Order no. 4 dated 30.6.15
Petitioner is present. Heard him and perused the available information on record together with acknowledgement and e mail report which as a whole leads us to believe that the OP intentionally avoids his appearance in order to contest the case as on petition of complaint. The previous order is in a good track of proceeding for disposal of this case even on exparte hearing in the event of non appearance of the OP and non filing of WV . Since today is that date for disposal of the case on the basis of hearing of the complainant.
Accordingly, the record is taken up for exparte hearing and order follows as below.
Case of the complainant in short is that he purchased a Godrej almirah on 29.7.2013 from the show room of the oP against money receipt no. 5058 (incorrectly mentioned) dated 29.7.13 at Rs.23,200/-. Subsequently, the almirah shows broken lock which was reported to the Op for its replacement, but no
steps was taken. Ultimately, the complainant has come before us. Despite due notice the Op has not turned up. As a result the case is heard exparte.
Upon careful scrutiny it appears that the allegation is proved and as such the almirah should be repaired or replaced by the oP.
Hence ordered
That the case be and the same is allowed exparte. The complainant is entitled to get the almirah repaired by the OP.
Accordingly the Op is hereby directed to effect necessary repairing work in respect of the almirah purchased by the complainant under payment receipt no. 5038 dated 29.7.2013 within 30 days with compensation of Rs.1000/- payable by him , in default he is liable to give refund of the purchase money amounting to Rs.23,200/- plus litigation cost of Rs.1000/- within the date fixed.
Let a copy of t his order be made over to the parties free of cost.