Chintamani Padhi. filed a consumer case on 11 Feb 2023 against Branch Manager,National Insurance Co.Ltd,Jajpur Road Branch. in the Jajapur Consumer Court. The case no is CC/112/2019 and the judgment uploaded on 21 Feb 2023.
Consumer Complaint No. 112 of 2019.
Chintamani Padhi, S/o:- Bishnu Charan Padhi,
Vill:- Janha, Po/P.S:- Korei, Dist:- Jajpur. . . . . Complainant.
Branch Manager, National Insurance Co. Ltd.,
Jajpur Road Branch, At:- Main Road Jajpur Road,
Po/P.S:- Jajpur Road, Dist:- Jajpur, Pin-755019.
Order Dt.11.02.2023.
The matter is posted today for “ 1st National Lok Adalat, 2023”. On the strength of joint compromise petition filed by both the parties in the present consumer complaint No.112 of 2019, during the pre-conciliation sitting for 1st National Lok Adalat, at District C.D.R. Commission, Jajpur on dt.11.02.2023. The above named complainant & the above named O.P.-‘Insurance Company’ have arrived at a compromise to settle the above mentioned claim petition at Rs. 27,000/- (Rupees twenty seven thousand) only as consolidated in full and final satisfaction of the above case with subject to the conditions mentioned therein.
Heard the petition and it is allowed.
As per the amicable settlement between the parties, the O.P.-‘Insurance Company’ would pay Rs. 27,000/-by way of D.D./Cheque to the complainant within 30 days. So, in view of the compromise petition filed by both the parties, the present consumer complaint is accordingly withdrawn & disposed of on the occasion of 1st National Lok Adalat, 2023.
Issue extract of the order to the concerned parties.
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