Nikhil Vs. Kohli Sales and Others.
Present :- Sh. Varinder Kumar, Attorney of the Complainant.
OP No.1 and 2 exparte.
Sh. KS Minhas, Adv Counsel for the OP No.3.
Today Counsel for the OP No.3 tendered a Cheque bearing No.507561, amounting to Rs.31,919/- for full and final settlement of this complaint, this cheque has been given to the complainant, who accepted the same and accordingly, suffered the statement, which is recorded separately today before the Forum and whereby, the said cheque handed over to the complainant and he further stated that his claim is finally satisfied and as such, withdraw his complaint.
In view of the statement suffered by the Complainant, the present complaint is dismissed as withdrawn being fully satisfied. Photostat copy of the cheque is placed on the file, which is Ex.CX. This file is ordered to be consigned in the Record Room.
Dated (Harvimal Dogra) (Karnail Singh)
13.03.2018 Member President