


Bishnupriya Sahoo - Complainant(s)


LIC - Opp.Party(s)


02 Nov 2016


Complaint Case No. CC/104/2013
1. Bishnupriya Sahoo
At-Deulbera Telisahi,Talcher
1. LIC
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 02 Nov 2016
Final Order / Judgement




       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                      Mrs. S.MALLICK & Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                        MEMBER .


                              Consumer Complaint No. 104 of 2013


                                         Date  of  Filling : -  24.12 .2013.

                                                 Date  of  Order  :-   02.11.2016.


 Bishnupriya Sahoo,W/O.Late Dayanidhi Sahoo,

Vill-Deulbeda Telisahi,P.O.Handidhua,P.S:-






   01.Branch Mnager L.I.C of India,Talcher Branch,

        At-Angarua,Near Telephone Bhawan,P.O:-

        Talcher Town,SD/PS-Talcher,Dist.Angul.


02. Sr.Divisional Manager,L.I.C of India,

      Cuttack Divisional Office,Jeevan Prakash,

      Post Box No.36,Cuttack- 753001.

                                   _________________________    Opp. parties.


For the complainant    :-  Sri B.B.Mohapatra & associates(Advs.)

For the opp.parties      :- Sri   R.P.Pattanaik & associates(Advs.)





                                           : J U D G E M E N T   :



          The  complainant  being the nominee of her  deceased husband Dayanidhi Sahoo has filed this  case  with prayer  to direct the opp.parties  to pay all the sum assured  money  with bonus along with  compensation  and cost of  litigation.


2.       The  case of the  complainant  in short  is that  her late husband  had availed  two policies  under Unique Link  Policy for Rs. 65,000.00 and Rs. 25,000.00  vide policy No. 589864201 & 586914134 as the  sum assured  on his  life ( on payment of required  premium) on dt.18.4.08 & 12.03.07 respectively. Another policy No. 586927250 was also availed under Jeevan Sathi Policy  scheme for Rs. 1,00,000.00  on dt. 10.12.07 which was a  joint  policy of the  deceased Dayanidhi Sahoo with his  wife( complainant). The premiums under the policies were regularly paid. Unfortunately on dt.16.01.09 life assured Dayanidhi Sahoo expired. The  complainant  being the nominee of the  life assured informed  the death of  his  husband to opp.party No.1, with  the  request  for  early settlement of the death claim,  but the   opp.partyNo.1  did not settle. Then she approached the  CRM,LIC of India,Division Office,Nuapatna,Cuttack and made correspondence but the opp.parties  repudiated the  claim .After receiving the  legal notice from  complainant, they  sent two letters to settle the  policy Nos. 586914134 and 589884201 in her  favour,but they  settled  only one policy  i.e 586914134 on  exoration  basis and  repudiated  other  two policies . Therefore she filed  this  case  seeking  the reliefs as stated in para No.1.


3.       The  opp.parties have contested  the case by  filing  written version stating  that  the  case is not  maintainable. They submitted that the policy holder had  with-held the  material information relating to his state of health  at the time  of  making the  proposal. So the   claim of the complainant was repudiated as provided  in sec-45 of  insurance Act 1938.  They further   prayed to dismiss this complaint case.


4.       In view   of the  above   pleadings of the  parties the  following  issues arise  for  consideration.





  1. Whether  there is  consumer and service  provider  relationship  exists between them (parties)?
  2. Whether  the  insured  has suppressed  the material facts  regarding the health when the  policies were made ?
  3. Whether  the opp.parties  have  committed deficiency  of  service ?
  4. Whether  the  complainant  is  entitled to the  reliefs claimed ?


: F I N D I N G S :

Issue No.(i):-        Admittedly   the  deceased  life assured, Dayanidhi Sahoo  had availed  the  policies No. 589864201,586927250 and 586914134 under the opp.parties. He  had  also paid the  due  premiums on the  above  policies. So there is  consumer and  service provider relation exists between them.


Issue No.(ii) & (iii):-      We have carefully considered the  records of the  case and heard  learned  counsels  for the parties. In  written  statement of the opp.parties, they have  raised an issue about the  suppression of material facts by the  life assured at the time  of filing  in the  proposal form. According   to the opp.parties  the prescriptions of  Dr. M.R.Rath  dt. 15.05.2007(Annexure-1)  filed by them  show   that the  insured  was under  treatment for DM / HPTN  but  those documents  are  not  clear and  don’t  reveal so. As per  Annexures- II & III  the B.P  of   insured was 110/80 and F.B.S was 110/per mg which are  very normal. So  the  assertion  of  the opp.parties  that the  insured made  fraudulent  and  false information at the time of opening of the policies regarding  his  treatment  cannot be accepted as  it is not  substantiated by  any  cogent evidence.


                    It is not   understood why the opp.parties settled  the  policy NO. 586914134 under  Unique Link Policy  where as  repudiate the  other  two,  particularly  the  policy No. 589864201 under  the same  Unique  Link  Policy on the  ground  of  “suppression  of material  facts “after a long  period  of  almost 4 years i.e on  dt. 08.11.2013 .   


          Section 45 of  Insurance Act  is  extracted below  for  clear  adjudication of the case :-

          Policy not  to  be  called in question  on ground  of  mis-statement  after two   years – No policy  of  life insurance  effected  before the  commencement of this  Act  shall after the  expiry of  two years  from the  date of  commencement  of this Act and  no  policy of  life insurance  effected after the  coming  into force of this Act shall  after the  expiry of  two years  from the  date  on which  it  was  effected be  called  in question  by an   insurer on the  ground that  a statement made  in the  proposal  for  insurance or  in  any  report of  a  medical officer, or  referee, or  friend  of the  insured, or   in any  other  document leading  to the  issue  of the  policy, was  inaccurate  or  false, unless the  insurer  shows that  such  statement  {was on  a  material matter or  suppressed facts which it was material  to  disclose and  it  was fraudulently made} by the policy-holder and that the  policy-holder knew at  the time of  making it that       the  statement was  false  { or that  it suppressed facts which it  was material  to disclose}.


The  Hon’ble Supreme Court in “Civil Appeal No.7437  of 2011” has held that “ Since the respondents  had  come   out with  the  case that the  deceased  did not  disclose  correct  facts  relating to his illness, it  was  for them to  produce   cogent evidence to   prove the  allegation.


Issue No.(iv):-     As per the above  mandatory  provision, repudiation can be  made within  two years  from the  date of  commencement. Since  the  policy No.  586914134 was commenced on dt.12.03.2007 and  death  of  insured was  reported on dt.13.06.2009,and  two years had  already  passed, the opp.parties settled the  claim.


          The opp.parties have  repudiated  other  two claims i.e  policy No.589864201 & 586927250  vide  repudiation letter dt.8.11.2013 (Annexure-IV).Thus  the  repudiation  has  been made  after two years of the  prescribed   period  which is not  admissible. Since  two years  had  already  passed, the nominee/married  wife of Dayanidhi Sahoo ( complainant ) is  entitled to  get the  assured  amount.


        The  opp.parties  have not filed the  policy  documents for which the  other  terms and  conditions  regarding  bonus, interest or any other benefit  could not be ascertained  but since   the  dues  of the  complainant  has been illegally withheld  by the opp.parties, the  petitioner  is entitled to get interest on the  assured  amount from the  date of filing   of this  case.


5.     Hence  ordered :-




: O R D E  R :


        The opp.parties  are directed to  pay  the  matured  amount  of the  policy No. 589864201& 586927250.i.e Rs. 1,65,000.00 (Rupees One Lakh Sixty-Five Thousand)  along with   simple interest @5% per annum from the  date of  filing  of the  case i.e   from  dt.24.12.2013.till  actual  payment is made and Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees Five Thousand)  towards  compensation  along with  Rs.5,000.00 (Rupees Five Thousand)  towards cost of  litigation. This order  shall be complied within 45(forty-five) days  from the  date of  receipt of this  order.


        The  case  is  allowed accordingly  on contest.


                                                                                                                                        Order delivered in the open forum

                                                                                                                                         today the 2nd  November,2016                                                                                                                                                                            with hand   and seal of this Forum.

          Typed to my dictation

         and corrected by me                                                                                                

      Sd/-Mrs.S.Mallick                                         Sd/-Sri K.K.Mohanty                                    Sd/- Sri D. C. Mishra                                           Member .                                                            Member.                                                        President.       







[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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