Saktipada Garai filed a consumer case on 27 Jun 2018 against Manager, Gati Motors Pvt Ltd in the Birbhum Consumer Court. The case no is MA/66/2018 and the judgment uploaded on 27 Jun 2018.
Complainant files hazira along with a petition praying for expunging the name of the O.P No.2 from the cause title of the complaint as he does not want to proceed with O.P No.2 is taken up for hearing treating the same as M.A case No. 66/2018.
Perused the complaint and other materials on record.
Heard Ld. Advocate/Agent of the complainant.
We do not find any impediment to allow the petition.
that the petition dated 27.06.208 filed by the complainant for expunging the name of the O.P No.2 from the cause title of the complaint i.e. M.A case No. 66/2018 is allowed. No cost. Amended complaint accordingly.
Thus the M.A disposed of.
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