Fixed for hearing of petition dated 28-06-2017 for addition of parties.
Ld. Advocate for Complainant files his hazira.
Let this petition be registered as Misc. Case no.34 of 2017.
Petition dated 28-06-2017 is taken up for hearing.
Heard. Perused the petition.
It appears that Complainant has made prayer for registered of the O.P. Company.
We like to allow this petition and Legal Manager, National Insurance Company should be made parties for proper adjudication of this case.
Hence, it is
That the Misc. Case no.34 of 2017 be and same is hereby allowed.
Petition dated 28-06-2017 filed by Complainant for addition of parties as O.P. no.2.
Amend the petition of complaint & registered accordingly.
Complainant is directed to take step upon by 7 days, if complete requisite filed issued the same.
Thus this Misc. Case is disposed of.
Fix 14-09-2017 for S.R. of O.P. no.,2.