North 24 Pgs., BARASAT
C.C. No./535/2017
Date of Filing Date of Admission Date of Disposal
17.10.2017 23.10.2017 29.10.2024
Complainant/s:- | Hamida Begum, W/o. Miajuddin Mandal, Mandal Para and Biswaspara, Kaikhali, Rajarhat, Dist-North 24 Pgs, Kolkata-700052. -Vs.- |
Opposite Party/s:- | Indus Ind Bank Ltd, Chhoto Jagulia, Barasat Br, Dist- North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. |
P R E S E N T :- Sri. Daman Prosad Biswas……….President.
:- Sri. Abhijit Basu…………………. Member.
Complainant above named filed this complaint U/s 12 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 against the aforesaid Opposite Parties praying for direction to issue NOC, compensation amounting to Rs. 1,00,000/-, cost of the case and other reliefs.
Opposite Parties appeared in this record and filed W/V.
Decisions with Reasons:-
Case was admitted on 23/10/2017. Thereafter 25/09/2024 was fixed for filing questionnaire by the Complainant. But on that date Complainant was absent without any steps.
Complainant was asked to file Show Cause by 29/10/2024 as to why necessary order shall not be passed against her vide order no. 31 dated 25/09/2024.
But on the next date i.e. on 29/10/2024 Complainant did not take any steps nor filed Show Cause as per order no. 31 dated 25/09/2024.
Complainant did not produce original documents in support of her case, so this Commission is unable to decide this case on merit.
The conduct of the Complainant indicates that she is not willing to proceed with this case.
In this situation we have no other alternative but to dismiss the case.
In the result, present case fails.
Contd. To page no. 2 . . . ./
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C.C. No./535/2017
It is
that the present case be and the same vide no. CC/535/2017 is dismissed on contest against the Opposite Parties but without any order as to costs.
Let a copy of this order be supplied to both the parties free of cost as per CPR, 2005.
Dictated and Corrected by me
Member President