Complainant aggrieved by the repossession of his vehicle bearing Regd.No. OD-05-X-0277 (Truck) has filed this C.C.Case U/s-35 of C.P.Act, 2019 seeking following relief:
“Honbl’e Commission may direct the Op to ply the vehicle bearing Regd.No. OD-05-X-0277 (Truck) and not to stop the vehicle on road in accordance with law and also pay the compensation as per law. Further direct to Op to produce the statement of the accounts”.
Final award under Arbitration and Conciliation Act-1996 has been passed on 03.08.2018 i.e, much prior to filing of this case before this Commission on dt. 06.02.2024. As such the consumer complainant is not maintainable.
Further Complainant has filed an advance petition seeking withdrawal of C.C. Case to approach the Ops for settlement in OTS.
Taking a linent view we direct the Ops to consider the OTS application sympathetically in accordance with Rules.
With the aforesaid observation and direction the C.C.Case No. 17/2024 is accordingly disposed off. No order as to cost.
Issue extract of the order to the parties for compliance.
Pronounced in the open Commission, on this the 19th day of June,2024.
I, agree,
Sd/- Sd/-