Krishan Lal S/o Sumer Chand filed a consumer case on 17 May 2023 against Kaushalya Electronics in the Yamunanagar Consumer Court. The case no is CC/116/2023 and the judgment uploaded on 18 May 2023.
CC No.116 of 2023.
Krishan Lal Vs. Kaushalya Elect.
Present: Sh. KD Bakshi, Adv. for the complainant.
None for the respondent No.1.
Sh. Jasbir Singh Rana, Adv. for the respondent No.2.
Written statement not filed by the respondents. Counsel for the respondent No.2 suffered statement, according to which to refund an amount of Rs.26,000/- as lumpsum to the complainant and will make the payment within the period of 45 days from today. Sh. KD Bakshi, Ld. counsel for the complainant, on behalf of the complainant, accepted, the proposal made by counsel for the respondent No.2.
Keeping in view statement of counsel for the respondent No.2, without making any adverse comment on the act and conduct of the respondent No.2, matter being amicably settled, the complaint is accepted against the respondent No.2, holding it liable for make payment of Rs.26,000/- (Rupees Twenty Six Thousand) only to the complainant, within the period of 45 days from today, in default of it, the respondent No.2 shall be liable to pay simple interest @ 7% per annum on the award amount from the date of order till actual payment. Complaint qua the respondent No.1 is dismissed. File be consigned to the records.
L. Member Member 17.05.2023.
Typed by: Jitender Sharma, Steno-typist
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