Date of Filing : 09/10/2015 Date of Order : 29/08/2017
Sri Asish Kumar Senapati, President
Order No.32, dated 29/08/2017.
The Ld. Agent of both sides are present.
The petition for withdrawal of the case dated 03/08/2017 filed by one Abul Hossain, husband of the Complainant Meherun Nechcha since deceased is taken up for hearing.
The Ld. Agent for Abul Hossain submits that the Complainant is dead and her heirs have not been substituted within stipulated period. He prays for withdrawal of the complaint.
The Ld. Agent for the O.Ps submit that the petition may be permitted to withdraw the complaint without any liberty to file any complaint on the same cause of action.
Considered, the submission of both sides.
The legal heirs of the Complainant since deceased have not been substituted within the stipulated period of limitation.
Hence, the complaint is dismissed as withdrawn. The legal heirs of the Complainant since deceased are at liberty to file appropriate case before the appropriate Forum as per law.