Fajal Khan S/O Bhola Khan filed a consumer case on 13 Dec 2017 against General Manager, L&T GI Co. Ltd. in the Birbhum Consumer Court. The case no is MA/43/2017 and the judgment uploaded on 20 Dec 2017.
Parties file hazira. The O.P has paid cost of Rs 500/-. The complainant files money receipt.
Today is fixed for OPW and payment of cost.
The O.P has filed a petition for permitting them to file additional W/V along with additional W/V. The petition be treated as M.A No. 43/2017.
Heard both sides. Strong objection is raised by the Ld. Advocate/Agent of the complainant. He submits that the present case was filed on 05.11.2014 and after about 3 years the O.P has been praying for permitting them to file additional W/V.
So, there is inordinate delay in filing additional W/V.
We find that in W/V the O.P prayed for giving leave to file additional W/V.
We further find that a talk of compromise was going on between the parties which also caused delay in disposing the case.
Considering overall matter into consideration and submission of the parties the petition dated 13.12.2017 filed by the O.P is to be allowed for ends of justice subject to payment of cost of Rs. 2000/-.
that the petition dated 13.12.2017 filed by the O.P i.e. M.A case No. 43/2017 is allowed subject to payment of cost of Rs. 2000/- to the complainant.
Thus MA is disposed of accordingly.
The O.P also files fresh evidence of OPW Saswata Banerjee and one Dipak Pal, Surveyor.
Let will be kept in the record.
Fix 19.01.2018 for cross of OPWs and further order.
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