Dr. Anil Aggarwal filed a consumer case on 12 Aug 2023 against Bhaskar Patil, Director of M/s Boond Engeering & Development Pvt. Ltd. in the Yamunanagar Consumer Court. The case no is CC/171/2020 and the judgment uploaded on 17 Aug 2023.
CC No.171 of 2020.
Dr. Anil Aggarwal Vs. Bhaskar Patil etc.
Present: Sh. Sushil Garg, Adv. for the complainant.
Ms. Rakhi Verma, Adv. for the respondent No.1 and 4.
Respondent No.2 ex-parte.
Sh. Naveen Kumar Kaushal, Adv. for the respondent No.3.
With the efforts of this Commission, parties have entered into compromise and keeping in view even dated separate statement suffered by counsel for the complainant, present complaint is dismissed as withdrawn, with no order as to costs. File be consigned to the records.
Pronounced in Lok Adalat.
Member 12.08.2023.
Typed by: Jitender Sharma, Steno.
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