View 1438 Cases Against Automobile
SURESH KUMAR filed a consumer case on 19 Aug 2019 against HIND AUTOMOBILE in the StateCommission Consumer Court. The case no is RP/19/2019 and the judgment uploaded on 02 Sep 2019.
R.P. No.19 of 2019
Present:- None for the revisionist.
Mr. Sachin Ohri, Advocate for the respondent.
As per order dated 13.08.2019 contained in letter No.1879, I am conducting these proceedings singly.
Today the case was fixed for advancing final arguments, but nobody has appeared on behalf of revisionist. Even on the previous date also nobody has appeared on behalf of revisionist. Case called several times since morning. Waited sufficiently. It is already 1:30 P.M. No further wait is justified. It appears that revisionist is not interested in continuing the revision petition. So, the present revision petition is hereby dismissed for want of prosecution.
File be consigned to record room.
August 19th, 2019 Ram Singh Chaudhary Judicial Member Addl. Bench
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