


Mohar Singh - Complainant(s)


L&T Fin. - Opp.Party(s)

D.V Lamba

15 Jan 2024


CC No.63 of 2020

Mohar Singh Vs. L & T Financial Services


Present:           Complainant in person with counsel Sh. Abhishek Lamba, Advocate.

                        Sh.Amit Kumar Tanwar, Advocate for OPs.


                        Today complainant has made a statement that the present matter has been settled with the OPs, according to which, total loan amount has been deposited and the OP company has assured to issue NOC after one month from today. So, he does not want to pursue further with the present complaint and withdraws the same.

                        In view of the statement of complainant, present complaint stands dismissed as withdrawn being compromised.  Certified copies of this order be sent to the parties concerned, as per rules.  File after due compliance be consigned to the record room.


Dated: 15.01.2024.     

   (Shashi Kiran Panwar)                 (Saroj Bala Bohra)

                                                       Member                           Presiding Member

District Consumer

Disputes Redressal

Commission, Bhiwani.



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