


Bipin Bihari - Complainant(s)


Manager, Magadh Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. - Opp.Party(s)

Advt. Santosh Kumar

04 May 2024


Present complaint has been filed by the complainant against the manager Magadh Milk Producer cooperative Association, Gaya who according to the complainant had agreed to purchase total amount of Milk but after the begining of production of the milk only. As such from a bare glance of the complainant case it is crystal clear that the OP is the purchaser and the consumer of the goods / product by the complainant under the circumtances complainant is not a consumer with in the definition of section 2(VII) of the Consumer Protection Act rather alleged complainant producer of the product. Present consumer protection Act has been Registered by the parliament for protection of the consumers not for the protection of service provider or the sellers of a product hence finding the present complaint against the provisions of consumer protection Act, 2019 being not maintainable by this commission is out rightly dismissed at the stage of admission.

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