Dhr is present by filing hazira.
JDr files a petition stating inter-alia that the Jdr today has deposited a cheque bearing no. 109982 dtd. 13.10.2023 drawn on HDFC Bank in favour of Dhr Kaymaddin Sekh for the sum of Rs. 5,81,433.00 towards award money.
Copy served to the Dhr.
Dhr Kaymaddin Sekh is personally present along with his Ld. Adv.
The identity of the Dhr is duly verified by examining him along with his Aadhaar Card bearing No. 655601481582 his signature in the petition which is duly identified by Ld. Adv for the Dhr.
Jdr does not raise any objection regarding the identity of the Dhr.
Accordingly, original Cheque bearing no. 109982 dtd. 13.10.2023 drawn on HDFC Bank in the name of Kaymaddin Sekh ( Dhr) for the sum of Rs. 5,81,433.00 is handed over to Dhr Kaymaddin Sekh that which is duly identified by his Ld. Adv Soma Bardhan .
The said cheque is handed over to the Dhr duly identified by hisLd. Adv.
Accordingly, case is finally disposed of.
It is
That the EA/48/2023 case is disposed of.