Sunita Rani filed a consumer case on 13 Mar 2023 against Haryan Sehri Vikas Pradhikaran in the Kaithal Consumer Court. The case no is 08/21 and the judgment uploaded on 20 Mar 2023.
Date of Instt:16.04.2021. Date of Order:13.03.2023.
Sunita Rani Vs. HSVP etc.
Present: Sh. O.P.Gulati, Adv. for the D.H.-complainant.
Sh. Manoj Ichhpilani, Adv. for the JDs.
File taken up today on the application moved by ld. counsel for the D.H.-complainant for withdrawal of execution petition. Ld. counsel for the D.H.-complainant made statement to the effect that he does not want to proceed with the present execution petition further and withdraws the same.
Heard. In view of statement of ld. counsel for the DH-complainant, the present execution petition is hereby dismissed as withdrawn. Certified copy of this order be sent to the parties free of cost. File be consigned to record after due compliance.
DCDRC, Kaithal.
Member. Member.
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