Ashok Kumar Haldar filed a consumer case on 28 Jul 2016 against Branch Manager,UCO Bank in the Cuttak Consumer Court. The case no is CC/41/2015 and the judgment uploaded on 28 Sep 2016.
C.C No.41/2015
Sri Ashok Kumar Halder,
Dist:Cuttack. … Complainant.
UCO Bank,College Square Branch,
UCO Bank,Kanika Chhak,
Tulasipur,Cuttack. … Opp. Parties.
Present: Sri Bichitra Nanda Tripathy,Presiding Member.
Smt. Sarmistha Nath, Member.
Date of filing: 06.04.2015
Date of Order: 28.07.2016
Mr. Bichitra Nanda Tripathy,Presiding Member.
This is a dispute wherein the complainant has alleged deficiency in service and also unfair trade practice on the part of the O.Ps.
It is alleged that on 10.7.2014 the complainant deposited a sum of Rs.60,000/-in cash with O.P.1 Bank in his loan A/C No.2450610004753 and obtained required receipt(counter foil) from O.P.1. On the same date even if a credit of Rs.60,000/- was given in his loan A/c a debit of Rs.10,000/- was also given in the said loan a/c of the complainant by the O.P.1 Bank without his knowledge. The complainant came to know this on 7.8.2014 and made several representations to the O.P Bank to credit a sum of Rs.10,000/- which was debited as on 10.7.2014- but in vain. On 16.12.2014 the complainant served a notice on O.P.2 to look into the matter and to refund the above amount of Rs.10,000/- and it also yielded no result. Again on 5.2.2015 the complainant served another notice on O.P.2 but in vain. Finding no other way, the complainant took shelter under this Hon’ble Forum. He has prayed for refund of Rs.10,000/- with interest and another sum of Rs.10,000/- towards litigation expenses, mental agony and harassment.
Denomination No. Amount
Rs.1,000/- x 6 Rs.6000/-
Rs. 500/- x 76 Rs.38,000/-
Rs. 100/- x 60 Rs. 6,000/-
It is clear that the total money tendered to be deposited with the O.P Bank was wrongly stated in the pay-in-slip as Rs.60,000/- whereas the exact amount tendered was Rs.50,000/-. The counter foil was also filled as Rs.60,000/- by the complainant. The receiving cashier has inadvertently also put his signature and seal on the deposit slip of Rs.60,000/-. In the reply given by O.P.2 to the complainant on 31.12.14 they have intimated the complainant that a sum of Rs.50,000/- was actually deposited by the complainant whereas the pay-in-slip was filled up as Rs.60,000/-. O.P.2 had also given the details of denomination of notes as tendered by the complainant which was as per the pay-in-slip filled up by the complainant. In their written version dt.3.6.15 the O.P.1 has also stated that the complainant has deposited a total sum of Rs.50,000/- but the amount was filled up in the pay-in-slip as Rs.60,000/- instead of Rs.50,000/-. By mistake, the concerned employee of the Bank has made endorsement regarding acceptance of Rs.60,000/- instead of Rs.50,000/-. When the O.P.1 found such mistake they have rectified the said error on the same day.
“Bank employees are supposed to be vigilant and prudent in discharge of their duties”.
We are of the opinion that the cashier who accepted cash worth Rs.50,000/- vide pay-in-slip which was wrongly prepared as Rs.60,000/-, should have been vigilant and prudent on the matter. Again a suitable written reply should have given to the complainant by the O.P.1 Bank soon after detection of such facts since the complainant was a regular customer of the Bank.
Typed to dictation, corrected and pronounced by the Hon’ble Member in the Open Court on this the 28th day of July, 2016 under the seal and signature of this Forum.
(Sri B.N.Tripathy )
Presiding Member.
(Smt. Sarmistha Nath)
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