


Sri Ugamraj Nahar - Complainant(s)


BMW India Pvt. Ltd. - Opp.Party(s)

M Papa Reddy

24 Apr 2019


(9th Floor, Chandravihar Complex, M.J. Road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500 001)
Complaint Case No. CC/138/2015
( Date of Filing : 18 Feb 2015 )
1. Sri Ugamraj Nahar
S/o. Sri Late Bhawarlal Nahar, Age 61, Occ. Business, R/o. Plot No.477, Road No.21, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500033
1. BMW India Pvt. Ltd.
The M.D. Building No.8, Tower B, 7th Floor, DLF Cyber City, Ph 2, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001
2. Mr. Goutam Reddy
M.D. Kun Motoren Pvt. Ltd. 6-3-569, Kun Exclusive, Opp. RTA, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082
3. Mr. Krishna Bhushan
General Manager - After Sale, Kun Motoren Pvt. Ltd. 6-3-569, Kun Exclusive, Opp. RTA, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082
4. Mr. Azim Khan
Kun Motoren Pvt. Ltd. 6-3-569, Kun Exclusive, Opp. RTA, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082
For the Complainant:
For the Opp. Party:
Dated : 24 Apr 2019
Final Order / Judgement

                                                                                        Date of Filing:18-02-2015  

                                                                                         Date of Order: 24-4-2019




P r e s e n t­






Wednesday, the  24th day of April, 2019



C.C.No.138 /2015




Sri Ugamraj Nahar

S/o.Sri Late Bhawarlal Nahar,

Age:61 years, Occ: Business,

R/o.Plot No.477, road No.21,

Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500033                                   …….. Complainant



  1. The Managing Director,

BMW India Pvt.Ltd.,

Building No.8, Tower –B,

7th floor, DLF Cyber City,

Ph-2, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001


  1. Mr.Goutam Reddy,

Managing Director,

Kun Motoren Pvt.Ltd.,

6-3-569, Kun Exclusive,

Opp: RTA, Somajiguda,

Hyderabad – 500082


  1. Mr.Krishna Bhushan,

General Manager – After Sales,

Kun Motoren Pvt.Ltd., 6-3-569, Kun Exclusive,

Opp: RTA, Somajiguda,

Hyderabad – 500082


  1. Mr.Azim Khan

Kun Motoren Pvt.Ltd., 6-3-569, Kun Exclusive,

Opp: RTA, Somajiguda,

Hyderabad – 500082                                                        ….Opposite Parties



Counsel for the complainant                      :  M/s.M.Papa Reddy

Counsel for the opposite Party No.1         :  Mr.C.Sumon

                              opposite Party No.2 to 4: Mr.K.Vishweshwar Reddy                      




(By Sri P. Vijender, B.Sc., LL.B., President on behalf of the bench)


            This complaint has  been preferred under Section 12 of C.P. Act of 1986 alleging  demand made by  opposite parties No.2 to 4 by way of invoice  for Rs.3,31,237/- towards cost  of repairs  and services  done to the complainant’s  vehicle  as arbitrary  and unfair trade practice  and not releasing  the vehicle  caused inconvenience to  the complainant  hence a direction to the opposite  parties  to deliver the complainant’s vehicle   on the deposit of Rs.40,000/- by the  complainant   towards cost of repairs  and a further  direction  to pay damages at Rs.3,000/-  per day  from   20th September 2014 till 31-01-2015 and cost of this complaint  at Rs.3,000/-. 

  1. The complainant’s case in brief   is that he purchased  a BMW 520D car  in August

 2008  from the authorized dealer  of  opposite party No.1. He  purchased the  said car  having lured   with  claim of  its  high performance  and reputation  of the opposite parties and its brand.  Later  he got   registered  the car as AP 09BQ 7575.   On  4-09-2014 the complainant faced a miner problem as the car was not starting  immediately after pressing the start  button. Hence he contacted opposite party No.2 to 4 the authorized dealers of opposite party No.1 and on such contact their employee  attended  the grievance  and took the car to workshop and two days  later returned the car.  But the problem persisted.  The complainant was not informed by the opposite parties that there was a major problem for the car. 

           Since the  problem of   start button  persisted the complainant  informed to opposite party No.4 who   pick up  the car to workshop  on the pretext that  there was an issue with the coolant tank and at that  time also no other problem  was reported to  him. Thereafter there was several   telephonic conversations  between the complainant and opposite party No.4 and at that time   he  was informed that there were different problems  with the car and same have to be dealt with  but to the    enquiries  of  complainant they did not  give a straight answers  and kept avoiding him.   Opposite party No.4 informed  the complainant that a particular part is required to be changed  and the cost of it  would be Rs.30,000/- to Rs.40,000/-. Believing it the complainant gave oral consent to replace that particular part. No approval was taken from him by the opposite parties either in writing or telephone  for attending  major  repairs.   While the complainant  was waiting for  delivery of the car to him after attending repairs on  25-11-2014 opposite parties No.2 to 4 informed that the car was ready and final invoice for repairs  was   Rs.1,25,000/-.  Immediately complainant spoke with opposite party No.4 who assured  that after a test drive his grievance  can be  considered.  Believing it complainant went to workshop and to his surprise found that his car in a dirty condition  and it appeared  the  personal  of the opposite parties  have used  it.   Even at that time also he was not   informed   of any major problem to the car.  He received a  final invoice dated 3-12-2014 and the bill raised  was for  an amount of Rs.3,31,237/- and  having seen it he was taken aback.  The said invoice was followed by an email dated 5-12-2014 informing that  as a special  case  the final  invoice amount was reduced to Rs.1,25,000/- and no reason was mentioned for  reducing the  such a huge amount.  This itself shows the malafides and inefficiency on the part of the opposite parties.  A perusal of  the  invoice raised   shows  lot of unnecessary  services were charged with an intension to enhance the bill amount.   A part called RMFD  Turbo was  shown as  replaced  and same part was also  replaced in November, 2012 at a  cost of Rs.1,39,860/-.  

       On   14-12-2014 complainant sent an email to opposite parties 2 to 4  raising  his grievance  and  protest  against  the services provided  but there was no  response. Later he tried to contact opposite party No.1 to  sort out   the problem  but they  lent a deaf ear.  The delay in    diagnosing the actual defect  and attending  the  repairs  was inordinate.   It appears  the opposite parties  were  not really in the knowledge of detecting  the actual defect in the vehicle.  The original  assurance given for attending  repairs   and to change of parts worth of Rs.30,000/- to 40,000/- and subsequently  raising  a bill for Rs.1,25,000/- amounts to  inefficiency. Before attending such repairs  involving  payment of exorbitant amount  the opposite parties were expected to seek  a   prior  approval from  the complainant  in writing.  Raising bill for an amount of Rs.3,31,237/- and reducing it to Rs.1,25,000/- and failure to explain  the delay  caused in  an apparent defect in service  attributable  to the opposite parties.

              In the said  circumstances the complainant got issued a legal notice on  12-01-2015 asking the opposite parties  to deliver the car immediately   as he was facing  immense inconvenience  and to re-evaluate  the invoice  raised to the  extent of  the amount approved  by him.  Opposite  parties were also called upon to pay compensation  at the rate of Rs.3,000/- per day from 20th September, 2014  for the delay in delivery of the vehicle  till delivery is affected.   In response to it opposite party No.1 gave  a casual  reply on 28-01-2015 abandoning any responsibility  in the  controversy.  Opposite party No.2  to 4 are the   authorized  dealers  and representatives  of opposite party No.1  as such   is  accountable  for the conduct and deficiency of service  on the part of the opposite parties 2 to 4.   The opposite party No.1 cannot  casually absolve itself from its responsibilities   by issuing  an indifferent and a causal  reply. 

            Opposite parties 2 to 4 have got issued a reply on 29-1-2015 to the complainant’s notice with false allegations.  In the  said reply they tried  to shift the burden  and responsibility   for the delay on the  complainant .  There was no occasion  for the complainant   for giving an  approval   in writing to carry out repairs mentioned in the invoice.  In fact there was not even a mention of the  problem as  portrayed to have been sustained to  the vehicle.   The opposite parties were  in capable   and inefficient  in   detecting the problem of the vehicle  in spite of retaining the vehicle    with them  for a long period of time.  Such inefficiency amounts to deficiency of service.  In reply  notice opposite parties  2 to 4 have demanded  a sum of Rs.2,000/- per day  from 15-12-2014  as  demurrage charges  and further sum of Rs.10,00,000/- as damages which is absolutely  uncalled for  and has been raised only as a counter  blasted to the complainant’s claim.  These acts of opposite parties amounts to clear and un-ambiguous  acts of deficiency   in service.  Hence the present complaint. 

  1. Opposite party No.1 filed its separate written version whereas opposite parties 2 to 4  filed a common written version  on their behalf.  The substance of  opposite party No.1’s  written version  is that  it is evident from the  complainant  that  impleadment of opposite party No.1 in the complaint is nothing but an abuse  of  process of law and an attempt to harass it  as no allegation of whatsoever  is made against  it in the complaint.  The grievance of the complainant is in respect of   alleged deficiency of service rendered by opposite party No.2 to 4 while attending repairs to the complainant’s vehicle.   There  is no cause of action  to file  a complaint  against  opposite party No.1 and in fact  in the cause of action  paragraph  of the complaint    itself   says that  originally  cause of action  arose on 4-09-2014 and finally on 3-12-2014 when the final  invoice for Rs.3,31,237 was issued  to the complainant.  So disclosing  the cause of action  itself shows  no  cause of action   arose   to file a complaint against the opposite party No.1.  Similarly  the complainant   did not allege that  there is a manufacturing  defect in the subject vehicle  so as  to  implead the opposite party No.1 in the complaint. There is no privity of contract between the complainant and opposite party No.1 in respect of attending repairs  to the vehicle. To the legal notice  got issued  by complainant  a  suitable reply was given and despite   that the complainant  has impleaded  opposite party No.1who is not a proper and necessary party for the complaint.  Hence the complaint is liable to be dismissed  against opposite party  No1. 
  2. Opposite party No.2  to  4 while denying the  material allegations  in the complaint contended that  Kun Motorenis is an authorized  dealer of the world   renowned  automobile brand BMW  and it is in the business of long period  of time and  enjoys immense goodwill  and reputation  in the market in southern region of India  and it is well known as customer  friendly  after sales support to the BMW patrons.  It is  a well equipped service stations and trained personnel. Its  workshop  centre  is equipped with   state of art facilities for  inspecting, repairing and rectifying the defects if any  in the  vehicle   brought   to it.  Each vehicle  brought  before it is inspected, repaired  and rectified by manually  as well as   by using   the latest  and advanced   computer  enabled tools  which detect almost  all the defects  brought before it.   Every service advisor, service engineer and others are trained by rigorous training programme at the head quarters of opposite party No.1. 

          The complainant  has  been a patron of Kun Motoren  ever since its inception  in 2010.  He approached  service centre in the month of September, 2014  with  certain problems. The service  engineers  immediately   attended the vehicle  and carried out  necessary repairs.  At that time   its service person advised the complainant for replacement of engine mount, front strut, oil filter gasket and EGR cooler.  But the complainant told  the service  person  not to replace the same. Hence the vehicle  was handed over to  the complainant  pointing out in the  service invoice  that the above  issues  are  needed attention for the effective function of the vehicle.  The complainant used to bring parts from unauthorized   sources and  insist  to use  the same in the vehicle    even though  he  was appraised  by the service   advisor  about the problems   cropped up with  the unauthorized  parts.   The complainant  got  the  up gradation of  engineer   software  by an un authorized   sources  in the month of September, 2011 and   because of that the engine of the vehicle was cracking and  starting  with noise.  He brought the vehicle to opposite party No.2 to 4 for necessary repairs and same was carried out.   The trained  personnel of  BMW authorized  servicing centres  can only  upgrade the engine  software  by using  the highly  standard  equipments.  The action of the complainant in resorting to upgrade the engine software  by   unauthorized sources itself shows the irresponsibility and negligence in maintaining the vehicle of BMW brand.

             On 10-09-2014 complainant brought the vehicle and complained that engine oil/coolant leakage.  The service advisor upon checking the vehicle told to the complainant    that car requires elaborate repairs including engine overhaul and  damage has been  caused  because  of  failure  to replace  the  parts earlier  informed and because of non use of genuine  parts and lubricants  by the complainant.  The complainant purchased the parts from    local market not genuine one.  The service engineer carried out repairs as and when a new issue came to light by the complainant.  The car was ready for delivery on 03-12-2014 and the complainant was requested to come and collect it and final invoice  for the amount  of  Rs.  3,31,237/- was raised.  The service centre as a goodwill  gesture covered the costs of the turbo charger  under the spare parts  warranty and gave a discount of the corresponding amount.  The complainant on receipt of proforma invoice  raised false and baseless allegations and same  was responded by servicing centre   orally  and in writing  and requested the complainant to  take delivery of the vehicle  but  till date he has  not taken delivery  of it.  Thereafter  complainant proceeded  to issue  notice  with false allegation  that the  repair  was carried out  without   authority  and  the car was in dirty  state and there was delay  in  identifying the problem  to the car. 

            The allegations leveled in the  legal  notice  are absolutely false.  After specific instructions of the complainant repairs were carried out. The car was not in dirty state and it was cleared after completion of repairs.  There was no delay in identifying the problem in the car.  In fact the problem was immediately identified and informed to the complainant.  The delay was on account of unavailability of spare parts in India which were necessarily required to be imported from Germany.  The other reason for delay was non-availability of the complainant for joint test drive. 

                   When the  complainant  brought the car  first time on 20-7- 2010  with a mileage of 28,222 KM the service  history discloses that the complainant has not visited any of the BMW authorized  service centre  during the said period and he got serviced the vehicle from unauthorized persons who   used non-genuine parts, lubricants  from local markets.  

                The complainant never used  his vehicle  in  terms of the user guide of BMW and  not followed  the advice of the Kun Motoren’s  service advisor for replacement  of parts such as engine mount, front strut, oil strut, oil filter gasket and  EGR cooler.  Complainant  being  himself  negligent  and  irresponsible    in maintaining his vehicle  has resorted  to make  baseless allegations with mischievous  intention  of  wrongful  gain.   Only after lapse of six years  from the date of purchase  of the vehicle  and after using  it  for  67722 KM a technical  glitch was  complained by the complainant.  The complainant   was never informed  by the service  engineer  of opposite party No.2 to 4 that the   repair  would  cost of Rs.30,000 to 40,000/-.  The complainant  being aware  of the problems  with the car and having  consented  to the repairs  resorted  to make false  allegations  in the legal notice  and the present complaint  in order to  escape  from the liability of payment of  the invoice amount.  In voice raised for repairs attended to the car of the complainant.  There was no deficiency of service on the part of the opposite parties 2 to 4 in attending repairs to the  car.  It is the complainant  who  refused to take delivery of the car after attending repairs  to it by the service engineer of opposite party No.2 to 4.  Hence  complaint is liable to be dismissed with  exemplary costs  directing the complainant  to pay an amount of Rs.2,000/- per day towards damages for parking his car at opposite party No.2 premises from 15-12-2014 to the date off disposal of the complaint. 

          In the enquiry stage complainant has got  filed his evidence affidavit reiterating  the material facts  narrated  in the  complaint  and  also got exhibited eight  (8) documents.    Similarly for the  Opposite Party  evidence affidavit  of  one Sri  Krishna Bhushan  stated to be  their   authorized representative is got filed  and the substance of the same is in line with the contentions put forward  in the  common written version and  through  him   thirteen (13) documents are exhibited.   Written arguments are filed by both sides. 

            On a consideration of material available on the record the following points have emerged for consideration .        

  1. Whether  the complainant consented and approved  for attending repairs  tot the car and agreed to pay the  total cost for it?
  2. Whether the complainant is  entitled for the amount claimed in the complaint?
  3. To what relief?

Point No.1&2:  As rightly pointed out  by opposite party  in written version  by  the time the complainant  took his car to opposite party No.2 to  4 it was  out of warranty and the complainant  was not  instructed by  opposite party No.1 take the car to opposite parties 2  to  4.  Though opposite parties 2 to 4 are authorized dealers of opposite party No.1 their actions are independent  and for the commissions and omissions  committed by the opposite parties 2 to 4, opposite party No.1 cannot be made liable.  Admittedly complainant had no issue with opposite party No.1 except the stand  that since opposite parties 2 to 4 are the authorized dealers of  opposite party No.1 there is a vicarious liability   for the  acts committed by opposite party No.2 to  4.  The  opposite party No.1 in the written version  referred  the decision of Hon’ble State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission,  Maharashtra  in the case   of  Rehab Housing Pvt.Ltd., Vs.BMW Germany and others.  In the  said case it was held that  all transactions in respect of   purchase of the car was made between  the complainant  on one hand and dealer on the other hand.  The complainant appears to have impleaded the manufacturer   despite there being no cause of action and no privity of contract between the complainant and one hand and the manufacturer on the other hand.  Opposite party No. 1 &2 cannot be held liable for the acts committed by dealer opposite party No.3.  Dealer in dealing  with the  customer   while in selling  BMW cars with an agreement  is executed  on principal to principal  basis , the manufacturer  cannot be saddled with the  liability  if the dealer  committed  any default or   any deficiency in performance   of the contract  he  had entered  into with the ultimate consumer.  Similarly in  the  cause of action of the complaint, complainant has not shown any cause of action against opposite party No.1 so as to initiate the complaint against it. 

             In the light of  above said legal position the complainant cannot maintain the present complaint against opposite party No.1

            It is a fact that the complainant took the vehicle to opposite party No.2 to 4 on 4-09-2014 and his case is the problem faced with the vehicle  as on that date was the vehicle was not starting immediately   after  pressing the start button.  It is also is contention that two days after the car was returned to him but the same   problem persisted. But the stand of the opposite party No.2 to  4 is the  service engineer at that time itself informed   to the complainant that engine mount, front strut, oil filter gasket and EGR cooler  are required to be  replaced  immediately  as otherwise  the problem with the car will continue  and it is likely to be damaged.  But the  complainant  denies any  such information  to him by the  service engineer.   It appears  the complainant  took the  car to  opposite party No.2 to 4 and at that time he was  informed that a particular part was required to be  replaced  and it would  cost  Rs.30,000 to 40,000/-  hence he gave a consent   to go ahead  with  the replacement  of that particular part expecting the final  invoice would about Rs.40,000/-  but when    he was informed  to  visit the workshop to collect the car after attending repairs  he was shocked  when invoice is placed   in his hand for an  amount of  Rs.3,31,273/- and after discount  as a special  gesture  it was reduced to 1,25,000/-.  Items stated to have been  replaced are mentioned  in said invoice.  Complainant says his consent or approval  was not obtained  by opposite party No.2 to 4 for replacement of the  parts.  A particular  part known as RMFD  Turbo was shown   as replaced  but the same  part was replaced in November, 2012 at a cost of Rs.1,39,860.  Since   he did not give consent or no approval to the service engineer of  opposite party  No. 2 to 4 he refused to pay  Rs.1,25,000/- and he did not  take the car from opposite parties. As a result even as on today car is in the workshop of opposite party  No. 2 to 4. 

          When opposite party  No. 2 to 4 positively  assorts that complainant  approved  and consented  for replacement  of the parts   it is for  them to substance the same.  When the complainant pleads that he neither gave consent nor approved for such replacement of part we cannot expect the positive an evidence to substantiate the same.  Not giving consent or approval is a negative aspect for which one cannot have a positive evidence whereas  an assertion of  obtaining consent and approval is a positive   aspect  for which  one has  to produce  a positive evidence.  It is not in dispute that  the original invoice  raised by opposite party  No. 2 to 4  was for Rs.3,31,237 and it  is quiet a huge amount as far as repairs is concerned.   When opposite party  No. 2 to 4 persisted  to attend repairs  at such  huge cost  they must  have taken  consent or approval from owners of the vehicle in writing.  They cannot say that an oral approval  was secured from the complainant  for it.  Even according  to opposite party  No. 2 to 4 stand  earlier  complainant  sourced some of the parts locally  and because of using such parts  the engine was  cracking.  This itself shows the complainant was not prepared for huge amount   to procure the original spares  and this   fact is known to opposite party  No. 2 to 4  then how can they proceed with  replacing  the damage parts  with original  parts.  The normal procedure is to prepare  an invoice  showing  the estimate for attending repairs  to the vehicle  brought before  them by a customer  and without  an estimation  invoice and without a consent for it from the owner of the vehicle they are not expected to proceed with for attending repairs   involving  huge amount of Rs.3,31,237.  As rightly urged by the complainant  though opposite party  No. 2 to 4 have  raised bill for Rs.3,31,237 they reduced  it to Rs.1,25,000/- and the reasons  given  for it by them is as a goodwill gesture  and  maintain the relationship with the customer  which cannot be believed because the amount reduced   was more than Rs.2,00,000/-  i.,e 60% of the bill amount.  This goes to show  that  opposite party  No. 2 to 4 are in the  habit of raising  the bill  for a  huge amount then reduce as if  some  concession  was given  to the owners of the car.  From  material placed on record  by opposite party No.2 to 4 they have not taken any consent or approval from the complainant  for incurring  huge expenditure  for  repairing the vehicle  hence  the complainant is  not liable  to pay said amount.  That apart  opposite party No.2 to  4 have not  produced the bill   for the purchase of parts from the original  manufacturers.  This also one of the reason  to disbelieve the stand of opposite party No.2 to 4. 

           When the complainant refused to pay the amount of Rs.1,25,000/- and did not take delivery of the car  opposite party No.2 to  4  expected  to cause of notice but they kept silent.   It is the complainant  who caused notice and  in the reply given  opposite party No.2 to  4 have taken a plea that  earlier  also complainant  was informed  to requiring him  to replace the  some  parts for that   also there  is no proof from them. Hence there is no reason to disbelieve the complainant’s version. 

           The complainant  did not pay the invoice  bill  as it was  raised for huge amount without justification  and since he has not paid  the bill amount car was also not taken delivery.   The complainant’s version is he was informed that  likely  expenses for the attending repairs which includes  replacement  of particular part would  be worth of Rs.30,000/- to 40,000/- and believing the same  he gave  consent  hence he is prepared to pay sum of Rs.40,000/-.  Hence complainant liable to pay an amount of Rs.40,000/- to  opposite party No. 2 to 4   and  soon after receiving  it opposite party No. 2 to 4  shall  deliver the  car to the complainant.  Since    they have retained the car all these days opposite party No. 2 to 4    also to pay a sum of Rs.25,000/- to the complainant  as  having caused inconvenience  to him  for all these days.  Accordingly point is answered infavour of the complainant. 


Point No.3: In the result, the complaint is partly allowed

  1. Directing the complainant  to pay a sum of  Rs.40,000/- to  opposite parties 2 to 4  within one month from the date of service of this order and on receipt of  said amount opposite parties 2 to 4 are directed to deliver the car to the complainant.
  2. The opposite parties 2 to 4 are directed to pay a sum of Rs.25,000/- as compensation for causing the delay for all these days.
  3. The opposite parties 2 to 4 further directed to pay a sum of Rs.3,000/- towards  costs of this complaint. 
  4. Complaint against opposite party No.1 is dismissed.

Time for compliance:  one month from the date of  service  of this order

                        Dictated to steno, transcribed and typed by her, pronounced  by us on this the   24th   day of April , 2019




MEMBER                                                                                            PRESIDENT







Exs. filed on behalf of the Complainant:

Ex.A1- Copy of the Registration certificate of the car

Ex.A2- original invoice dt.03-12-2014

Ex.A3- copy of Email

Ex.A4 – original invoice dt.20-11-2012

Ex.A5- copy of email sent to  opposite  parties 2 to 4

Ex.A6 - office copy of the legal notice dt.12-01-2015

Ex.A7 – reply notice  dt.28-1-2015 got issued  by opposite party No.1

Ex.A8 – reply notice  dt.29-1-2015 got issued  by opposite party No.2 to 4

Exs. filed on behalf of the Opposite party  

Ex.B1- previous invoices

Ex.B2 -service job sheet  dt.10-09-2014

Ex.B3 -terms and conditions dt.10-09-2014

Ex.B4 -service job observations dt.10-09-2014

Ex.B5 -job card observations dt.12-09-2014

Ex.B6 - service proforma invoice03-12-2014

Ex.B7- Email to the complainant  

Ex.B8 -email to the complainant

Ex.B9- reply email  by the complainant

Ex.B10- email to the complainant

Ex.B11 -remainder  notice to complainant   dt.30-12-2014

Ex.B12 - legal  notice  dt.12-01-2015

Ex.B13 -reply to legal notice ddt.29-01-2015







MEMBER                                                                                            PRESIDENT



[HON'BLE MR. P. Vijender]
[HON'BLE MRS. D.Nirmala]

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