By: Miss. R.K.Madanavally, Member
Facts in breif:-
The complainant here in and his son had booked 40 kits (Rabbit babies) on 20-08-13 and purchased them on 22/11/13 from Ashiyana Rabits farm.
On 12.2.10, the complainant purchased ten sacks of Animal feeds from the company for a sum of Rs.5000/- through their Agency. Thereafter the whole Rabits were having loose motion. These facts were intimated to the veterenary doctor and the doctor came and examined the tiny rabits and prescribed medicine. But, among the 40 kits, almost 10 kits were died and among other rabits 64 kits were also died. Thereafter the veterenary doctor adviced to give only the green grass to the rabits. The remaining rabits are alive.
The complainant had felt some doubts about the Animal feed's sacks. On his inspection upon the sacks, it was noticed by him that the date of production of the Animal feeds was shown as 20/1/01. No expiry date was noted in the sacks. The complainant submits that, it is the right of the consumer to know the date of production and date of expiry of a product. He alleges that opposite parties supplied more than 13 years back stale Animal feeds. He had lost 74 rabbits because of the consumption of the old, stale Animal feeds. The dearest pets were died one by one infront his family. Hence this complaint.
Though the opposite parties appeared and filed Vakkalath no version or document is filed before this Forum. Opposite party was not ready to make an oral submission regarding the case except the representation.
The documents and photo graphs produced by the complainant is marked as Ext. A1 to A3. Ext. A3 is the bill for an amount of Rs.55,240/- dated 21.8.13.
Ext. A2 series, ie, the photo graphs of the tiny rabits which were laying dead in the ground is really heart broken. Though such a painful situation was arised, opposite parties were taking the matter as very silly.
We have no hesitation to give much importance and sympathy towards the tiny rabits. They are not only the pets, but also the livelihood of that family. They are also entitled to get rights and remedies like a human being.
The opposite parties are one of the highest companies in the world. They ought to have taken much care and attention upon , their own products. This Forum couldn't forgive to such a sheer negligence and deficiency.
In the result, we order that the opposite parties are jointly and serverally, directed to pay an amount of Rs.60240/- (ie 55240 +5000), to the complainant together with a compensation of 10000/- and an amount of Rs.25000/- towards mental agony.
This order shall be complied within 30 days from the receipt of the copy of this order.
Dated this 5th day of January , 2015
Witness examined on the side of the complainant : Nil
Documents marked on the side of the complainant : Ext.A1to A3
Ext.A1 : Sticker of the Animal feeds which is showing its register number and date
Ext.A2 (s) : Photo graphs of the tiny rabits
Ext A3 : Bill for an amount of Rs. 55,240/- dated 21.08.13
Witness examined on the side of the opposite party : Nil
Documents marked on the side of the opposite party : Nil