


Sreenivasan D - Complainant(s)


Managing Director - Opp.Party(s)

30 Mar 2012


CC NO. 3 Of 2011
1. Sreenivasan D
S/o.Devan, Kalathil Veedu, Thenur Post, Parali - 678616
1. Managing Director
Karuna Hospital, Melamuri Palakkad - 6
2. Dr.Jayaprakash
Child Specialist, Karuna Hospital, Melamuri, Palakkad - 6
3. Dr.Sudarsanan
Karuna Hospital, Melamuri, Palakkad - 6
 HONARABLE MRS. Preetha.G.Nair Member
 HONARABLE MRS. Bhanumathi.A.K Member


Dated this the 30th   day of March 2012


Present  : Smt.Seena H, President

             : Smt. Preetha.G. Nair, Member       

             : Smt. Bhanumathi.A.K, Member      Date of filing :  01/01/2011




S/o. Devan,


Thenur Post,

Parali  678 616

Palakkd                                              -        Complainant

(By Adv.Reena)




1. Managing Director,

    Karuna Hospital,

    Melamuri, Palakkad - 6

  (By Adv.V.K.Venugopalan)   

2. Dr.Jayaprakash,

   Child Specialist, Karuna Hospital,

   Melamuri, Palakkad - 6

(By Adv.V.K.Venugopalan)   


   Karuna Hospital,

   Melamuri, Palakkad – 6                     -        Opposite parties

(By Adv.V.K.Venugopalan)   





In a nut shell, the case of the complainant is as follows:

Complainant’s wife was admitted to the opposite party hospital for delivery and a girl child was born on 4/8/2010 following a normal delivery. The child was having a birth weight of 2.35kg. On 6/8/10 the child was not drinking the mother’s milk and it was informed to the doctor. On 7/08/10 yellow colour was noticed on the baby. Though it was informed to the doctors, they refused to take the matter seriously and told everything was okay. It was only on the 7th day the child was taken to NICU. No information regarding the child’s condition was intimated to the complainant. On 9/08/10 complainant got the child forcibly discharged and was taken to Jubilee Mission Hospital. The doctor at the Jubilee Mission Hospital advised for an immediate blood transfusion  and it was also informed that the bilirubin has exceeded  the dangerous level and there is likelihood  of damages to the minor child affecting her healthy life like a normal individual. Now the child is diagnosed with severe hearing impairment. The child neck is also not steady.  According to the complainant, the life long disablement  of the minor child was due to the negligence on the part of the opposite parties. Hence prays for exemplary damages.

All opposite parties resisted the allegations of the complainant by the following contentions. According to opposite parties it is true that the complainant’s wife had a normal delivery on 4/8/10. The baby was normal in all respects. Baby was  sucking well and routine blood grouping done. On 6/8/10. baby was noted to have jaundice. Necessary investigations were done. Apart from mild jaundice baby was active and feeding well. Serum bilirubin was 10mg%. Child was diagnosed to have physiological  jaundice which usually subsides spontaneously. The results were promptly  informed to the bystanders. There was no need for concern as most babies develop jaundice by 3rd day of life. Photo Therapy  which is the standard treatment for jaundice was instituted. On 7/8/2010  also baby was seen by the 2nd opposite party. Except for mild jaundice baby was normal. Serum bilirubin was 12.5 mg% and was  within acceptable limits. Double photo therapy was instituted. On 7/8/10, 2nd opposite party wanted to leave station due to unavoidable circumstances, 3rd opposite party, child specialist was entrusted to look after the patient. On 8/8/10, 3rd opposite party has attended the patient. The child was active, but clinically  jaundice was increasing and hence repeat bilirubin was done.  As it was increased to 26mg% double surface photo therapy, IV fluids, antibiotics etc. were administered. 2nd opposite party attended the patient  on 9/8/2010. The patient was active but icterus  was still persisting. The relatives were informed that if the repeat bilirubin showed increase, then the child has to referred to higher centre for exchange transfusion.  The repeat bilirubin was 33mg% and hence the patient was referred to Jubilee Medical Mission Hospital, Thrissur for expert management.

Opposite parties 1 &2 further stated that the American academy of pediatricians guideline for neonatal jaundice will shows that there is no negligence on the part of opposite parties.  The treatment methods adopted were of standard practice followed in similar cases. Opposite parties denies the say of the complainant that the child refused to feed on 6/8/10. The  child was  active and was feeding well and had passed urine adequately. Mild dehydration was there as photo therapy was instituted. Opposite parties also denied the say of the complainant that the child was referred to Jubilee Mission Hospital at the request of the complainant. According to opposite parties 1 & 2, there is no deficiency in service on their part. 3rd opposite party admits that he has treated the child in the absence of 2nd opposite party doctor on 7/8/10 and 8/8/10. The child was carefully attended and repeat bilirubin test was advised. IV drips  and antibiotic injection was administered on 8/8/10. As it was in raising trend, double surface photo therapy was also done. As the level of bilirubin was not dangerously  high and the baby was active, 3rd opposite party did not referred the patient to a higher centre. On the very next day the treated doctor has attended the baby. Hence there is no deficiency in service on the part of 3rd opposite party.

The evidence adduced by the parties consists of their respective chief affidavits. Ext.A1 to A32 , Ext.B1  and the testimony of PW1 & DW1.

Now the issues that arise for consideration are

1.Whether there is any deficiency in service on the part of opposite


2. If so, what the relief and cost ?


Issue No.1


On going through the complaint and affidavit we find that the instances of medical negligence leveled against the opposite parties are as follows:

1.                  Even though it was informed to the doctors on 6/8/10 that the child was not drinking milk, it was not taken seriously. Further, when the colour change was informed  on the 4th day, doctors and nurses told that every thing was okay.

2.                  It was only on the 7th day the child was taken to NICU, though the child was looking worse prior to that date.

3.                  The life long disablement caused to the child is due to the negligence of the opposite parties.

As far as point No.1 and 2, the contention of opposite parties is that child was  sucking well and was active. Ext.B1, recordings in the case sheet of the child shows that from 5/8/10 to 9/8/10, the baby was sucking well and active. Hence we find that the say of the complainant turn out to be false.

It is the say of the complainant that the child was taken to NICU only on the 7th day though the child was looking worse prior to that. It is born out from Ext.B1  that the child developed jaundice on the 3rd day i.e. on 6/8/10. According to opposite parties, it is usual that the children develops jaundice on the third day, which will get subside spontaneously  also. Opposite parties has deposed that necessary investigations were done  and photo therapy was also started. On the next day when the serum bilirubin was found at little high level, double photo therapy was started. Ext.B1 case sheet supports the say of the 2nd opposite party. It is seen that in the complaint, complainant has not specifically pointed out what acts of the opposite parties constitutes medical negligence, rather has stated that the life long disablement of the minor child was due to the negligence on the part of opposite parties. The question to be decided is whether opposite parties has followed the standard practice followed by the professionals  in the same field. The treated doctor at Karuna Hospital was examined as DW1 and the Doctor who has done the subsequent treatment at Jubilee Mission Hospital was examined as PW1. The relevant portion of the deposition of DW1 is noted below”

6/8/10\mWv  jaundice I­Xv. Normally 60% babies develop jaundice serum bilirubin test sNbvXp. 6/8/10 \v Xs¶ Phototherapy start sNbXp. Usually 15mg Bhpt¼mgmWv start sN¿pI. A§ns\ clear cut Bbn  procedure CÃ. _m¡n factors infection, blood group incompatibility etc. IqSn t\m¡nbmWv start sN¿pI. 10mg Bbt¸mÄ  phototherapy start sNbvXp. 6/8/10\v medicines start sNbvXn«nÃ.


For physiological jaundice medicines BhiyanÃ. Phototherapy sIm­v amdpw.

7/8/10\v bilirubin 12.5 mg. That is within the normal limits and the baby was active and hence continued phototherapy. There is no clear cut off   level of bilirubin that is treated as dangerous. Even 5 mg can be dangerous where as 50mg may not be dangerous. Bilirubin along with other factors determine the risk.

8/8/10\v  3rd opposite party Fs¶ hnfn¸n¨v Ip«nbpsS Imcy§Ä kwkmcn¨ncp¶p.  Doctor everything was normal F¶mWv ]dªXv. 8/8/10\v bilirubin level 26 mg Bbncp¶p. Except for the rise in bilirubin everything was normal. Medication started on 8/8/10. Ip«nbpsS clinical condition worse Bbncp¶nÃ. Bilirubin level has nothing to do with the general condition and activity of the baby.

9/8/10\v  33mgBbncp¶p bilirubin level. When phototherapy fail next option is exchange transfusion. There was no facility to do it in the hospital so referred. Hike in the bilirubin level can be genetic. It may be due to the hyper sensitivity of the blood brain barrier which is genetically constituted. Since in this case, other factors are ruled out, this is  the only reason for the hike.

It is also relevant to note what PW1 has to say on the matter. PW1 deposed as follows:

10/8/10emWv  Rm³ Ip«nsb ]cntim[n¨Xv. Hypertonic.    condition  Ip«n hfsc stiff Bbncp¶p. _ew ]nSp¯wt]mse ImWn¨p. Lethargycondition Ipd¨v Djmdv Ipdhmbncp¶p. ]mev IpSn¡m³ hnk½Xn¨ncp¶p.

9/8/10 tUm.kRvPohv BWv Ip«nsb  ]cntim[n¨Xv.  B Znhks¯ sdt¡mÀUv Rm³ ]cntim[n¨ncp¶p. 9/8/10 serum bilirubin 49 Bbncp¶p. stated in Ext.A9. Neonatal Icterus. F¶p ]dªm P\n¨ DS³ Ip«nIÄ¡v  D­mIp¶ aª¸n¯amWv. Kern icterus F¶Xv aª¸n¯w IqSnbn«v brain tebv¡v hym]n¡p¶XmWv. 15 IqSnbmse aª¸n¯w treat sN¿mdpÅp. Phototherapy start. sN¿pw.   20mg  BIpt¼mgmWv medicines sImSp¡mdpÅXv. Double phototherapbn apIfnepw Xmsgbpw Ip«nsb InS¯nbn«v light shbv¡mdp­v.  F{X AfhmsW¦nepw, phototherapy sN¿mdp­v. Bilirubin 49mg BbXn\memWv Ip«nbpsS blood  apgph\pwamÁn ]pXnb blood  sImSpt¡­nh¶Xv. 25...30 BsW¦n phototherapy sNbvXv Ipdhnsæn blood amÁn sImSp¡pw. Above  30  BsW¦n braintebv¡v _m[n¡m³ km[yXbp­v. A\ymb¯n ]dªncn¡p¶ Ip«nbv¡v braintebv¡v _m[n¨ncp¶p.

P\n¨v aq¶maXv ZnhkamWv  jaundice  IpSm³ XpS§p¶Xv. ]n¶oSv 7 Znhkw BIpt¼mÄ km[mcW Ipdbmdp­v. 14 Znhkw hsc Nne Ip«nIÄ¡v jaundice ImWmdp­v. Normally 33,49 F¶n§s\ fast Bbn«v IqSm³ {]tXyIn¨v ImcWw H¶pw I­nÃ.

Manual of neonatal care  F¶Xv authenticated book BWv. icnbmb  bilirubin level  ]dªn«nÃ. GXp range emWv dangerous F¶pw, Ft¸mgmWv  safe F¶pw]dªn«nÃ. Nne Ip«nIÄ¡v sNdnb AfhnemWv brain tebv¡v _m[n¡p¶Xv. Nnet¸mÄ henb Afhnepw _m[n¡p¶Xmbn ImWmdp­v.  CXnsâ ImcWw blood brain barrier different BbXv sIm­mWv. One of the factors is genetics. Premature babies is another factor, infections, hypoxia are the another factors. Cu hI factors. H¶pw Cu baby¡v  D­mbncp¶nÃ.


Nne tIkn F{X \à treatment sImSp¯mepw Ip«nIfn _m[n¡mdp­v. IqSpXembn premature babiesemWv kw`hn¡mdpÅXv. Ususally 4 aWn¡qÀ CShn«mWv bilirubin check  sN¿mdpÅXv.  33 Bbt¸mgmWv R§fpsS hospital  F¯p¶Xv 8/8/\v 26 D­mbncp¶p. (referring Ext.B1) between 25 – 30 phototherapy acceptable BWv. Ipdbp¶nsænemWv blood  amÁnshbv¡p¶Xv. Ext.B1 {]Imcw  medicinesDw double side phototherapybpw sImSp¯n«p­v. 26mg bpw active Bbncp¶XpsIm­pw phototherapy aXn. 4 6 hours t\m¡nbn«v  26 \n¶pw Ipdbp¶nsæn blood amÁnshbv¡pw. Bilirubin level.Dw blood brian barrier brains\ _m[n¡mdpÅ factorsBWv. Blood brain barrier resistance genetic BWv.

Difficult to say that there is negligence on the part of opposite parties.  Fs´Ãmw treatment sImSp¯mepw Nne babies\v C§s\ kw`hn¡mw.


In the authoritative book, manual of neo-natal care it is stated as follows:


The neuropathologic changes seen in preterm infants  with kernicterus may be due to the prior nonspecific damage and not to the bilirubin. It has been shown that when the blood-brain- barrier is altered albumin-bound bilirubin  will enter the brain. These new data indicate that there is no specific bilirubin level that is definitely ‘safe’ or ‘toxic’ for all infants. 

On going through the above depositions and authoritative test, we are of the view that the opposite parties has not deviated from the standard practice followed by the persons of the same profession. Even though we have sympathy towards the child, we are not in a position to attribute medical negligence  without cogent and convincing evidence. Complainant miserably failed to prove case of medical negligence against opposite parties.

In the result complaint dismissed.

          Pronounced in the open court on the 30th day of March 2012






Preetha G Nair









Exhibits marked on the side of the complainant

1.Ext. A1 – Blood Report and Urine Analysis report dtd.10/5/10

2.Ext. A2 – Ultra sound and Doppler requisition  test dt.10/6/10

3.Ext.A3 –  Karuna Hospital bill for Rs.575/-dated 10/5/10

4. Ext A4 – Urine analysis report dated 24/7/10

5. Ext A5 – Doppler report dated 14/7/10

6. Ext A6 – Test report dated 7/8/10 of Karuna Hospital

7. Ext A7 – Test report dated 8/8/10 of Karuna Hospital

8. Ext A8 – Test bill dated 9/8/10

9. Ext A9 –Discharge summary dated 14/8/10 of JM Medical College Hospital, Thrissur.

10. Ext A10 – Pharmacy bill dated 9/8/10 of JMMC Hospital

11. Ext A11 – Pharmacy bill dated 12/8/10 of JMMC Hospital

12. Ext A12 – Pharmacy bill dated 13/8/10 of JMMC Hospital

13. Ext A13 – Pharmacy bill dated 14/8/10 of JMMC Hospital

14. Ext A14 – OP ticket dated 28/9/10 of JMMC Hospital

15. Ext A15 – OP ticket dated 8/11/10 of JMMC Hospital

16. Ext A16 – Copy of Hospital bill dated 8/11/10 of JMMC

17. Ext A17 – Copy of OP ticket dated 30/11/10 of JMMC

18. Ext A18 - Pharmacy bill dated 30/11/10 of JMMC Hospital

19. Ext A19 – Pharmacy bill dated 28/12/10 of JMMC Hospital

20. Ext A20 – Electrophysiological study report dated 31/1/11

21. Ext A21 – Taxi rent receipt dated 9/8/10

22. Ext A22 – OP receipt dated 9/8/10 of JMMC

23. Ext A23 – Train ticket dated 14/8/10

24. Ext A24 – OP receipt dated 28/1/11 of JMMC

25. Ext A25 – Pharmacy bill dated 3/2/11 of JMMC

26. Ext A26 – Pharmacy bill dated 4/3/11 of JMMC

27. Ext A27 – OP bill dated 6/1/11

28. Ext A28 –Train ticket dated 31/1/11

29. Ext A29 – Train ticket dated 3/2/11

30. Ext A30 – OP bill dated 6/5/11

31. Ext A31 – Pharmacy bill dated 6/5/11 of JMMC

32. Ext A32 – Hearing test cash bill dated 28/5/11


Witness examined on the side of the complainant

PW1 – Dr.Aparna Namboothiripad

Exhibits marked on the side of the Opposite Party

1.Ext.B1 -  Case Record  of Karuna Hospital  


Witness examined on the side of the  Opposite party


DW1 – Dr.Jayaprakash

Cost (allowed) 

No cost allowed


[HONARABLE MRS. Preetha.G.Nair]
[HONARABLE MRS. Bhanumathi.A.K]

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