West Bengal



Ankit Kumar Prasad - Complainant(s)


DTDC Courier Service - Opp.Party(s)

Subrata Mukhopadhay,CAB

31 Jul 2023


The case is placed before this GrahakMadhyasthataSamadhanheld on 17/06/2023 at D.C.D.R.C, Birbhum at 10:30 am.

                The petitioner is present through his attorney by power Sandip Kumar Prasad.

                OP No. 1 is present through Ld. Advocate Shri Surojit Das. The matter is taken up.

                Heard both sides. The dispute between the complainant and OP No. 1 has been set at rest through mutual understanding.

                The OP No. 1 has paid in cash Rs. 35,000/-(Thirty five thousand only) to the petitioner and petitioner has realized that amount in open court.

                The petitioner has no claim against the other OPs.



                                                that the Case No. CC/90/2020 be and the same isdisposed of finally as per mutual agreement.

            Copy of this order be supplied to the parties each free of cost. Inform.

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