH-30/P-8773. Said auto rickshaw was insured with the opponent insurance company. He had  obtained  insurance policy  bearing No. 182200/31/2011/8741 on 28/12/2010. The said policy was inforce  till 28/12/2011. The said auto rickshaw was the source of income  for the complainant  to maintain  himself  and his family. On 29/09/2011 the auto rickshaw was parked   at Pimpalgaon near  cattle shed  of Mr. Gawande. At that time some unknown person set it on fire. Mischief was caused  by fire. The auto rickshaw of the complainant was totally burnt. Major parts, engine and chassis were  burnt as a result the complainant sustained  damages  amounting to Rs. 90,000/-. He lodged report in Police Station.  Immediate information was given to the opponent – insurance company. The officers of the opponent insurance company reached on spot and inspected the situation  of spot and condition of auto rickshaw. The officers of the insurance company told the complainant that  he would get amount of Rs. 85,000/- to 90,000/- towards damages under insurance policy. Signatures   of the complainant were obtained on some blank forms.


            It is alleged that the complainant did fallow up  of his claim  for  one month. He personally visited  the office of the  opponent – insurance  company and requested  the officers to do survey  of auto rickshaw . However,  evasive answers  were  given  by the officers  of the insurance company.  In the mean time  the complainant  had shown  his auto rickshaw  to Pramod Workshop  at Akola and  made enquiry  about   the  estimate  of repairs  of said auto rickshaw . It was informed that amount of Rs. 80,500/- would be required for repairing excluding   the cushion and other  external parts. The  complainant  narrated  this estimate to the opponent. It was told  to the complainant  to   get the  auto rickshaw  repaired.  On direction of the officers of the  opponent  burnt auto rickshaw  was repaired  by  taking hand loan of Rs. 33,000/- from close  friends and relatives. Auto rickshaw   was repaired  at Pramod Workshop and  Mahalaxmi Cushion  Work.  Spare parts were purchased  from Jain Auto Parts at Akola. Temporarily   repairs were  made. The complainant could not  carry out major  repairs for  want of money.  The complainant did not get amount of damages  from the insurance company. The complainant  suffered  hardship and  harassment. He was in difficulty.  On 28/02/2012 senior officer  of the opponent  sent one letter  by Registered Post A.D.  to the complainant  and informed  that  his claim was allowed  to the extent  of Rs. 8,025/-.  In fact the complainant  suffered  damage to the tune of Rs. 90,000/-. The claim of the  complainant  was allowed by the opponent  for meager  amount without  giving  any opportunity of hearing  to the complainant.  The complainant informed to the opponent   that  he is not  satisfied  with  the claim amount   granted by the  opponent.  The complainant suffered loss  as his  auto rickshaw  was closed  for two months. Ultimately the complainant issued notice to the opponent through advocate. Said notice was  not complied  but false reply was given  by the  opponent.  According to the complainant  the opponent  is guilty  of  deficiency  in service  as the claim of the  complainant  was allowed for meager  amount though  valid  insurance policy  was inforce.  Therefore, complainant  filed  consumer complaint  before the District Consumer Forum and requested  to direct the  opponent  to pay  an amount of Rs. 90,000/- towards  damages, amount of Rs. 30,000/- towards loss  of income ,  amount of Rs. 25,000/- towards  compensation  for mental pain and agony, an amount of Rs. 25,000/-  towards  physical  harassment.  He claimed  the  amount  with interest.


3.         The opponent insurance company resisted the claim by filing written statement and denied all the adverse allegations against it. It is specifically denied that the opponent is guilty of deficiency in service. It is submitted that claim of the complainant for loss or damage is properly valued by the opponent.  The complainant failed to accept the amount of Rs. 8,025/- in spite of offer.


4.         It is  the case of  the opponent  that  after receipt  of intimation  from the  complainant  about  damages and  burning  of  insured auto rickshaw, the opponent  had appointed surveyor  Mr. M.N. Gadodiya.  Surveyor  did inspection of auto rickshaw.  After survey, he reported about damages of auto rickshaw and information about the spare parts, which are to  be replaced due to damage.  Mr. V.S. Kalantri  was appointed  as final surveyor. After  complete   survey  Mr. V.S. Kalantri  assessed  the loss and submitted  report  to the opponent on 17/12/2011. It is submitted that the complainant  suffered  loss of Rs. 16,450/-. As per terms and conditions  of  policy  and after  considering  the depreciation  in  value  of the auto rickshaw  claim  of  the complainant   comes  to  Rs. 10,700/-. The auto rickshaw  of the complainant  was manufactured  in 2009. At the time of incident  the  complainant  was  not having  fitness certificate  and it was not given to the opponent.  After deduction of 25% amount claim of  the complainant  was calculated  for Rs. 8,025/-. The discharged voucher for  amount of Rs. 8,025/-   was sent to the  complainant, but  the complainant  did not give any response.  He has filed consumer complaint on incorrect facts and submissions  which is  liable to be dismissed with cost.  False consumer complaint was filed   with the view to  extract money, which  is liable  to be dismissed  with costs.

5.         Both the parties led evidence by filing affidavits of evidence and  relied on several documents.  After considering the evidence on record and  after giving thoughtful consideration  to the  argument   advanced   on behalf of   both parties,  the learned  District Consumer Forum  was pleased  to allow the consumer complaint  and direction  was given to the  opponent – insurance company. Being dissatisfied with order dated 10/09/2014, dissatisfied  opponent is  before us in this appeal.


6.         We have heard learned counsel Mrs. Mrunal Naik for the appellant  and Adv. Mr. Adhe  for the respondent . We have perused the brief notes of argument  filed by both the parties.  It is urged on behalf of the appellant the order passed by the learned District Consumer Forum is illegal and incorrect. It is against  the  facts and  merit of the case.  The learned District Consumer Forum  failed to consider  the evidence  and documents in proper  perspective.  The learned District Consumer Forum failed to consider that   it is  not the case of  total loss  of   auto rickshaw . It was repaired by the complainant.  The complainant /respondent  is plying  the same. He is entitled for cost of repairs  only and not  total cost of auto rickshaw as declared in policy.  If  the vehicle  is taken  under total loss  it was  for the respondent  to surrender  the vehicle  to the company and to claim total insured declared  value. The respondent failed to submit the  fitness certificate  of auto rickshaw  on demand. The surveyor is qualified person  and  his report  cannot be lightly  over looked. Learned counsel  Mrs. Mrunal Naik has requested  to set aside  the illegal impugned  order by allowing  present appeal to avoid  injustice.


7.         Learned  counsel  Mr. Adhe  for the respondent  has supported  the impugned order and findings of the  learned District Consumer Forum and  has requested to  dismiss the appeal  for want of  merit.


8.         It is admitted fact that auto rickshaw bearing No. MH-30/P-8773 is owned and registered in the name of  the  respondent.  It was insured with the opponent –insurance company vide policy No. 182000/31/2011/8741. Policy was  inforce  for period 28/12/2010  to 28/12/2011. The said auto rickshaw  was damaged  due to mischief  by fire when it was parked  at Piampalgaon  near  cattle shed  of  Mr. Gawande. Some unknown  person  set it  on fire. Report was lodged in Police Station and intimation was given to  the  insurance company. Auto rickshaw was repaired by the complainant /respondent by taking hand loan. Repairs   of the vehicle were done at Pramod Workshop at Akola. The appellant insurance company initially appointed surveyor Mr.  M.N. Gadodiya for  survey  of spot and  burnt auto rickshaw.  Mr. V.S. Kalantri  was appointed  as final  surveyor  and loss assessor.  Surveyor  Mr. M.N. Gadodiya  submitted  his report  on 03/10/2011 to the appellant –insurance company.  Surveyor /assessor   Mr. V.S. Kalantri  submitted  his report  on 17/12/2011. After considering the survey reports  the appellant – insurance company  valued  the damages and claim  of vehicle  to the tune of Rs.8,025/-. Voucher was sent  to the respondent. The respondent  refused  to accept  the meager amount  of Rs. 8,025/- as his  auto rickshaw  was totally burnt.  Ultimately the appellant company closed the claim case of the respondent  and accordingly  informed   to the respondent  by letter dated  05/06/2012.


9.         The policy bearing  No. 182200/31/2011/8741 issued by the  appellant  in favor of the  respondent is for Rs. 59,700/-. Sum assured under policy is Rs. 59,700/-.  In the insurance policy the value of vehicle was shown as 59,700/-. Premium was valued and calculated on basis of said value.  In fact value of  the auto rickshaw  was more  when it was purchased.  The auto rickshaw of the respondent  was  manufactured  in the year 2009. Policy was taken in the year 2010. At that time value  was declared  as Rs. 59,700/-. This fact is not seriously challenged.


10.       The police papers, surveyor reports and other documents show that in  a fire auto rickshaw  of  the respondent  was completely  burnt.  Incident was occurred on 29/09/2011. First  surveyor  Mr. M.N.  Gadodiya  has filed his survey  report. He observed that auto rickshaw was completely burnt in the mishape. He  noted  damages.  He found following  parts were  totally  burnt.

i.          Complete Rexin Hood  with its Pipe  Cage badly burnt.

ii.          Driver Seat and Passenger Seat  completely burnt.

iii.         Passenger Body completely burnt and its M.S. Sheets, Angles, Chanels loosen, its strength due to heavy heat and  metallurgical degrading took place in the metal work. 

iv.        Some Aluminum Alloy Castings/Parts of Engine Assly. seen melted and droped below the vehicle.

v.         Handle Bar, Instrumental Panel, Dash Board completely burnt.

vi.        All glasses burnt and damaged.

            In his report he submitted that only front panel and front wheel assly. seen  safe. The report of own assessor of  the appellant shows that auto rickshaw of the complainant  was badly damaged.


11.       Final surveyor /assessor Mr. V.S. Kalantri  in his report  dated 17/12/2011 gave  assessment  of total repairs. He assessed  the cost of parts and labour charges as Rs. 98,080/- but  he lowered  down the  estimate  and assessed  loss only to the tune of Rs. 17,390/-. He also did 15% depreciation on metal parts   and 50% depreciation on plastic /rubber parts and finally assessed the loss to the tune of Rs.12,672.50. The insurance company again  lowered  down  the estimate  by submitting  that  the fitness certificate   and other documents  are not given by the  complainant  as he was not having  material documents  with him.  On perusal of survey report, we do not find justification for calculating amount of damage only to the tune  of Rs. 12,672.50.  On the other hand, surveyor  Mr. V.S. Kalantri  has given  detailed  list  of parts which were  burnt  and required  replacement. It is specifically observed  that those parts were  beyond  the scope  of repair.  The  estimate of  burnt part was  calculated  to the tune of Rs. 93,460/-. Estimate  of labour  charges  was given as Rs. 4620/- but net loss was assessed  only for amount of Rs. 12,672.50. Net liability  was calculated  at Rs. 12,400/-.


12.       Considering the fact that auto rickshaw of the respondent was completely  burnt. Repairy  of the said auto rickshaw was not  possible  in meager amount  of Rs. 8,025/-. Respondent  was sole earning member  of his family and  burnt auto rickshaw  was only  the source of  livelihood. The respondent  has no  alternative but  to get it repaired  for temporary   use by obtaining  hand loan  from relatives  and close  friends .


13.       The surveyors did not come forward to file affidavit in support of reports.  Therefore, the respondent did not get any opportunity to cross examine  the surveyors  and to make  attack on the calculations  of  damage   done by them.  Nothing is on record to hold that the appellant company by sending letters demanded fitness certificate and other documents from the respondent.


14.       The learned counsel for the respondents  has drawn our attention  to the observation  of the learned District Consumer Forum in para No. 8 of the judgment. The learned District Consumer Forum observed that while calculating the amount the insurance company /opponent had deducted 25% i.e. an amount of Rs. 2675/- on the ground that the respondent  was not having fitness certificate. It is further  observed   that the complainant /respondent  had filed  on record  fitness certificate  issued by Maharashtra Institute  of Technology  Department  of Mechanical  Engineering  Certificate  and receipt  issued by  R.T.O. Those documents were filed before  the District Consumer Forum as documents  Nos. D-21, to D-24.  The learned District Consumer Forum rightly  observed  that  the respondent  was  holding  those documents. He could  have produced   those  documents  before the surveyor  or before  the appellant –insurance company on demand.  The appellant  failed  to prove  that  such documents  at any time   were demanded  from the  respondent.


15.       It is brought to our knowledge that surveyor  Mr.  M.N. Gadodiya  visited  the spot  and  informed about the damage  and required  expenses  to the appellant  company. The said report was not filed on record. Surveyor  Mr. V.S. Kalantri  in his report  observed  as under,

            “Spot  surveyor  has been already  incorporated the details  of damages in his spot  survey report. I am giving here below the major damages only.”


16.       The learned District Consumer Forum rightly  held that   report filed  by  surveyor  Mr. M.N. Gadodiya  with the appellant  company  is not filed  on record and  subsequent  surveyor  furnished  his report  after  considering  the major  damages only.


17.       We find  substance in the  argument  advanced  on  behalf of the respondent  that  without claiming  fitness certificate  and other documents  the appellant – insurance company did  deduction  of 25% amount from the claim. The respondent had shown value of the  auto rickshaw Rs. 59,700/- as auto rickshaw  of the respondent is old.


18.       The learned counsel  for the  respondent  argued that  the respondent /complainant  had  failed to file  credible evidence on record  to  controvert  the  finding  of the surveyor. The estimate  of  the surveyor  shows that  the insurance company /appellant  was liable  to  indemnify  to the  complainant  to the extent of Rs. 12,672/- only on the  repair  basis since the  cost of repair was assessed  and  the vehicle  was repaired.  There is no question of  settling the  claim on  total loss basis.  The learned counsel  Mrs. Mrunal Naik has placed  her   reliance in the ruling   led down  by the  Hon’ble National Commission in case of   Iffco- Tokio General  Insurance  Vs. Beena Raghav passed on 27/02/2015 in revision  petition  No. 3217/2014.  In para No. 8 of the said judgment it is observed as under.

            “Learned  counsel  for the petitioner  has further  contended that  the respondent /complainant  had  failed to file any credible  evidence  on record  to controvert the findings  of the surveyor. The assessment  of the surveyor  was that  the respondent  was liable  to indemnify  only to the extent of Rs. 97,619.42 on repair  basis, since the cost of the repair  was assessed  at Rs. 97,619.42 and  the vehicle  was repairable.  Further, as  the cost of the repair  being les than 75% of the IDV, the question  of settling  the claim on  total loss basis  did not  arise.”


19.       With  due  respect  we  submit that  judgment  cited on behalf of the appellant  is not applicable  to the case in hand.  In case in hand the auto rickshaw of the complainant was totally  brunt. As per  report of  the surveyor  major parts  of  the auto rickshaw  were brunt and  those parts are allowed  for  replacement  as  they are  beyond  the scope of  repair.  The report of  Mr. V.S. Kalantri make this fact  very clear. Estimate of part was calculated for Rs. 93,460/-. It is  a question before us  why the appellant  company  did not  rely  on said  estimate of  his own surveyor. The case in hand is not   of claim for repairs but claim is  that  loss of auto rickshaw.  The claim application of the respondent is not for claiming repairs.  The complainant/respondent  himself filed estimate  issued by  Pramod Workshop. Two estimates  are there  first quotation  of Rs. 80,510/- and another quotation of Rs.  12,950/-.  Bills of Rs 32,000/- to 33,000/- are filed on record. When the auto rickshaw was fully  burnt in fire. Certainly  the respondent /owner will not  claim  repairs charges only.


20.       It was  for the  surveyor  of appellant –insurance company to visit  Pramod Workshop  where  auto rickshaw  was repaired  and to find out  what repairs were   carried  out and how much  amount was spent  towards repairs of  vehicle. Information  and  documents were  not collected  by the surveyor  from  Pramod Workshop. Without following the diligent  process  the claim of  respondent – auto rickshaw  driver  was allowed for  the meager amount  by  ignoring  the fact  that his source of income was   totally  damaged in the fire.  The insurance company  should have given  opportunity  to the respondent  before allowing  the meager  claim.  We find  no hesitation   to  hold that  the insurance  company  is guilty   of deficiency  in service. Order passed by the learned District Consumer Forum is just, legal and correct and it is based  on sound reasoning. The learned  District Consumer Forum has rightly held  that  the opponent – insurance company  was  deficient  while  rendering  services  to the complainant /respondent.  Valid insurance  policy was  inforce and  when it was issued  after accepting  due premium  it was for the  appellant –insurance company to indemnify the respondent  in case of loss to  the auto rickshaw  due to fire.  We do not find any reason to interfere in  the reasoned order passed by the learned District Consumer Forum. As a result, appeal deserves to be dismissed. Hence, the following order.


i.          The appeal is dismissed.

ii.          No order as to costs


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