Vijay Pal S/o Mam Chand filed a consumer case on 21 Sep 2023 against AVIOM India Housing Pvt.Ltd. in the Yamunanagar Consumer Court. The case no is CC/330/2023 and the judgment uploaded on 22 Sep 2023.
CC No.330 of 2023.
Vijay Pal Vs. AVIOM India.
Present: Sh. Rajpal Kait, Adv. for the complainant.
Keeping in view the even dated separate statement suffered by counsel for the complainant, present complaint is hereby dismissed as withdrawn. However, complainant shall be at liberty to file afresh complaint, after removing the technical defect, if any before the Competent Court/Forum. File be consigned to records.
Member DCDRC, YNR,
Typed by: Jitender Sharma, Steno-typist
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