The complainant Sri Ranjeet Kumar has filed this complaint petition against Managing Director cum Chief Engineer Bihar State Electricity Board Bhagawanpur Muzaffarpur and one another ( for correction of Electricity bill, Rs.10,000/- as compensation for physical and mental harassment and Rs. 2500/-, as litigation cost It has been further prayed that duplicate bill of August 2003 to October 2003 may be called for and order may be given for correction of the same.
The brief facts, of the case is that the complainant is a consumer of electricity bearing Consumer No.-646SUS99/BH6. The further case is that the meter of the complainant was in running condition and without taking reading of the same, imaginary bill in arbitrary manner was sent. The further case is that sent the bill of February 2003 which was received in March 2003 by showing previous and present reading as 699 unit-0. It has been further mentioned that in the month of October 2003 he again received bill of September 2003 by showing the same reading 699 unit-0 and the complainant paid the amount of the bill. The further case is that the complainant received bill of October 2003 in the month of November 2003 in which consumed Unit shown as 7649 for Rs. 20,355/- It has been further mentioned that thereafter previous and present reading of 7649 unit-0 of bill is being sent in every month where is the meter reading on 15-03-2005 was 3129-03. It has been further mentioned that the last bill was received by the complainant for the month of December 2004 in the month of January 2005. The further case is that the complainant requested many times to the to correct the bill since March 2003 to update but o.p neither replied his letter nor corrected bill.
The complainant has filed the following documents with the complaint petition- Photocopies of bills of February 2003, March 2003, April 2003, July 2003, November 2003, and December 2004 Annexure 1 to 6, photocopy of receipt for Rs. 100 -annexure-7, photocopy of petition dated 24-11-2003 of complainant to Executive Engineer annexure-8, photocopy of Postal receipt annexure-9, photocopy of petition dated 03-02-2005 of complainant to Executive Engineer Ramdayalu Nagar Muzaffarpur –annexure-10.
On issuance of notices, appeared and filed their w.s. on 06-05-2005 with prayer to dismiss the complaint petition with cost. It has been further mentioned in the w.s. that the bills are corrected and bill of 2/2003, 9/2003, and 10/2003, have been issued on the basis of report of J.E and Meter Reading. It has been further mentioned in para-3 of the w.s that the reading as 699-699 = 0 for the Months may be modified. It has been further mentioned in the w.s. that at present Rs. 20355/- is due against complainant of electricity board.
Heard the learned lawyer for both the parties and perused the record. On perusal of electricity bills of February 2003, March 2003, April 2003, annexure 1 to 3, it transpires that present and passed reading in the above bills shown as 699 and unit consumed as 0. In the month of July 2003, annexure-4) passed reading has been mentioned as 699 and present units consumed as 0. In the bill of November 2003 (anenxure-5), present reading has been shown as 7649 and passed unit as 7649. The same reading has been mentioned in the bill of December 2004 (annexure-6). So on perusal of above bills, it transpires that the above bills have not been issued as per meter reading rather the same has been issued in arbitrary manner. The learned lawyer for the does not satisfactorily replied for issuance of such bills. On perusal of the above bills we are of the opinion that the above bills are not issued as per meter reading and the same should be corrected.
The complainant has not mentioned in relief Portion about the period of bills to be corrected rather he has only prayed to call for duplicate bill of August 2003 to October 2003 along with account ledger.
The complainant has also mentioned in the complaint petition that on 15-03-2005 the meter reading was 3129-2003.
O.p has not furnished any satisfactory answer regarding the issuance of bills as annexed. The complaint petition regarding the correction of electricity bills from February 2003 to last bill of December 2004.
On the basis of above discussion we are of the opinion that the bills of aforesaid period should be corrected.
Accordingly, this complaint petition is allowed and are directed to correct the bill from February 2003 to 15-03-2005 taking into consideration the reading on 15-03-2005 as 3129/03 and deducting previous meter reading of 699. within 2 months from the receiving of certified copies of the order and furnish the corrected bill to the complainant for payment. The complainant is directed to pay the electricity bills after receiving correct bills. The ops are also directed to pay Rs. 10,000/- as physical and mental harassment and Rs. 2000/- as litigation cost to the complainant within aforesaid period.