Kamlesh Kumari widow of Bharat Singh filed a consumer case on 20 Sep 2023 against HDFC Housing Development in the Yamunanagar Consumer Court. The case no is CC/225/2021 and the judgment uploaded on 21 Sep 2023.
CC No.225 of 2021.
Kamlesh Kumari Vs. HDFC Housing.
Present: Complainant in person with Sh. Vijay Kumar, Adv.
Sh. Suraj Malik, Adv. as proxy for Sh. Vikas Sharma, Adv. for the opponent No.1.
Sh. Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Adv. for the opponent No.2.
On the basis of even dated application filed by the complainant, file taken up on today. Sh. Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Adv. for the opponent No.2, who is present in the Commission in another case titled Harpreet Kaur Vs. Dr. Sona Goel, is notified about the application. Since, the complainant wants to withdraw the present complaint unconditionally, the application is accepted. Separate statement of the complainant recorded.
Keeping in view the even dated separate statement suffered by the complainant, present complaint is hereby dismissed as withdrawn, with no order as to costs. Assistant concerned who is doing the work of the Reader (as no Reader) is directed to make necessary entry in the relevant register/system with regard to disposal of the complaint on today. File be consigned to the records.
L. Member. Member. DCDRC, YNR,
Typed by: Jitender Sharma, Steno-typist
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