


SRI DINESH NATH - Complainant(s)




12 Jan 2021


Complaint Case No. CC/68/2015
( Date of Filing : 11 Sep 2015 )
 HON'BLE MRS. Smti.Archana Deka Lahkar MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Md Jamatul Islam MEMBER
Dated : 12 Jan 2021
Final Order / Judgement




Present:        I)   Shri A.F.A.Bora,M.Sc.,L.L.B.,A.J.S              -President

                       II)  Smti Archana Deka Lahkar,B.Sc.,L.L.B.      -Member

                       III) Sri Jamatul Islam,B.Sc,Former Dy

                            Director, FCS & CA                                          -Member




                        Shri Dinesh  Nath                                                  - Complainant

                        S/0 Late  Nagen   Ch Nath

                        R/O- Batarhat, P.S- Palashbari,

                       Kamrup, Assam


            I)         Central Bank of India,Mirza Branch                   -Opp. party

                       Guwahati Goalpara Road, P.O- Mirza,



            II)        The  Chief Manager  (OPR)

                        Central Bank of India,

                        Operations Department,

                        21st Floor, Maker Tower,

                        E-Wing Cuffe  Parada, Colaba,


             III)      The Zonal Manager,

                        Central bank of India,

                        G.S.Road, Central Bank Building,



            IV)      The Branch Manager, Central Bank of India,

                       Mirza Branch, Guwahati Goalpara Road,

                       P.O- Mirza, Pin-781125,





Ld advocate Mr Uday Jyoti Saikia  for the  complainant

Ld advocate Mr  Vikram Kr Dewan for the  opp. parties.


Date of argument:- 17/12/2020

Date of judgment: -12/01/2021





1)       This is an application U/S-12  of Consumer Protection Act, 1986  filed  by one  Dinesh  Nath gaianst Central bank of India, Mirza Branch  along  with Chief Manager , Zonal Manager  & Branch Manager of Central Bank of India, Mirza Branch.

2)      The complainant claimed himself  to be  a  consumer under 2(d) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986   and  filed  his  petition   for  appropriate  relief   stating  that  he had  an account  bearing no- 2190029731  in the  bank of the  opp. party  and  he was  regularly  maintaining  the account   and  when the  account  was  operated  on   16/05/2013  he  transferred  an amount  of Rs. 3,50,000/- from  his account  and  thereafter  on 03/06/2014  he updated  his passbook  of the said account  and  submitted  a form  to  fix  deposit an amount  from  the aforesaid  account. At   that  time   the  bank   verbally  informed  him  that an  amount  of Rs. 7,02,965.22/- was  held  from  his account  and  could not  operate  the same and   asked  him  to come  later  to know  the reasons  for  holding   the  said amount and on enquiry  about  holding  of aforesaid  amount  from   his account  the Branch Manager  verbally  informed  him that  due to  police  case  against  him the  amount  was held . The  bank authority  fails to  show  any  documents  or  given  any  reason  in   writing  for  holding  the  amount.

3)             The   complainant  ultimately   collect  a RTI  report  wherein   the Branch Manager  stated    that in   pursuance to  a police   case   no- 269/10 U/S-406/409/468/420 IPC was requested  against  the  complainant  and the  case  is  pending  before  the  court  of law. The  complainant  pointed  out  the  Branch Manager  that  there  is  no  order  from   the  authority  to the  bank   to  hold  any  amount   from  his account  in     connection   with  the  police  case  but  the opp. party no-3  refuse  to  talked   to  him  and  misbehave  with  him.

4)            The   complainant   states  that  the   opp. parties have  illegally   held  the  aforesaid   amount  and  the  complainant  have  been  deprived  from operating  his  bank  account  and the  same  is  lying   in the  account  without  use  and  the  complainant  has    incurred  a huge   monetary loss.

5)             For the   above  act of the  opp. party  the  complainant  suffered  acute  mental  and  physical  , financial  sufferings and  therefore the  complainant  demands  a  compensation  of Rs.2,00,000/-  from the  opp. parties   and a  direction  to  make  the  account  operational  forthwith.

6)          With the above  allegations  the  present  complaint was  filed  and registered  U/S-12 of  the Consumer Protection Act, 1986   . The opp. party no-1,2 & 4  in due  course  appeared  and  contested the  proceedings  by filing  written statement.

7)             The  main  contention   of the  opp. party  is that  petition is  barred by  limitation  and   there is    no deficiency of service   on the  part of  the opp. party.  It  has been  submitted  that  petition is  bad  for  mis-joinder of parties and complainant  have  withdrawn Rs.250000/-  from his  account  on 27/06/2014  . The   account of  the  complainant  was  kept  in hold  on  01/08/2011   due  to  initiation   of police  case  against  the  complainant  and  it is  submitted  that  opp. party no-1  was  making  effort  to trace out  the  direction    on  which  of the  account of  the opp. party put   on hold.  The opp. party  further  mentioned  that  claimant   after  01/08/2011  transferred  some  amount  on   03/06/2014  and  nearly  2 ½ years  he had  not  looked  into  his account.

8)    By denying   the  allegations  made  in the  complaint  , the oppl. Party further    submits    that the  complainant   did not  cooperate  with the   opp. party  no-3   to resolve  the  matter  and   there is  nop deficiency of service   on the  part of the  opp. party   and prays  for dismissing   the  present   complaint  .

9)    From   the   above  pleadings    of the  parties it is     necessary to   decide   the  consumer dispute  on the  following issues.

i)whether  there is  any  order  from   any court   to put     on   hold   an  amount  of Rs. 7,02,965.22/-  on  01/08/2011   from  the  account  of the  complainant.

ii) whether  there bis   any  deficiency  of service  on the  part of the   opp. party   towards  the   complainant   having  his  bank account  whether  the  petitioner  is   entitled  for  compensation  and   if  so   to what  extent.

Reasons  for  decision

 10)           We have  gone through   the  pleading   of the   parties   and  evidence  of the  witnesses    available   on  record   . The document  submitted   by the  parties  are  also  perused  and  considered  for determining  the issues.

Issue  no-(i)

11)                  PW-1  Dinesh Nath  , the   complainant   aged about  65  years  testified  Ext-1  , the  first page  of  his  passbook concerned  . Ext-2  is the  last   transaction  of the   account  of the  complainant  and he  stated  in    affidavit   that   when    he  on  03/06/14  updated  his passbook   the  bank  authority  informed  him that  he  could not  transferred  or  withdraw  an amount  of Rs. 7,02,965.22/-   without   assigning  any reason.  It is   specifically  mentioned   that  there is   no  order   from   any  court  of law   . Ext-3, 4   and 5   are  the documents  which   had   testified  the   fact   that   there  was a  police case    pending  against  the  complainant which   cannot   be said  that  there   is  any   order  for  holding   the  amount   stated   above   from   the  account  of the  complainant  . This  witness  was   thoroughly  cross  examined  regarding  pending  of criminal   case  and  complainant  have  specifically  admitted  that Hon’ble  High Court   have  stayed  the  proceedings   against  the  complainant.

12)                   In our  view  it is  very  clear  from   the  evidence  available   on  record  that  opp. party   have  submitted  certain  documents    which   are  Ext-A,B &  C   regarding  issue  of  letter  by the  bank manager  to the  CJM, Nalbari & Ext-D  is the  document  which  is a  reply   from  CJM, Nalbari which  doesnot  speak  anything  about  held up   some  amount of  money  from the  account  of the  complainant  .It  speaks  about  sending  GR No- 568/10  to   the  Gauhati High Court  . Anx-E  is a  letter  issued  by   the  Regional Manager  of the  bank  to  the Registrar,  Hon’ble  Gauhati High Court  which  in   fact  indicates  that  a  criminal  case  registered  against  the  complainant  was  forwarded  to the  Hon’ble Gauhati High Court  . This  evidence  in the  form   of annexure doesnot  automatically  lead  us  to hold  a  view  that  the  account of  the  complainant  has  been  put  on  hold  under  direction   of   any  court.

13)           Now  it is  the  burden  on   the  part  of the opp. party   that   there is   any  direction   from the  court of law   by  submitting  appropriate  document  . During  argument  the  ld. counsel  of the   complainant   submits  that  without  any  specific  order   from  court   of law  the  holding  of  an amount  from the  account   of the  complainant  is  unwarranted  & opp. party   have  failed  to produce  any  document  from   any  authority  of  law  for   holding  the  account  of the  complainant.

14)           The opp. party  while  arguing  the case   referred  the  documents  which  has been  submitted  as annexures  . It is  argued  that a  criminal  case  was  pending   before  the  CJM, Nalbari  and  against   the  order of the  CJM  criminal  revision  no-302/12  was  filed  before  the  Hon’ble Gauhati High Court  which   stayed  the  proceedings. It is  argued   that  there is  no  document  provided  by the  complainant   for  removing the  hold  on his    account  and they  wants  to  alleged  that  inspite  of request  complainant  have  not  provided   result  of the police  case  so  that      opp. party  can  release   the  money  . The  opp. party is  stressing  on  the  point   that   unless   any  document  is  produced   regarding  police  case  the  complainant  is  notentitled   to get  release  of Rs. 7,02,965.22/-.

15)          The above submission made by  the  opp. party is   found  not  acceptable   as  it is the  duty  of the   opp. party  to     proved   by producing   documents   that  the  account  of the  claimant/ complainant    was  put on  hold  for the  reason  of  any order   from  the  court of law  or authority . The  opp. party  have  not  discharge  the  burden lies  upon  them and  hence    it is  held  safely  that  there is  no   direction  from   any  authority  to put  on hold  the  account  of the  complainant   for  an amount  of Rs. 7,02,965.22/-. Accordingly Issue No-i  is  decided  in negative  and  in favour   of the  complainant.



Issue No-ii

16)           So far Issue No-ii    is  concerned   it is  found  that  complainant   being  a  consumer  of the  bank   kept  his  money   with  the  opp. party   bank  and he  was  not allowed   to handle  his  own  money  without  assigning  any  good  reason  for  holding  an amount of Rs. 7,02,965.22/-..

17)                  We have  carefully gone  through   the evidence  of the  complainant  who  is  examined  as CW-1  -Sri Dinesh Nath  . His testimony  reveals   the fact    that  a    police  case   vide  Nalbari  P.S. Case No- 269/2010 GR No- 568/2010 was  pending  against   the   complainant  which  has   been   chargesheeted by the  police . The   cross examination   further  reveals  that   complainant  prefer  a revision petition   before   the    Hon’ble  Gauhati High Court   which  stayed   the  proceedings  pending   before CJM, Nalbari.

18)                   During cross   examination  by the opp. party  CW-1  admitted  the fact   that  he  went   to the  bank  for submitting  the  documents       relating  to his   police  case but the  Branch Manager  refused   to accept  the  document . It is  further  admitted   during  cross  examination  that  he verbally   requested  the  Regional Manager   to release  his  money from   withhold.  In   such  a  situation   we  found  that   opp. party  have  failed  to  assailed  the   testimony  of PW-1  and  there  is  no  reason   found  to put  in  hold  the account  of the  complainant   from operation   for  the  certain amount of money.

19)               The testimony  of opp. parties  in the  form  of affidavit  is  perused.  Ext-A the  statement  of account  of the  complainant  , Ext-B  is the  enquiry  report  dtd.22/06/2014   issued by Nalbari  Police Station   , Ext-C is a  letter  by the  bank  manager   to the  CJM, Nalbari  , Ext-D is the  order  passed   by the  CJM, Nalbari  dtd.22/01/2014 and Ext-E is a  letter  dtd. 01/01/2015  issued  by  Regional Manager to the    Registrar, Hon’ble  Gauhati High Court   .In  all those  documents   nothing  has  been mentioned  about  the  reasons  to put  on hold    the  account  of the  complainant.   Ext-E further reveals   that  the opp. party is   requesting   to  provide  them a     document  / order  if any   through   which   the said  account   has been  closed.   That  indicates   that till  the date of  filing  application  vide  Ext-E, the  opp. party  had  no    document in hand  to show  the  reasons  of  holding    the   transaction  of the  account  of the  complainant.  Ext-D   is nothing  about  any order  from   the court    in   respect  of the  account  no. of the claimant to  kept  it on hold  or  there  is  no   such  evidence  on  this document   that  any  order  of the  court was  there   regarding  closing of the  bank account. Ext-C is a  letter  addressed  to the  CJM, Nalbari   by the  opp. party  to  provide  them   the  copy  of   orders/ directions etc.


20)                      From the  perusal  of the  above document   it  is found  that  there is  no  conclusive  prove  of the  fact   that  by  any  appropriate   authority  the  bank   account of  the  complainant  was  put on  hold  and  made  it  non-operative   for certain   amount  of  money .In such a  situation  we are   constrain   to hold  a  view  that  the  bank   authority  have  failed  to   produce   any   document  to show  the   reason   of putting   the  account  of the  complainant  on hold. As such,   the bank   authority  is found  negligent   in providing  services   to the  complainant  and complainant was  subjected  to mental   harassment  and agony for   which  he is  entitled   for  compensation.   Accordingly Issue No-ii    is decided   in   affirmative.


21)                  Now, so  far   the  amount of   compensation is concerned  we have  duly  consider  the   situation   under  which  the  bank  account  of the  complainant  put  on hold.   The complainant  by  submitting   documents   try to  prove  that  during   that period   he  has  undergone  medical  treatment  and  not  allowing to  operate  his  bank  account  have caused   sufferings  and loss. We  have gone   through  Ext-6 , the  medical  certificate  which  indicates  that   complainant   undergone kidney  transplantation   on 09/01/2014 . During  that  period  a good  amount  of money  of the  complainant  was   put on   hold and the opp. party is  found negligent  in rendering   their  services  to the  complainant  at a crucial  time.  Hence, complainant  is  found  entitled  for  compensation  to the  tune  of  Rs.1,00,000/-  under Sec-14 d  of the  Consumer Protection Act, 1986 .






22)                          The opp. party is  directed  to  pay  a compensation  amounting to  Rs.1,00,000/-  for causing   mental  agony  and harassment and  Rs.20,000/-  as cost  of proceeding  to the  complainant . Further  opp. party is   directed  to  remove the  withhold  order   of the  bank   account  of the  complainant  and  to  allow   him to  draw  the  withhold amount  with  interest  if it  is  not  otherwise  barred. They are also directed  to   make  the  payment   within    45 days  from   the  date of  judgment, failing which opp. party  will have to pay  an interest @12%  on the  awarded  amount  till  realization. All  the  opp. parties   are  jointly and  severally  liable  for payment.


Given under our hand and seal today on  the  12th day of  January   , 2021.




Smti Archana Deka Lahkar           Shri Jamatul Islam                      Shri A.F.A.Bora

       (Member)                                           (Member)                             (President)

    DCDRC,Kamrup                            DCDRC,Kamrup                       DCDRC,Kamrup



[HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE Sri Akhtar Fun Ali Bora]
[HON'BLE MRS. Smti.Archana Deka Lahkar]
[HON'BLE MR. Md Jamatul Islam]

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