


Birabaara Sahu - Complainant(s)


Divisional Head,Enzen Global Solution Pvt Ltd. - Opp.Party(s)

Md. Azad

02 Jul 2018


Complaint Case No. CC/108/2017
( Date of Filing : 18 Dec 2017 )
1. Birabaara Sahu
At-Soubhagyanagar, P.O/ P.S/Dist-Angul,PIN-759122
1. Divisional Head,Enzen Global Solution Pvt Ltd.
At-Harimahuri Chhack,Angul Town, P.O/P.S/Dist-Angul,PIN-759122
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 02 Jul 2018
Final Order / Judgement



       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D


                                   Smt.Sunanda Mallick &Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                      MEMBERS .


                              Consumer Complaint No. 108  of 2017


                                         Date  of  Filling : -18.12.2017.

                                                 Date  of  Order :-  02 .07.2018.


Birabara Sahu,S/O.Arjuna Sahu,

At- Soubhagyanagar,P.O/P.S/Dis

Angul,Pin- 759122.




01.Divisional Head,ENZEN GLOBAL SOLUTION Pvt.Ltd.,

At- HarimahuriChhack,Angul Town,P.O/P.S/Dist.

Angul,Pin:- 759122.


02.  Manager ( Electrical),CESU ,Angul Electrical

       Division,Near Basanti Durga Manadap,Angul

       Town,P.O/P.S/Dist.Angul,Pin- 759122.



For the complainant    :-  Sri Md.Azad & associates(Advs.).

For the opp.parties     :-  Sri S.Pattanayak & associates (Advs).


                                     : J U D G E M E N T   :

Sri D. C. Mishra, President.

          The complainant has  filed this  case with  prayer  to  direct the opp.parties  to  re-connect  the  electric  line  and  restore  power supply  immediately  to his  house (Consumer No. 02145734), to  declare the  physical verification report  of  his house  dt. 13.11.2017 by the opp.parties  as  illegal and  to pay  compensation with  litigation expenses.

2.       Briefly  stated the  complaint’s  case  is as  follows:-

          The  complainant had  taken  domestic  power connection of  1 K.W  load to  his  house   vide  Consumer No. 02145734 and  regularly paying  the  rent  as  per  the bills  issued by  the opp.parties. It is  alleged that  till November,2017  the  complainant has  deposited  the rent  bills but on 1.12.2017 without  any notice or   rhyme and  reason the  opp.parties  entered  to his  house  and disconnected the  lane and handed over the  physical  verification report  dt. 13.11.2017  to   his  family .The complainant time  and  again  approached the  opp.parties  to settle the matter  but they  demanded rent of   3.5K.W connected  load  with  false  calculation. So the  complainant has   filed this  case.

3.       The  opp.parties have   contested  the  case  by  filing  written version  with prayer  to dismiss the case on the  ground  that they  are  making the  demand  as per  physical  verification  report  dt. 13.11.2017 .According  to them,  though the  petitioner  had taken  1 K.W connected  load  but  actually he  was enjoying current   for  3.5K.W.

4.       In  view of the  rival  pleadings of the  parties  the  following issues  arise  for  consideration.


  1. Whether the  case is  maintainable, there is any cause of  action to  file  the  case  ?
  2. Whether  the  physical  verification report  dt. 13.11.2017  made by  the opp.parties  in the  house of the  complainant is  correct or  not  ?
  3. To what  relief the   parties  are entitled  to ?


Issue No.(i):-        Since the   complainant  was paying the  rent, he is a consumer  under the opp.parties and as the  opp.parties  have   disconnected the line connection  to  his house,  the  complainant has  cause of  action to  file the  case and the  case is  maintainable  before  this  forum .


Issue No.(ii):-       The  complainant  has  filed the   physical  verification report  dt. 13.11.2017 made  by  the opp.parties  and   supplied to him and the opp.parties have   not  disputed it. In the  said physical verification report the opp.parties have mentioned  about   use  of an Induction Heater  and  an one horse power  water machine (pump), but the  complainant has   furnished the  cash memo of  the water  pump which is of   0.5K.W and  the  Induction heater  has been   purchased on 20.10.2017 i.e immediately   prior  to the   date of   physical  verification by  the  opp.parties. Since the  induction heater was  purchased immediately  before the   physical verification   report it  will not be   counted   against the  complainant and the  water  pump   will  be half of the K.W  than   what  has been assessed in the   P.V report. Thus, the  total   connected   load to the  house of the   complainant will be  around or less than  1.5 K.W. So the P.V  report dt. 13.11.2017 made by  the  opp.parties is illegal and   it  should be revised and calculated  as  1.5 K.W approximately.


Issue No.(iii):- In view  of the  above discussion, the  complainant  is entitled to  pay  the  arrear or  penalty for  consuming  1.5 K.W  connected   load bu t  in every  month till November,2017  he has  paid  the  bill  as per   actual meter  reading. So he  will pay the  differential  amount. So  the   opp.parties  are  directed  to  calculate the  arrear  penalty  considering  that the  complainant  was  using  1.5 K.W  load.  The  payments  made  by the  complainant  upto November,2017 shall be  deducted first from the   calculation  . Thus, it is  presumed that the  penalty /arrear amount is  around  Rs. 15,000.00 only.So  the  complainant is  directed to  deposit the   amount within one  month  of  getting this  order and  the  opp.parties shall reconnect  the   line  at once  i.e  within 3 days  of   receipt   of  the  cash.



:O R D E R :


The opp.parties are directed tocalculate thearrear orpenaltyupon thecomplainantassumingthat hewasusing1.5.K.W connectedload. Thesaid arrearwill bearoundRs. 15,000.00 (Rupees Fifteen Thousand ) only and thecomplainantisdirected todeposit the same withinonemonth of getting thisorder. It ismade clearthatin case ofexcess deposittheexcess amount will beadjustedinfuture billsand in case ofless deposit thebalancewill bepaidby thecomplainant in the firstbill (rent )after reconnection of theelectricline. Itisfurther clarified thatwhilecalculating thearrear,firstthe amountalreadydepositedfor themonthswill bededucted.


                                                           Order delivered in the open forum

                                                          today the 2nd July,2018with hand  

                                                          and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                              Sd/-

                                                                               (Sri D. C. Mishra)     

  Sd/-                                                                                 President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                              



 Sd/-                                                                            Sd/-

 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),                                                (Smt.S.Mallick),



[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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