


Yogendra Sharma - Complainant(s)


Executive Engineer, Electricity Board , Jehanabad - Opp.Party(s)

Advt. Bhagwan Singh

20 Mar 2024


Complainant absent even today. OP represented.  Heard learned advocate for the OP in full and perused the record. Complainant of complainant is that the OP deficiency sent a bill dated 17.01.2019 with a demand of Rs. 2,61,530 as per his free bill with out any basis. During cross examination complainant has admitted that after taking connection he paid the bills for about three years only and since february, 2017 he did not paid any sum towards the demand as such demand accredted to sum of Rs.2,61,530 on account of which ultimately his line was disconnected in 2019, complainant is none but a consumer of a commercial line running his mill with 8HP motor. Complainant is regularly absent. Since after 09.09.2023 despite granting several opportunities in view of above said facts, I do not fined sufficient merit in the complainant’s complaint on merit, hence the complaint is dismissed on merit as well as for non prosecution since long.

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