The complainants Nagendra Mohan Mishra and Namita Ranjan have filed this complaint petition against chief representative, UTI New market Sariyaganj and 3 others for realization of Rs. 13000/- with value of share at the present rate, with 18 % p.a. interest and Rs. 10,000/- as litigation cost.
The brief, facts of the case is that on 29-12-1992 the complainant entrusted Rs. 13,000/- to UTI by draft No.- 0481869 of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, Branch Muzaffarpur for issuance of Unit certificate in the name of his minor daughter Namita Ranjan in the scheme of ‘Raj Lakshmi’ scheme and received receipt of S.R. No-922177897. The further case is that after deposition of the draft, the unit certificate was not sent to the complainant on his given address. The further case is that after personal contact, the o.p disclosed the allotment of unit no.-932037017678 but no certificate was issued till filing of the case. The further case is that after 29-12-1992, no unit certificate was issued nor any payment was made after sending legal notices and other letters.
The complainant has filed the following documents with the complaint petition - photocopy of letter dated 09-03-2009 of UTI to Sishir Kumar advocate -annexure-1-, photocopy of letter dated - 28-01-2009 of UTI to Sishir Kumar advocate -annexure-2-, photocopy of letter of February 2007 of UTI to Namita Ranjan annexure-3-, photocopy of letter dated 12-01-2007 of UTI to Nagendra Mohan Mishra annexure-4, photocopy of letter dated 04-01-2007 of UTI to Sri Balram Pd. Bhagat Chief Manager annexure-5, photocopy of letter of UTI to Nagendra Mohan Mishra annexure-6, photocopy of acknowledgement in the scheme ‘Raj Lakshmi Unit scheme’ annexure-7, photocopy of depositing of Rs. 13,000/- in State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur for issuance of draft.
On issuance of notice no.-2 to 4 appeared and filed their w.s. on 23-09-2010 with prayer to dismiss the complaint. It has been mentioned in the w.s. that Unit trust of India (herein after referred to as “trust” ) had been set up as a statutory corporation under the UTI Act 1963. It has been further mentioned that u/s 19-21 of the said Act the Board of Trustees of the UTI had power to make scheme and issue units to the public. It has been further mentioned that ‘Raj Lakshmi scheme – 1992’ (hereinafter referred to as “RUS 92”) was one such Plan launched by the UTI and it was subject to its scheme provisions with its modification carried out from time to time. It has been further mentioned that the said scheme stood terminated with effect from 30-09-2000. It has been further mentioned that the said Act got repealed by an Act of parliament more particularly known as unit trust of India (transfer of undertaking repeal Act 2002, (hereinafter referred to as repealing Act” ) with effect from 29-10-2002. It has been further mentioned that as per the provisions of the repealing Act, trust has been bifurcated to two entities namely, (I). The Administrator of the Specified Undertaking of UTI and (II) The UTI Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd. It has been further mentioned that as per the repealing Act the Management of the subject scheme and also the schemes mentioned in schedule –I of the Repealing Act vests with the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the UTI whose office is situated at UTI tower, G.N. block Bandra-Kurla complex, Bandra East, Mumbai. Hence, the name of the may be substituted with an Administrator Specified Undertaking of the UTI. It has been further mentioned in the w.s. that the complaint is barred by law of limitation. It has been further mentioned that the cause of action of this case admittedly arose on 29-12-1992 i.e the date of investment whereas the complaint has been filed in the year 2010 that is after whopping gap of 18 years. A copy of this order dated 02-02-2010 passed by Hon’ble N.C. in the case of Mahindra Sharma Vs UTI has been annexed as annexure-A. It has been further mentioned that the complainant is not a consumer as defined u/s 2 (1) (d) of the CP Act 1986. It has been further mentioned that the scheme RUS-92 was terminated with effect from 30-09-2000 at the time of termination option was given to all investigator for taking the terminal proceeds or to convert the terminal proceeds to one scheme launched by for the benefit of the minor. It has been further mentioned that the are handicapped in providing details of the record pertains to year 1992 as the records were destroyed in accordance with SEBI instruction. It has been further mentioned that the and its Registrars are governed by rules and regulations issued by Securities Exchange Board of India. A copy of extracts of the guideline issued by SEBI, has been annexed as annexure-B. It has been further mentioned that the certificate No. R932037017678 provided in the notice is pertains to some other unitholder namely “Soni” whose investment is Rs. 5000/. A copy of records showing her name is annexure-‘C’
O.P No.-1 also appeared and filed his w.s. on 30-04-2011 with prayer to exclude his name from o.p. It has been mentioned in the w.s. that post of Chief Representative is remunerated post on Contractual basis and not salaried post and its day to day affairs run by o.p no.-1 from his own office. It has been further mentioned that the investment was made prior to his appointment, hence no record is available with him.
The o.p No.- 2 to 4 has raised question in their w.s. that the complaint is barred by law of limitation. This issue is primary issue to be decided at preliminary stage. The investment is said to have been done on 29-12-1992 in the Scheme of RUS-92 was terminated on 30-09-2000 as mentioned in the w.s. of 2 to 4. The cause of action arose on 29-12-1992 or before termination of the scheme that is 30-09-2000. If the certificate was not issued in the name of complainant he had to file the complaint till 30-09-2000 or just there after, but this complaint petition has been filed on 22-06-2010 after 10 years or 18 years. The complainant has filed annexures of letter of the year 2007 & 2009 which shows that the complainant start his correspondence in the year 2007 whereas his case is that after investment on 29-12-1992 no certificate nor payment was made in respect of units. So, no cause of action arose in the year 2007 or 2010. As per section 24 A of the CP Act 1986, the complaint should be filed within 2 years from the date of cause of action. No petition for condonation of delay has been filed on behalf of complainant. No delay has been condoned by this forum. So, we are of the considered opinion that the complaint is hopelessly barred by law of limitation and as such the same is liable to be dismissed.
The complainant has not adduced any evidence in his favour. He has also not examined himself to prove his case. The o.p has denied the investment and have stated in their w.s. that unit certificate no.- R932037017678 has been Issued in the name of ‘SONI’. Copy of the same has been annexed as annexure- ‘C’. The complainant has filed photocopy of comterfoil of depositing of Rs. 13000/- cash in the Bank of State of Bikaner and Jaipur but no paper has been filed to show that the ‘Bank Draft of Rs. 13000/- was sent to UTI for issuance of Unit Certificate.
On the basis of above discussion we find that there is no deficiency on part of rather there is deficiency on part of complainant and as such the complainant is liable to dismissed.
Accordingly, the complaint petition is dismissed.