Laxmidhar Pagal filed a consumer case on 27 Feb 2017 against Executive Engineer,NESCO,Jajpur in the Jajapur Consumer Court. The case no is CC/2/2017 and the judgment uploaded on 03 Mar 2017.
C.C.Case No. 02 of 2017.
Laxmidhar Pagal, S/O Late Mani Pagal
Vill. Chasakhanda ,P.S. Mangalpur
………………………….. Complainant. (Versus)
Dist. Jajpur.
Dist. Jajpur.
…………………………………Opp. Parties.
ORDER dt. 27.02.17.
The record is posted today for filing written version. Adv. for complainant filed hazira along with withdrawal petition to withdraw the case . O.P.himself is present and filed written version. Copy served. Petition is heard . The prayer of the petitioner is allowed. Hence ,the case is dismissed as withdrawn on the basis of withdrawal petition filed by the complainant.
Lady Member. Member. President.
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