


P.V. Davis - Complainant(s)


Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Charitable Trust Pooppathi - Opp.Party(s)

Ruby Jose

30 Aug 2008


Ayyanthole , Thrissur
consumer case(CC) No. CC/06/76

P.V. Davis


Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Charitable Trust Pooppathi
T.K. Kuttan
P.N. Kunjikuttan

1. Padmini Sudheesh 2. Rajani P.S.

1. P.V. Davis

1. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Charitable Trust Pooppathi 2. T.K. Kuttan 3. P.N. Kunjikuttan

1. Ruby Jose

1. Messers Sheejo Chacko and Associates

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By Smt. Padmini Sudheesh, President Complainant was a subscriber of the two savings schemes conducted by the respondents charitable trust. As per pass book No.17 he had remitted Rs.300/-each for 18 months. In another scheme he had remitted Rs.100/- each for 52 weeks. Including the profit he is entitled for Rs.3960/- in this scheme. Even after the termination of the period amount not returned. There is deficiency in service. Hence this complaint. 2. The counsels for respondents submitted no instruction and set exparte. 3. To prove the case complainant has filed affidavit and two documents which are marked as Exhibits P1 and P2. 4. According to the complainant he is entitled as per Ext.P1 pass book Rs.3,900/- and interest. As per Ext. P2 he is entitled for Rs.3960/- and interest. He also claims costs to the litigation. 5. There is no counter evidence. 6. In the result the complaint is allowed and the respondents are directed to returnRs.3,900/- (Rupees Three thousand and nine hundred only) as per Exhibit P1 and Rs.3,960/- (Rupees Three thousand nine hundred and sixty only) as per Exhibit P2. Including the profit out of the scheme he is entitled for Rs.3,960/- (Rupees Three thousand nine hundred and sixty only). No interest is specified as per the scheme. So he is not entitled for the interest. Respondents are further directed to pay Rs.2000/-(Rupees Two thousand only) towards compensation and Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) as costs. Comply the order within two months. Dictated to the Confdl. Asst., transcribed by her, corrected by me and pronounced in the open Forum this the 30th day of August 2008.

......................Padmini Sudheesh
......................Rajani P.S.