Sanat Kr Bhattacharjee, S/o G.S Bhattacharjee filed a consumer case on 11 Oct 2018 against Chief Manager, LICI in the Birbhum Consumer Court. The case no is CC/96/2017 and the judgment uploaded on 11 Oct 2018.
Parties file hazira. The Complainant Sanat Kr. Bhattacharjee by filing a verified petition prayed for dismissal of the case.
Heard both sides.
We find that the Complainant has amicably settled the case with OP.
So, we do not find any impediment to allow the prayer.
that the C.C case No. 96/2017 be and the same is dismissed for non-prosecution. No cost.
Copy of this order be supplied to the parties each free of cost.
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