Complainant has filed C.C.Case No. 2/2024 U/s-35 of C.P.Act, 2019 seeking following relief:
“Hon’ble Commission direct the Ops to pay the claim amount Rs, 35,45,291.67/- or to repair the vehicle bearing Regd. No. OD-33AA-0039 and pay Rs. 2,20,000/- towards to & fro charges of the vehicle to Mumbai for repairing purpose and also give compensation of Rs.9,00,000/- for mental agony, for business loss Rs.50,000.00 and Rs.1,00,000/- towards litigation cost in favour of the Complainant”.
Brief fact of the case of the Complainant is that:-
The complainant purchased a FERRARI PORTOFINO bearing Regd. No. OD-33AA-0039 by taking financial assistance from ICICI Bank Ltd. and availed an insurance policy from Op No. 1 & 2 through authorized broker/agent SALASAR SERVICES INSURANCE BROKERS Pvt. Ltd., Agent Code DB04502 Op No.4 vide Policy No.3001/277142305/00//B00 commencing from 19th January 2023 13.46 mid night of 18 Jan-2024 against it’s vehicle FERRARI PORTOFINO bearing Regd. No. OD-33-AA-0039 with annual premium of Rs.4.29,404/-.On dt. 31.08.2023 at about 10 PM the vehicle of the Complainant met with an accident near Janla Khurda, Odisha and got under body damage on the rear bumper in the said accident. The incident was reported to the OP Company through email on 1st Stptembnet-2023 and then the vehicle was shifted to the authorized service centre M/s. Navnit Motors Pvt. Ltd, situated at Andheri East, Mumbai 400093 with expense of an amount of Rs.2,20,000/- (to & fro transportation charges) by the Complainant.The authorized service centre estimated the damaged vehicle and gave an estimate of Rs.35,45,291.67 (Rupees thirty five lakh forty five thousand two hundred ninety one and sixty seven paisa only) .Subsequently on 7th September -2023 the Motor claim from along with all required documents was submitted with opposite party office through e-mail, consequently the Surveyor/Internal technical person of opposite party visited the workshop of M/s. Navnit Motors for an inspection of damaged vehicle.When the complainant and Op No.4 (Insurance broker) followed up with OP No. 1 & 2 to give “go ahead” in regard to repairing of the damaged vehicle then Op No. 1 & 2 communicated through email dated 13th September-2023 regarding rejection of the vehicle claim with a reason of NCB falsification , because the complainant had availed NCB (No Claim Bonus of 20% ) from the Op Company.Later on when the Complainant made a lot of communication through email with Op No. 1& 2 against repudiation, surprisingly on “7th October-2023 the Op No. 1 &2 issued a letter and an email as an intimation regarding the cause of repudiation/rejection of the vehicle claim and two reasons were given there the first one is of NCB Falsification” as stated in Op No. 1&2 email dated 13th September-2023 and the second one is that the damage are too old and accumulated not matching with date of loss mentioned in the claim Form and try to hide the material fact /misrepresentation of facts which is false one.
The Complainant replied to the communications dated 7th October-2023 of Op No.1 on 10th October-2023 clarifying his stand as he had no knowledge regarding the NCB. Further as per insurance guidelines the OP should have also made an inquiry through IIB PORTAL prior to issuance of insurance quotation or it could have been done after issuance of insurance policy within a stipulated time period by taking written confirmation from TATA AIG or though IIB portal and intimated or demanded the said NCB amount from the complainant to rectify the policy if any and that should have been also done within stipulate time period which the Ops have not done. Further as far as old and accumulated damage is concerned it is an afterthought plea to reject the vehicle claim and it was not there in the e-mail dated 13th September-2023.
The Authorized Service Centre M/s. Navnit Motors has given mail to the Complainant stating that the reason of “ old and accumulated damage” is wrong as they have made it clear that on 10th May 2023 the vehicle had visited their workshop for warranty related works and during that time there was no under body damage on the rear bumper”, hence raising this issue at the time of settlement of any claim is wrong and lead to deficiency in service as intentionally the Ops have cheated the Complainant and not settling the claim of the Complainant.It is pertinent to mention here that it is a settled position of law that due to NCB falsification no claim can be rejected and it is confirmed by Hon’ble National Commission in Revision Petition No-151 of 2017 Anjali Gupta Vs Future Generally India Insurance Company decided on 12.12.2017 the Honble National Commission New Delhi has relied on the cite case law, which is as under-
“The legal issue involved in this Petition is no more res-integra the same having been already decided by a Three-Members Bench of the Commission in RP No.1836 of 2016 Branch Manager, National Insurance Company Ltd. Vrs Naresh Kumar decided on 20.02. 2017”. The Three-Members Bench took the following view in the above referred matter:-
“The cases in which it is established that the insured by making wrongful declaration has taken benefit of No Claim Bonus and the Insurer First Appeal No.194/2014 had means to verify the correctness of the declaration of the Insured seeking No Claim Bonus by exercising ordinary diligence of verifying the truthfulness of the claim from the Insurer’s own record. Exception to 19 of Indian Contract Act would come into play and the insurer would not be justified in repudiating the insurance claim on the ground of misrepresentation or concealment of fact. However , because the insured had taken benefit to No Claim Bonus and paid less premium the insurance claim would be reduced proportionately?.
In view of the above cited law it is crystal clear that the claim cannot be rejected on the ground of NCB falsification and in the worst case the No Claim Bonus which is availed by the Insured would be deducted and rest amount would be settled against the claim and in this case the repudiation of the claim totally on the ground of NCB falsification is totally wrong and miscarriage of law. Further on 18th October-2023 the Complainant has sent an email to Op No.1 &2 where it is again followed up to send the NCB recovery letter which the Op No.1 & 2 had said to share in it’s email date 7th October-2023. Further on 19th October-2023 the Op No.4 had given the Op No.1 & 2 an e-mail where the two reasons of repudiation of the claim has been given to falsify the reason for repudiation. And for this reason the vehicle could not be repaired and due to long time parking of vehicle at the service centre point M/s. Navnit Motors suggested to take back the vehicle and the Complainant was constrained to take back the vehicle with an expense of Rs.2,20,000/- towards “ to & fro” transportation charges.
- It was the duty of an Insurance Company to check every point before the Issuance of motor Insurance policy, if not done it could have been done within stipulated time period after issuance of motor Insurance policy.
- Before issue/acceptance of the Insurance policy, the Ops have inspected thoroughly checked the said vehicle by taking so many photographs and other technical check up by a technical person due to gap of insurance validity by Op No.1
- The plea of “ Old & accumulated damage” taken by Op is an after thought because apparently it is false one and that has been confirmed by the authorized service centre M/s. Navnit Motors, Mumbai that the vehicle had visited their workshop on 10th May -2023 for warrant related works and at that time the under body damage in the rear bumbler was not observed hence Ops have taken a false plea to repudiate the claim intentionally.
- In first instance causally the mail dated 13th Septmebr-2023 has been given regarding NCB falsification/violation regarding rejection reason of the claim and then on 7th October-2023 the second reason “ Old and accumulated damage” is given which is not tenable in the eyes of law and shows the slip shod attitude which is not accepted from such a highly reputed company.
- The Surveyor of OP No.1 &2 had visited the workshop of M/s.Navnit Motors at Mumbai (OP No.-1) and then the mail dated 13th September-2023 was sent regarding rejection of the claim due to NCB violation ground only and if the finding was regarding “ Old accumulated damage”. It should have been mentioned in that e-mail dt. 13.09.2023 only and the Op cannot sent different communications regarding rejection/repudiation of the claim in piece meal as per their sweet will accumulating false reason of “claim repudiation”.
Law is well settled that if the insured has given or not given declaration regarding NCB then it is the duty of the insurer to check the correctness of the said declaration within the stipulated time period provided in GR 27 of Indian Motor Tariff which the Ops have failed to do so and it is clear with bare regarding of e-mail dated 7th October-2023 sent by Op No.1 & 2 where it is stated that the complainant would receive repudiation letter and NCB recovery letter in a couple of working days, and accordingly the repudiation letter is received by the complainant through mail dated 7th October-2023 but the NCB recovery letter was not received. This shows that Ops also admit that NCB recovery letter should have been issued within a stipulated time period after due check up at their end, but it was not done at their end for which they had agreed to send the NCB recovery letter to complainant,.
In view of the above it is evident that Ops have made gross negligence in customer service and have violated the law and guidelines and have taken false plea of rejection of the insurance claim of the complainant which is illegal in nature and further the settled law says if the NCB has been availed in current policy then the claim should not be rejected on the same ground and as NCB recovery letter is not issued to the complainant within stipulated time period, the obligation remains at the end of the Ops to settle the claim entirely and in worst case if it is considered that complainant has not declared the NCB, the Insurance Company has to pay the estimated amount towards repairing by deducting the amount which has/had been given in the current policy towards NCB, Hence we held the rejection of the vehicle claim as illegal and orthodox.
The Complainant wanted to give a final opportunity to the Ops and sent an advocate notice on 23th November-2023 and called upon the Ops to settle the claim of Rs.35,45,291.67 along with “to and fro” transportation charged of Rs.2,20,000/- which has been paid by the complainant for the said accident damaged vehicle within 15 days from the date of receipt of notice. Though the notice was served on 29th November-2023 with Op No.1 and on dt. 28th November-2023 with Op No. 2 and Op No-3, but all the Ops remained silent with deaf ear and did not settle the insurance claim, hence finding no other option the complainant has come to this Commission seeking relief towards settlements of claim along with compensation and litigation cost.
Ops have filed the written version stating as under;-
There is no deficiency in service on the part of the Ops. An act of repudiation of a claim after considering all the materials and the relevant facts can by no stretch be termed as “deficiency in service” on the part of the Ops. The question as to what specific acts of an Insurance Company would amount to deficiency of service by the Insurance Company, when does the limit of such deficiency in service end and when the limits of an inquiry into facts and evidence asking to that of a Civil Court commence. Hon”ble Supreme Court on the test to be applied is found in the judgment of Ravneret Singh Bagga Vs. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (2000) I SCC 66 where the Hon’ble Supreme Court laid down that the test of deficiency in service lay in the complainant proving that there was some fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in the manner of the Insurance Company and further such fault etc. must be willful. More importantly Hon’ble Supreme Court has held that where there is a bonafide dispute between parties and where the service provider has after considering all the materials with the relevant facts has acted in a particular manner, then such acts will not amount to deficiency in service. Thus as there is no ‘deficient in service’ on the part of respondents the C.C is liable to be dismissed on this ground alone. Hon’ble National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has followed the said law on number of occasions.Undisputed fact of the case Ops have issued Insurance Policy No. 3001/277142305/00//B00 against vehicle (Car No. OD-33AA-0039) valid from 19.01.2023 to 19.01.2024 subject to certain term and conditions .
As per Complainant on 31.08.2023 at 10 PM the said vehicle met with an accident near Janla, Khorda, Odisha got under body damage on rear bumper and was shifted to authorized service centre M/s. Navneet Motors Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai on 05.09.2023. The Op appointed duly licensed Surveyor Harprit Singh Bright and he surveyed the accident vehicle and stated in his survey report that on 27.09.2023 . He has visited Navneet Motors and done survey in the said claim and stated in his report that there is NCB violation and damage are old accumulated in nature and recommended to close the file and treat the claim as “NO CLAIM” and finally assessed amount for the said vehicle is Rs.0/- (Zero) on the ground.
It has been found as per proposed form that claimant claim 20% of no claim bonus(NCB) and declared that there was no claim against previous policy (Ms TATA AIG GTC LTD) and claim damage are too old and accumulated and not matching with date of loss mention in the claim from and try to hide the material fact misrepresentation of the fact. The answering Op strongly denies that there has been any negligence, deficiency in service or restrictive trade practice on the part of the Op. The claimed amount is too high, excessive, speculative and baseless and has been made to gain wrongfully to which the complainant is not entitled in the facts and circumstances of the case and hence this case is liable to be dismissed. The answering OP is neither liable to pay any claim amount nor any interest in this case to the complainant. The Ops have repudiated the claim on the ground that, there is NCB falsification, as insured had claimed, “No claim bonus”, in his last year Policy with TATA AIG and took 20% NCB (No claim Bonus) benefit in current policy, hence subject vehicle claim is not admissible. Further the Ops in their written version have stated that the claim petition is frivolous and untenable under the law, as such should be dismissed on merit. The complainant has no cause of action for the instant case and the same may be dismissal. The present case is false, frivolous and baseless allegations upon which no reliance can be or should be placed either in fact or in law. The Complainant may be asked to adduce factual and legally acceptable evidences to establish without any ambiguity that the case of the alleged loss falls within the terms and conditions of the policy issued by the Ops.
The counsel for complainant has relied on the decision of NCDRC in the case of Anjali Gupta Vrs. Future Generally India Insurance, where in Hon’ble NCDRC has held as under-
“ The complainant was resisted by the insurer primarily on the ground that the complainant has played in fraud upon it by obtained a No Claim Bonus which was not legally admissible to him, he already having taken a claim in the previous year in respect of the same vehicle.
The District Forum, vide its order dated 17.03.2016, allowed the claim and directed the insurer to pay sum of Rs.4,367,557.75 to the complainant. Being aggrieved from the order passed by the District Forum the insurer approached the concerned State Commission by way of an appeal. Vide impugned order dated 03.02.2017, the State Commission allowed the appeal and consequently dismissed the complaint. Being aggrieved from the dismissal of the complaint, the petitioner/complainant is before this Commission by way of this revision petition.
The legal issue involved in this petition is no more res-integra the same having already been decided by Three Members Bench of this commission in R.P.No. 1836 of 2016. Branch Manager, National Insurance Company Ltd. Vrs Naresh Kumar decided on 20.02.2017.The Three Members Bench took the following view in the above referred matter.
- The cases in which it is established that the Insured by making wrongful declaration has taken benefit of No Claim Bonus and the insurer had means to verify the correctness of the declaration of the insured seeking No Claim bonus by exercising ordinary diligence of verifying this truthfulness of the claim from the insurer’s own record, Exception to 19 of Indian Contract Act would come into play. The insurer would not be justified in repudiating the insurance claim on the ground of misrepresentation or concealment of act. However because the insured had taken benefit of Non Claim Bonus and paid less premium, the insurance claim would be reduced proportionately.
- In case of the insured taking the insurance policy of the vehicle from new insurance company and it is established that the insured by making wrongful declaration has taken correctness of the declaration submitted by the insured in support of plea for no claim Bonus within the stipulated period as provided in GR 27 of Indian Motor Tariff, the insurer wouldnot be justified in repudiating the insurance claim. However because the insured had taken benefit of No Claim Bonus by making false declaration his insurance claim would be reduced proportionately.
It would therefore be seen that if “No Claim bonus” is wrongfully taken by the insured, the claim would still be payable on a non-standard basis, if the insurer had the means to verily the correctness of the declaration made by the insured while claiming the No Claim, Bonus .In the present case also, the respondent had an opportunity to verify the correctness or otherwise of the declaration made by the petitioner/complainant by making necessary enquiry from the concerned insurer which having not been done for which the complainant is entitled to reimbursement of the loss sustained by him, subject to course to proportionate deduction. Since the No Claim Bonus was availed by the complainant @ 25%, the amount payable to the complainant/petitioner has to be reduced in the same proportion”.
We therefore accept the citation of NCDRC and held that repudiating the claim on the ground of NCB falsification is not justified and correct and direct the Ops to bear & pay the entire cost of Rs. 35,45,291/- as estimated by Authorized Service Centre, We also award cost of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rs. One Lakh) for harassment, mental agony, loss of comfort & business etc. and Rs.20,000/- (twenty thousand) towards cost of litigation along with Rs.4,40,000/- ( Rs.2,20,000/- the cost of transpiration already paid by Complainant & Rs. 2,20,000/- to be paid in further transportation to Authorized Service Centre). If the Ops fail to carry out the order within 45 days, then Ops shall pay Rs. 1000/- per day after 45 days of passing of this order.
With the aforesaid observation and direction the C.C.Case No.2/2024 is allowed and accordingly disposed off.
Issue extract of the order to the parties for compliance.
Pronounced in the open Commission, on this the 2nd day of July,2024.
I, agree,
Sd/- Sd/-