Jitendra Kumar Sahoo filed a consumer case on 06 Dec 2014 against IN-TEL Communication & others in the Anugul Consumer Court. The case no is CC/73/2013 and the judgment uploaded on 16 Jun 2022.
The record is placed before the 2nd National Lok Adalat. It reveals from the record that the parties to the complainant have filed a joint compromise petition U/o.23,Rule-3 of C.P.C voluntarily. They have already admitted their signature/L.T.I s and have put their signature/L.T.I s acknowledging the terms and condition of the compromise as true to their knowledge. Accordingly the compromise petition is allowed and the complaint is decreed finally in terms of compromise arrived at by the parties. The compromise petition do form part of decree. The decree is to e treated as nullity in the event of suppression of any material facts.
Accordingly the case is disposed off.
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