IA/16090/2024 (Condonation Of Delay) The present application has been moved seeking condonation of delay in filing the MA/793/2024. Heard the learned counsel for the applicant / petitioner and perused the delay condoantion application. For the reasons stated in the delay condonation application and in order to decide the MA on merits rather than to scuttle the same at the threshold on the point of limitation the delay in filing the present MA stands condoned. MA/793/2024(FOR RESTORATION) The present application has been moved seeking recall of Order dated 31.08.2023 vide which the present revision petition was dismissed in non-prosecution. Heard. Learned counsel for the applicant / petitioner has tried to explain the circumstances which resulted in the dismissal of the petition in non-prosecution. Cause shown is sufficient. It has also been undertaken that the needful shall be done to remove the defects. In the interest of justice the Order dated 31.08.2023 is being recalled and the present petition is restored to its original number. REVISION PETITION NO. 503/2021 Let the defects be removed within four weeks. List on 02.01.2025. |