View 46125 Cases Against General Insurance
M/s Sahib Industries filed a consumer case on 31 Mar 2023 against Cholamandlam MS General Insurance Co. in the Rupnagar Consumer Court. The case no is CC/21/53 and the judgment uploaded on 08 May 2023.
Complaint Case No. 53 of 22.07.2021
Decided on : 31.3.2023
M/s Sahib Industries, Near Gurmeet Sagar Trust, Shri Anandpur Sahib, Tehsil Shri Anandpur Sahib, District Rupnagar through its proprietor Sh. Dalbir Singh. ……Complainant
Cholamandalam General Insurance company ltd. S.C.O/2463-2464, II Floor,
Sector 22-C, Chandigarh through its Branch Manager. ..….Opposite Party (OP)
(Complaint under the provisions of Consumer Protection Act)
For complainant: Sh. S.S. Rattan, Advocate
For OP: Sh.Amit Gupta, Advocate
2. Upon notice, the OP has appeared and filed written reply taking preliminary objections as under:-
“Facing BBMB Cannel Near Gurmat Sagar Trust Anandpur Sahib Rupnagar” for a period form 13.9.2018 to 12.9.2019 strictly subject to the terms and conditions ofthe policy.”
“policy covers shop whereas loss took place at manufacturing unit. Hence there is a occupancy difference, claim is not payable”.
On merits,OP submitted as under:-
“Facing BBMB Cannal Near GurmeetSagar Trust Anadpur Sahib Rupnagar”,for a period from 13.9.2018 to 12.9.2019 strictly subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
“policy covers shop whereas loss took place at manufacturing
unit. Hence there is a occupancy difference,claim is not
Thus the claim of the complainant was repudiated as the claim of the complainant was found non tenable on account of terms and conditions of
the policy. That the complainant was duly conveyed vide registered letter
dated 30.1.2020.
Year | Policy No. | Policy Period | Location | Occupancy |
13-09-2018 TO 12-09-2019 | Facing BBMB Cannel Near Gurmat Sagar Trust Anandpur Sahib Rupnagar | Tile and Pottery work | ||
2019-2020 | 2130/01526335/000/00 | 09-09-2019 TO 08-09-2020 | Facing BBMB Cannel Near Gurmat Sagar Trust Anandpur Sahib Rupnagar | Contents in shop dealing with non-hazardous goods |
“Scope of Cover
Annexure to Schedule forming part of Policy No.. 2130/01526335/000/00
location No.: 1 Location: 'FACING BBMB CANNAL NEAR GURMAT SAGAR TRUST ANANDPUR SAHIB RUPNAGAR SO PUNJAB ROPAR ANANDPUR SAHIB SO RUPNAGAR PUNJAB ROPAR PIN-140118 . Occupancy: Contents In Shops deling in non hazardous goods Nature of goods: | ||||
| Building Building | Plant And Machinery Plant And Machinery | Stocks Stocks | Total |
Sum Insured (In Rs.) | 4,50,000 | 6,25,000 | 2,25,000 | 13,00,000 |
“policy covers shop whereas loss took place at manufacturing unit. Hence there is a occupancy difference, claim is not payable”.
“In pursuant to your e-mail instruction dated 18.09.2019, the undersigned contacted the Insured’srepresentative telephonically and did proceed to the risk location address of insured’s on dated 19.09.2019as per prior appointment for the purpose of surveying and assessing the loss and damage to retaining wall offactory building belonging to the insured due to Flood/Inundation/Subsidence. The claim is close proximity in nature which got cleared due to existence of valid previous policy number 2130/01299843/000/00 froml3.09.2018 to 12.09.2019 in which claim of same retaining wall damaged preferred on dated 25.09.2018 was honored earlier by insurer as per previous survey report placed on record. Somephotographs of previous claim provided by insured perused for authenticate the reconstruction of retainingwall last year and damages claimed now also are fresh in nature.The undersigned was informed by the insured’s representative that on dated 16.09.2019, their rear retainingwall got discovered noticed collapsed due to flood/inundation consequent to heavy rainfall in vicinity since13.09.2019.The news of occurrence of heavy rain fall & storm in vicinity got published in newspaper as wellfor corroborating incident. The matter not got reported to police station or Fire brigade by insured beingnobody was hurt in mishap.
During my visit, inspection of the affected site was carried out carefully. The factory building was noticed tobe situated off main road on elevated soil hilly terrain surrounded by rainy “Nallah” in back with inherent location disadvantage. Prime facie, the retaining wall noticed collapsed due to inundated water accumulatedon top got discharged with turbulent stream downwards and probably overflowing of Nallah leading tosubsidence at the bottom giving circumstantial evidence of occurrence of inundation being not particularlydefined as such in policy. Other partial cracks observed in building as well appeared to have repaired previously. A retaining wall is a structure that holds soil behind it and helps stem the movement of soil and control of the water flow. Generally, it is not the part of building as per underwriting insurance practice of specifying it additionally in policy schedule, however, in absence of specifying excluding retaining wall inPolicy, it may or deem to be taken to be part of building being cannot be erected without such incidentalworks carried out preliminary in hilly terrain & looking to honoring of similar claim by insurer earlier.Enquiry in vicinity was done & positive affirmation received. Nature & extent of damages of building werenoted down in light of prima facie damages were found to be consistent with the notified cause (STFICover) held covered under Fire & allied perils coverage.
The assessment is done on the basis of discussion held along with submission of relevant documents toundersigned and observation made with practical insight for the consideration of insurer in detail as below
INSURER M/s Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Limited,Chandigarh
INSURED M/s Sahib Industries, Facing BBMB Canal, Near GurmatSagar Trust, Anandpur Sahib, Rupnagar, Punjab
POLICY NO. 2130/01526335/000/00
PERIOD 09.09.2019 to 08.09.2020
TYPE OF POLICY Standard Fire & Special perils Insurance Policy
SUM INSURED Rs. 450000/- for Building
LOCATION OF RISK Facing BBMB Canal, Near GurmatSagar Trust AnandpurSahib
ACTUAL RISK Facing BBMB Canal, Near GurmatSagar Trust, Anandpur Sahib
RISK/OCCUPANCY Mfg. of solid & hollow paving blocks
MAIN CLAUSES Agreed Bank Clause, Earthquake (Fire and shock) and Designation of property clause, STFI Add on cover
WARRANTY Kutcha Construction & other warranties imposed as per policy
FINANCIAL INTEREST Oriental Bank of Commerce, Anandpur Sahib
Hence, the net liability under the claim is Rs 151037/- as per terms & conditions of policy issued subject to consideration of cliam by insurer .Reinstatement of sum insured to be taken care since date of loss by adjustment of premium in claim amount.The insured has provided concurrence on quantum of loss verbally.”
common in them and it is often very uncertain what the parties tothem mean. In such cases the rule is that the policy, being drafted in language chosen by the insurers, must be taken most strongly against them. It is construed contra proferentes, against those who offer it. In a doubtful case the turn of the scale ought to be given against the speaker, because he has not clearly and fully expressed himself.Nothing is easier than for the insurers to express themselves in plain terms. The assured cannot put his own meaning upon a policy, but, where it is ambiguous, it is to be construed in the sense in which he might reasonably have understood it. If the insurers wish to escape liability under given circumstances, they must use words admitting ofno possible doubt”.
B. Rule of contra proferentem
insurance contract is to be construed harmoniously by reading the contract in its entirety. If after that, no clarity emerges, then the term must be interpreted in favour of the insured, i.e., against the drafter of the policy. In deciding the applicability of a cover note on houses swept away by floods, a Constitution Bench of this Court in General Assurance Society Ltd. v. Chandumull Jain18 heldas follows:
“In other respects there is no difference between a contract ofinsurance and any other contract except that in a contract ofinsurance there is a requirement of uberrima fides i.e., good faith onthe part of the assured and the contract is likely to beconstrued contra proferentem that is against the company in case ofambiguity or doubt… ( I)n interpreting documents relating to acontract of insurance, the duty of the court is to interpret the words inwhich the contract is expressed by the parties, because it is not for thecourt to make a new contract, however reasonable, if the parties havenot made it themselves”.
(emphasis supplied)
While the court ultimately denied insurer’s liability, it laid down themanner in which ambiguities were to be interpreted. Since then, a catena ofjudgments has upheld this approach. In United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v.Pushpalaya Printers19, a Division Bench of this Court was confronted with interpreting the term ‘impact’ in an insurance policy for protection againstdamage caused to the insured building. Interpreting the term to include damagecaused by strong vibrations by heavy vehicles without ‘direct’ impact, this Courtheld:
“The only point that arises for consideration is whether the word
“impact” contained in clause 5 of the insurance policy covers the
damage caused to the building and machinery due to driving of the bulldozer on the road close to the building… ( I)t is also settled position in law that if there is any ambiguity or a term is capable oftwo possible interpretations, one beneficial to the insured should beaccepted consistent with the purpose for which the policy is taken,namely, to cover the risk on the happening of certain event… Wherethe words of a document are ambiguous, they shall be construedagainst the party who prepared the document. This rule applies tocontracts of insurance and clause 5 of the insurance policy even afterreading the entire policy in the present case should be construedagainst the insurer”.
Similarly, in SushilabenIndravadan Gandhi v New India AssuranceCompany Ltd.,20this Court charted the evolution of the rule of contraproferentem, and relied inter alia on its explanation as provided under Halsbury'sLaws of England:21
“Contra proferentem rule.—Where there is ambiguity in the policy the
court will apply the contra proferentem rule. Where a policy is produced by the insurers, it is their business to see that precision and
clarity are attained and, if they fail to do so, the ambiguity will be
resolved by adopting the construction favourable to the insured.
Similarly, as regards language which emanates from the insured, such
as the language used in answer to questions in the proposal or in a
slip, a construction favourable to the insurers will prevail if the
insured has created any ambiguity. This rule, however, only becomes
operative where the words are truly ambiguous; it is a rule for
resolving ambiguity and it cannot be invoked with a view to creating a
doubt. Therefore, where the words used are free from ambiguity in the
sense that, fairly and reasonably construed, they admit of only one
meaning, the rule has no application.”
The rule of contra proferentem thus protects the insured from the vagariesof an unfavourable interpretation of an ambiguous term to which it did not agree.The rule assumes special significance in standard form insurance policies, calledcontract d’ adhesion or boilerplate contracts, in which the insured has little to nocountervailing bargaining power.
“ The claim is close proximity in nature which got cleared due to existence of valid previous policy number 2130/01299843/000/00 from 13.09.2018 to 12.09.2019 in which claim of same retaining wall damaged preferred on dated 25.09.2018 was honoured earlier by insurer as per previous survey report placed on record.”
(Kuljit Singh)
(Ranvir Kaur)
(Ramesh Kumar Gupta)
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