


Puspalata sahu - Complainant(s)


Mahendra Finance Pvt. Ltd. - Opp.Party(s)


30 May 2017


Complaint Case No. CC/37/2010
( Date of Filing : 23 Mar 2010 )
1. Puspalata sahu
1. Mahendra Finance Pvt. Ltd.
Santi Bazar,Angul
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 30 May 2017
Final Order / Judgement



       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                     Smt.Sunanda Mallick &Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                         MEMBERS .


                              Consumer Complaint No. 37 of 2010

                                         Date  of  Filling : - 23.03.2010.

                                                 Date  of  Order  :-   30.05.2017.


 Puspalata Sahu,W/O.Satrughana Sahu,




 Mahendra Finance Pvt.Ltd.

Represented  through its Branch Manager,

At-1st Floor of Banita Jewellery,Santi Bazar,Angul.

                                     _____________________________________________________    Opp. party.

For the complainant     :-  Sri R.Mishra & associates(Advs.)

For the opp.party          :-  Sri D.K.Pani & associates (Advs.)



                                           : J U D G E M E N T   :

Sri D. C. Mishra, President.

                 The  complainant has   filed this  case with prayer to direct the opp.party to return the  vehicle  (Bolero Pickup)  bearing  Regd. No. OR19D 5503  to the  applicant  along with   proper statement  of account  on the  grounds stated there in .

2.     The complainant’s  case  runs thus:-

        That, he had  purchased the Bolero  Pick up  van bearing  Regd. No. OR19D 5503  by taking  loan of Rs. 5,88,000.00  only  from the  opp.aprty on 14.11.2006  which  was to  be repaid  in  58 EMIs  of Rs. 9960.00 each. It is  averred that, after  taking the  loan  the petitioner regularly   repaid  the  loan starting   from the  year 2006   and till  14.3.2010   she  has  repaid  Rs. 3,88,440.00  only  but   thereafter  due  to  unavoidable  situation she defaulted  in  payment of  two EMIs for  which  without  giving  any notice   to the  complainant and  without  any  rhyme   ofreason  the opp.party   forcibly seized the  aforesaid  vehicle  from the  possession on the  complainant.

3.     The  opp.party has  contested the  case by  filing statement of  accounts  against  loan No. 533144, copy of NOC register and  closer details of  HPA(Loan)  No  533144.

4.     In view of the rival pleadings of the  parties the  following  issue  arise  for  consideration .

: I S S U E:

Whether the  opp.party  is entitled to   return the  Bolero Pick up  van  bearing Regd.No. OR19D 5503.


          The opp.party has  filed the copy  of the  settlement  (agreement)  between  the parties  which reveals that  the complainant has  admitted  about default   in payment of Rs,. 1, 59,360.00  only against  her  loan account  and has finally settled the case on  payment  of  the  above  amount  and   the  complainant has  specifically  agreed   vide Para- 6   of the  agreement (settlement )  to withdraw  any case, suit   application, complaint  or  other  judicial  or  other  proceedings  initiated  against the opp.party. The complainant’s counsel has not disputed   this  settlement of  agreement  executed  by   both  the parties.  Thus, the matter has been settled by both the parties and  they have  already  arrived  at  full and final  settlement. As per  clause- 6  of the agreement  now  this  complaint  case  is not   maintainable.

          However during  argument  the  complainant’s  counsel submitted to   award  some amount towards  mental agony and  cost of  litigation  but the  complainant   has not  averred  this  fact  in the  complaint  petition without   specific mention , this forum  cannot  decide   what  mental agony  the  complainant sustained and  how  much expenses  she   made in this  litigation . In view of  Para- 6  of the  agreement  (settlement ) between  the parties it is  presumed  that she has  already     relinquished  her   claim  about  mental agony   and  cost of  litigation. The settled  principle   of  law is that the  grounds   pleaded  by   the  parties  can only be  decided. Since  the  complainant  has  not  pleaded  any  relief  towards   cost of  litigation and mental  agony in  her  petition, her  subsequent    prayer  during  argument  cannot be  full filled.

 6.      In view  of the  above  discussion  this forum is  driven  to irresistible  conclusion  that the   case of the  complainant  is  not maintainable  .The  complainant  is  not entitled to get  any relief.

7.       Hence  the order:-

: O R D E R :

          The complaint  case is  disposed of  on contest  between the  parties. The case is not maintainable and  it  is dismissed on  contest. The complainant is not entitled to  get anything  towards  mental  agony and  cost of  litigation.

                                                                                                                                               Order delivered in the open forum

                                                                                                                                                today the  30th   May,2017 with

                                                                                                                                                hand   and seal of this Forum.                                                    


Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                                                                                                    Sd/-

                                                                                                                                                    (Sri D. C. Mishra)

           Sd/-                                                                                                                                           President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                             

         President .


Sd/-                                                                           (Sri K.K.Mohanty),

(Smt.S.Mallick)                                                                  Member.  


[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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