Tamil Nadu



Ramachar Murali & anr. - Complainant(s)


DTDC Couriers, Ranjith R. Nair, AGM(Chennai and Cochin) & anr. - Opp.Party(s)

T.V. Lakshmanan

28 Feb 2022



BEFORE         Hon’ble Thiru. Justice R.SUBBIAH                            PRESIDENT

                         Tmt. Dr. S. M. LATHA MAHESWARI                           MEMBER


C.C. No.85/2013

                         DATED THE 28TH  DAY OF FEBRUARY 2022



1. Mr. Ramachar Murali

S/o. Late Sri B. Ramachar,


2. Mrs. Padmini Rao,

W/o. Mr. Ramachar Murali,

Both residing at:

Purple Patch,

C-5, Trident Apartments,

No.266, Kilpauk Garden Road,

Chennai – 600 010.                                                                              .. Complainants.



1. DTDC Couriers,

Ranjith R. Nair,

AGM (Chennai and Cochin),

No.136, Velacheri Main Road,

Little Mount,


Chennai – 600 015.  


2. TNT India Private Ltd.,

Jayashree Ganapati,

Customer Service-Major Account Team Leader,

No.1/37, F Butt Road,

St. Thomas Mount,

Chennai – 600 016.                                                                  .. Opposite Parties.


Counsel for the Complainant                 : M/s. T.V. Lakshmanan

1st Opposite party                                  : Ex-parte

Counsel for the 2nd Opposite party        : M/s. India Law Associates

          This consumer complaint coming up before us on 28.02.2022 for appearance of complainant and for arguments (in list) or for dismissal and this Commission made the following Order in open court:                                                      


Docket order


2nd Opposite party present.  No representation for complainant.  

Today, this matter is posted for appearance of complainant, for filing written arguments of complainant and for arguments (in list) or for dismissal.   When the matter was called at 10.30 A.M. there was no representation for complainant.   Hence, the matter was passed over and again called at 01.15 P.M. still there was no representation of the complainant.  Hence we are of the view that keeping the consumer complaint pending is of no use as the complainant is not interested in prosecuting the case.

Hence, the consumer complaint is dismissed for default.   No cost.



                    Sd/-                                                                                      Sd/-                                                                        

S.M.LATHAMAHESWARI                                                                           R.SUBBIAH                        

          MEMBER                                                                                           PRESIDENT


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