


Prafulla Mukhi - Complainant(s)


Branch manager, Cholomandalam Investment & Finance Comp. Ltd & other - Opp.Party(s)

Md. Azad

26 Jul 2017


Execution Application No. EA/1/2017
( Date of Filing : 16 Jan 2017 )
Complaint Case No. CC/47/2014
1. Prafulla Mukhi
1. Branch manager, Cholomandalam Investment & Finance Comp. Ltd & other
At-Sobhra Tower,N.H-55,P.O/P.S/Dist-Angul
 HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick MEMBER
 HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty MEMBER
For the Appellant:
For the Respondent:
Dated : 26 Jul 2017
Final Order / Judgement



       PRESENT:- SRI  DURGA CHARAN MISHRA.                          


                                                             A N D

                                          Smt.Sunanda Mallick &Sri K.K.Mohanty,

                                       MEMBERS .


                                   Execution Application No. 1  of 2017

                                                   Date  of  Filling : - 16.01.2017.

                                                          Date  of  Order  :-  26.07.2017


Prafulla Mukhi, At/P.O-Nunkapasi,Handapa,






  1.    Branch Manager,

     Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd,

            At-Sobhra Tower,NH-55,P.O/P.S/Dist-Angul


  1.     Divisional-cum-Collection Manager,

      Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd,

      At-Arnapurna Complex,1st Complex Lewis Road,

       BJB Nagar.Bhubaneswar,Dist-Khurda.


  1.    Regd. Head Office,Legal Officer,

     Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd,

     At-Dare House,1st floor, No-2 N.S.C. Bose Road, Chennai-600001

                                         _______________________________________Opp. parties.

For the complainant     :- Sri Md. Azad & associates(Advs.).

For the opp.parties       :-  M.K.Panda & associates(Advs.)


: J U D G E M E N T :

Sri D.C.Mishra,President.

            This case springes out of Misc Case No. 47 of 2014 arising out of C.C.Case No. 118 of 2014 .The petitioner has filed this case with prayer to punish the  opp.parties (JDrs) on the  ground that they have  disobeyed the  order  passed in  Misc Case No. 47 of 2014.

2.         The petitioner’s case is that :-

            He had  taken a loan from the opp.parties  and purchased a vehicle bearing No OR 19L 2574 and paying the  EMIs regularly but without  any  rhyme  or   reason the opp.parties seized his vehicle and  threatened to sale it, for which the present petitioner had filed Misc Case No. 47 of 2014 before this  forum and in the said Misc Case this  forum directed the opp.parties on 20.1.2015  to release the impugned  vehicle  in zima of  the petitioner by taking Rs. 40,000.00. It is  alleged that, after  passing of the order, the petitioner approached the opp.parties  but  they  refused to release the vehicle and  ultimately sold it  to another person, violating the direction and  order of this forum, so he has  filed  this case with prayer to punish the opp.parties.

3.         The opp.parties have  contested the  case by  filing joint  written show cause with prayer to dismiss the case stating that  they had  already sold the  vehicle by auction before  getting the order of this  forum,for which  complying the  direction of the  forum was not possible for them and it was beyond  their control.

4.         In view of the  rival pleadings of the  parties the following issue  arises for consideration.

: I S S U E :

                                              ​​(i) Whether the opp. parties have willfully violated or 

                                                  disobeyed the order passed by this forum on 20.1.2015

                                                  in Misc Case No.47 of 2014 and liable to be punished ?


Issue (i):-       According to the petitioner, this forum  directed the opp.parties on 20.1.2015  in Misc Case No. 47 of 2014  to release the  vehicle but the opp.parties refused  to release and  sold it and thereby violated the order of this  forum. On the other hand,  the opp.parties  submitted that  due to default in payment by the petitioner, they seized the  vehicle on  7.11.2014 by following due  process and  then after giving  final sale notice to the petitioner they sold the vehicle to  another  person on 22.12.2014 for Rs. 65,000.00 through  E-auction which was  much prior to the date of passing order  by  this forum. The  learned counsel for the opp.parties  submitted  to  peruse some documents filed in main C.C.Case No. 118 of 2014 i.e authorization letter to  repossess the  vehicle (Anx-6),Pre seizure intimation to police (Anx-7),post seizure intimation to  police (Anx-8),Pre-sale letter to the customer/petitioner (Anx-10),E-auction quotation (Anx-11),payment receipt by the purchaser (Anx-13) ,sale acceptance letter of the  opp.parties (Anx-14) and  release order of the  vehicle by the opp.parties in favour of Anata Sahu/purchaser(Anx- 15) .On perusal of  above documents it is found that  the  sale  process  including release of the  vehicle was completed  on 27.12.2014 but the order   by this forum was passed  on 20.1.2015 i.e after completion of  the  process .Thus, complying the order of the forum passed in Misc Case No. 47 of 2014 on 20.1.2015 was not possible  for the  opp.parties and it was  beyond their  control. Hence they have not  violated/  disobeyed  the  order of this forum willfully. In the other hand  the petitioner has not  proved the  fact  by  any cogent  evidence   or  filing  any relevant documents so the opp.parties  cannot be  punished  in this  case.

  1.  Hence orderd:-

: O R D E R :

This Execution Application case is dismissed on contest by the parties. The opp.partiesare not liableto bepunished in thiscase.


                                                                                                                                                    Order delivered in the open forum

                                                                     today the  26th   July 2017 with

                                                                      hand   and seal of this Forum.

Typed to my dictation

and corrected by me                                                                                                                Sd/-

                                                                                                                                     (Sri D. C. Mishra)         

 Sd/-                                                                                                                                      President.       

  (Sri D. C. Mishra)                                                               



 Sd/-                                                                               Sd/-

 (Sri K.K.Mohanty),                                                    (Smt.S. Mallick)


[HON'BLE MR. Durga Charan Mishra]
[HON'BLE MRS. Sunanda Mallick]
[HON'BLE MR. Kalyan Kishore Mohanty]

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